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BSB Hero

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3 Neutral

About BSB Hero

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Netherlands, Breda
  • Interests
    Gaming, reading, watching movies and hanging outside with my mates.
  1. BSB Hero

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    Everyday, more people are coming in to have fun playing DayZ and to coordinate as a team! So, if you are one of those lone wolfs that is getting tired, slowly but surely of playing alone. Check us out! We can make the difference for you!
  2. Anyone found a proper fix yet? This is really taking the piss.
  3. BSB Hero

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    Check out www.bsbnetwork.com/home, Cadmus! Register and sign up, get on teamspeak and you are ready to go!
  4. BSB Hero

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    Yes, we are Kaiokhen!
  5. BSB Hero

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    Yet again, so much people joined and playing together, helping each other and enjoying the game!
  6. BSB Hero


    "Alpha" do you know the meaning of this?
  7. BSB Hero

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    So much people joining and having fun playing DayZ together! Check it out guys.
  8. BSB Hero

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    We have had great responses on this thread, a lot of people joined already!
  9. BSB Hero

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    You have to understand that some of the stories are exaggerated to increase your pleasure when reading it.
  10. BSB Hero

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    Go to www.bsbnetwork.com/home, register and after you have done that, hover your mouse over 'community' and select 'Join Us'. Fill in the form and, there you go! It doesn't matter how new you are, everyone is welcome =)