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1911 are still 1 shot kills on zeds.

aks 74 - 2 shots.

akm - 1 shot.

g17 - better off using the torch in an attempt to burn them or just blind them basically its cr4p, 5 non head shots.

edit update for those who think i cant read.

Current patch & ARMA2_OA_Build_95389 and m1911 WAS still killing with 1 shot (and no not headshots). Having killed around 80 to make sure i can honestly say it was 1 shot kill anywhere on the zombies body. same with AKM 1 shot kill.

I don't think its a server related as I tried 3 or 4 , i'm sure they all weren't stating and recent update for the hell of it.

My character was pre update and the m1911 was also pre update though I can't see how that would matter.

nvm no doubt this post will get more people calling me a liar or similar. :)

Edited by Turk

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me and my friend just got in to a skirmish on the firestation in cherno with 6 ppl on de 188 and i shot and killed their guy cos he shot at me and all his friends started to move in on us 2 against 6 but we killed another guy climbing up the ladder and a 3erd guy crossing the street it was very intens but all of the discoed and left the server it was only us 2 and them they dicoed to gether and while we where looting the one i shot first sniped me from the factory roof 400 meters away they server hoped to get better possion all together we had a total of 6 kills and i died twice so they cheated to get the upper hand and still lost so sad

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isnt it a bit strange?

Every guy who is posting videos or photos here seems to be a murderer

The maximum amount of murderers i got in the whole past was ! 1 !, but allready with 90+ Kills

And you guys have only ->20 Kills but allready 3+ murderers

So now we know whats going wrong with this game ...

okay, need to edit this -> Almost every guy .... ;)

Edited by kettenschutz
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1911 are still 1 shot kills on zeds.

aks 74 - 2 shots.

akm - 1 shot.

g17 - better off using the torch in an attempt to burn them or just blind them basically its cr4p, 5 non head shots.

Either you haven't updated or you're on a server that hasn't updated or both.

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Does someone just answer the question if the helis are in now? Yesterday they said tomorrow which means today! I just want to know if the server(if he is up to date) now spawn helis? thx

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isnt it a bit strange?

Every guy who is posting videos or photos here seems to be a murderer

The maximum amount of murderers i got in the whole past was ! 1 !, but allready with 90+ Kills

And you guys have only ->20 Kills but allready 3+ murderers

So now we know whats going wrong with this game ...

okay, need to edit this -> Almost every guy .... ;)

Couldn't agree more. You've got guys posting their kill counts to brag, these days, and guys putting in apologetic comments when their screenshot kill counts are not high enough.

Ah well.

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Does someone just answer the question if the helis are in now? Yesterday they said tomorrow which means today! I just want to know if the server(if he is up to date) now spawn helis? thx


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I have a fracture but the respawn button is still greyed out. Also my character who died yesterday is alive today with the gear I had just before I died.

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To the guys having graphical artifacting issues, i think its mostly caused by wire fencing kits. We have noticed the issue several times with, mostly occurring in areas with a high volume of kits. I read in a thread a while back that Rocket had resolved the issue with a fixed model, but the problem is most definitely not fixed.

Not had much time to test yet, but from the 5 minute dash in the dark last night, the game feels smoother. I didn't notice any login issues, and i like the DayZ loading screen.

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1911 are still 1 shot kills on zeds.

aks 74 - 2 shots.

akm - 1 shot.

g17 - better off using the torch in an attempt to burn them or just blind them basically its cr4p, 5 non head shots.

I have actually witness that m1911 is not 1 shot. To the head yes. But 2-3 shots to the body.

ak yes is still 2 shots on zeds.

and akm is 2 as well

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What does:

"Battleye warning: caught exception"

repeated about 20 times


I can't even join any game anymore without being kicked with the message "battleye client not responding". I played since tonight with

Edited by punisher.ita

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me and my friend just got in to a skirmish on the firestation in cherno with 6 ppl on de 188 and i shot and killed their guy cos he shot at me and all his friends started to move in on us 2 against 6 but we killed another guy climbing up the ladder and a 3erd guy crossing the street it was very intens but all of the discoed and left the server it was only us 2 and them they dicoed to gether and while we where looting the one i shot first sniped me from the factory roof 400 meters away they server hoped to get better possion all together we had a total of 6 kills and i died twice so they cheated to get the upper hand and still lost so sad

cool story

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BattlEye just updatet... i was ingame and it updatet it self

Same, I was actually logging into a server as it happened.

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1911 are still 1 shot kills on zeds.

aks 74 - 2 shots.

akm - 1 shot.

g17 - better off using the torch in an attempt to burn them or just blind them basically its cr4p, 5 non head shots.

Aren't those the same values pre-BI update?

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What does:

"Battleye warning: caught exception"

repeated about 20 times


I can't even join any game anymore without being kicked with the message "battleye client not responding". I played since tonight with

Just had this happen to me, been playing ok for 3 or more hours - have just managed to get into a server after being kicked 3 times in a row on 3 different servers.

I was originally on a full server when i was kicked i think most of the server was aswell as there were only 5 or 6 people on it when i joined there were 33 and no doubt this had gone up as i joined around 9am.

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me and my friend just got in to a skirmish on the firestation in cherno with 6 ppl on de 188 and i shot and killed their guy cos he shot at me and all his friends started to move in on us 2 against 6 but we killed another guy climbing up the ladder and a 3erd guy crossing the street it was very intens but all of the discoed and left the server it was only us 2 and them they dicoed to gether and while we where looting the one i shot first sniped me from the factory roof 400 meters away they server hoped to get better possion all together we had a total of 6 kills and i died twice so they cheated to get the upper hand and still lost so sad

eh why didn't youtry to avoid a fire fight with a "gang" of 6 to save bullets and your life?

its not Call of Medal Battlefield Honor Duty......

i guess eventually people will play this mod/game as if in a real apocalypse scenario where co operation would dramatically increase your life span rather than flipantly shooting at each other and murdering for absoulutely no reason.

(In b 4 someone says "i wanted his items, i have xray vision and knew what was in his rucksack and although i shot him with a dmr from 100's of meters away i just had to have that superior enfield" yeah yeah if you weren't starving or needed meds for a friend then any other time is just a bs excuse.

Edited by Turk
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Aren't those the same values pre-BI update?

Yes they are. i honestly don't know what he is talking about because all the guns have gotten nerfed and gameplay as been so great since. My m1911 isnt so op anymore and its makes killing zeds a bit more challenging

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With this new update i have noticed a lot of players are having very severe desync issues.

Any hope to getting this fixed?

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z's take 6 bullets to kill now from 1911 and graphical glitches are in every town making the game unplayable at the moment. z's still agro from 100's of meters away and they are still deaf.

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F**k you.

Guess someone was pointing a gun towards you, if not, what you wrote makes no sence.

BTW noone is forcing you to play, if it was up to me all people like you should never sign up on forums, you are not even highlighting any problem you just say "only problem" SAY WHATS BAD GODAMMIT OR YOU ARE NOT EVEN CONTRIBUTING WITH YOUR HATEPOST BLAQIWEYJRRJRWEDF!!!!!!!!RAGEQ.

No soup for you today. Grumpy, are we?

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so is rocket beating off or did Dice/EA take over DayZ? these graphical glitches needs confirmation that they are being adressed.

Edited by Zyfer
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I think the zombie path-finding is a little messed up.. :P

On how many Dayz forums and subforums are you going to post this same video?

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