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North west part of the map.

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I heard that the North west part of the map is a bad place to go, if you wan't to avoid bandits. What is your experience with that part of the map? (North west airfield, Vybor, Stary Sobor and that kind of places places.)

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If you play on low population servers generally Stary and most of the Northwest is fine. However, even if on low population servers I have found the NW Airfield to be dangerous. Me and a friend got there on a server with like 2 other people, and there was someone already there looting it. If you do go to NWA bring a friend so he can do lookout while you loot.

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to a degree. play smart roll slow, watch yer six, and be patient. i hit the nw airfield all the time due to good military loot, and the fact that on the run up there i can usually find a chopper crash or two. just need to watch for awhile. binoc in from a safe distance and if you see zeds, someones there. oh i get killed up there but its usually some server hopping scumbag. but yeah all dangerous all worth it it you make it out

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I agree with Ghost to a degree; however, keep in mind that NWA is only worth the risk if it hasn't been looted to hell. The one time I was there with a friend there was no gunz, no food, no water, and a little bit of useless ammo. I was so disappointed after all the hype about how good the gear is. Which means I was left 2 options. Loot cycle, or look for my gear elsewhere. I went with option 2 due to how dangerous NWA is.

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NW Airfield will always be a risk cause its impossible to cover all angles. Barracks, Fire Station, Hangars are all extremely unsafe and so easy for bandits to be hiding. On top of that, even if you have 5 people covering angles, there is the chance of server hopps. They see you, switch servers and end up behind you.

Also many people are not looting these airfields anymore, they are hiding there waiting for YOU to show up with gear they dont have. Especially at night time, they probably have NVG's and waiting for that one guy with flashlight.

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I suggest approaching Stary with caution. If there are zeds there, don't go there. It might be a good idea to go once loot Stary on a low pop server and then once you know the layout, you can loot it on a high pop server...

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NW airfield is dangerous even if theres 5 people on server becouse of server hopping douchebags. you check the place, you watch it from a distance, you decide to go in, when you are inside someone spawns behind you and bam.

now the NW part of the map have some camps those belongs to other players. If you want to find these camps, you need to know the terrain and it takes time. . I just looted up a tentcity that belongs to someone and got myself a nice nvg and a rangefinder. Also, vehicle hoarders love the NW part of the map to hoarde their stuff so you can blow them all up just dont forget to have yourself a fragnade :D

deerstands along the way probably the most dangerous areas. most of the players come to loot and they act with groups. this is an advantage and disadvantage. you need to know where these deerstands exactly and approach with caution all the time - also be ready to kill. ppl around this are of map wont accept friendlies mostly cuz of their gear.

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Well people sure do agree when it comes to the dangers of that place.

My latest character startet near Elektro, which i left with some nice gear. I then headed towards Berezino, but i didn't find much of use before i had to rush out again. (Market and inner city was crawling with bandits.)

Im now allmost at NWA, but think i will just skip that, seeing as you guys find it pretty dangerous.

What about the cities south of NWA? Vybor, Pustoshka and Zelenogorsk?

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I've found that NW is pretty dangerous. People tend to head up to Stary and NWAF from there, and stop off at zeleno first. Also lots of people searching around the borders for camps and vehicles hidden away. You should be fine if you keep your head down and scope out areas you want to head into first.

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It's pretty hit and miss, the traffic in those areas tends to be pretty focused. You'll see folks heading toward the airfield most often, but the dangerous ones are the ones coming from the direction of the airfield. You can bet your beans they're armed.

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So, i went into the city south of NWA, and even there i found two bandits who just fired a .50 after me the second they spotted me. To my luck, mey evasive moves saved me, and they didn't follow me, or just follow up with a second shot. I see the risk in that part now ^^

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