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About Pexisan

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  1. Hi, I was playing with a buddy of mine on server UK 22 and came across alleged hacker. Name was STBomber. Buddy of mine said that invisible man was killing him (and did). I went to that place with a car and started to look around. The guy went to the car and I hopped in before he could notice. I took screenshots of the car ride and name is visible on the latter scrnshot. I'm the guy sitting on the back seat... You can see that STBombers skins are very odd.... Scrnshots: http://i3.aijaa.com/b/00878/10649815.jpg http://i4.aijaa.com/b/00905/10649816.jpg
  2. You're getting arma2 and dayz versions mixed up. Currently Arma2 is version 1.62.95417 and Dayz is They update separately. You can download the latest patch for arma2 from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php
  3. Pexisan

    Is Mountian Dew any good?

    Nectar of the gods. No mortal is allowed to hold one, so bad luck WILL follow you...
  4. Pexisan

    Isn't this game just great?

    "lost a lot of mediocre junk and died, woe is me", Man up and start again, your tears are just arousing me...
  5. Anyone else here feel that removing the respawn button was totally redundant? The spawn mechanism itself is still the same, so if I get a bad spawn point, I just run towards zombies until they aggro and kill me. After that I can respawn and hope its a better spot. It's just that this doesn't bring realism to game, just adds redundancy to the game experience. Any else feel the same?
  6. Pexisan

    Pending Update: Build

    Zombie spawn points should be fixed. It look kinda dumb when 10 zombies spawn from the same point.... Sometimes in cities the spawning works, but for most small buildings the zombies spawn in clusters...
  7. Pexisan

    Screen Tearing

    Seems like you should read the forum for five minutes before starting a new thread...
  8. Pexisan

    funny moments montage

    Bunny jumping zombie was pretty funny... :D
  9. Pexisan

    Found an L85A2 with NVG

    That's right. L85A2 has both and nv is the default mode...
  10. Pexisan

    Czech pouch has a use!

    Lovin' all these ideas!
  11. You can contemplate your past errors while playing CoD...
  12. Really surprising that the hacker is a 13 year-old helium voiced little kid...
  13. Pexisan

    North west part of the map.

    I suggest approaching Stary with caution. If there are zeds there, don't go there. It might be a good idea to go once loot Stary on a low pop server and then once you know the layout, you can loot it on a high pop server...
  14. I think KoS definitely belongs in this game. I just think it should be just more even. Now sniper rifles are everywhere and half the survivors have AS50 (with or without the duping). I think sniper rifles spawning should be reduced and let the assault rifles rule chernarus. When the enemy is less than 300m away, the firefights are superintense and the outcome can be basically anything... also, more hand grenades...