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Weapon Damage Re-upped

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  • Makarov: 889 damage, down from 2000
  • G17, M9, M9 SD, PDW, MP5A5, MP5SD6, Bizon PP-19 SD: 889 damage, down from 1389
  • Revolver, M1911: 1389 damage, down from 4500
  • M1014, Remington 870, Double-barreled: slugs do 4500 damage, down from 6722
  • Lee Enfield: 6722 damage, down from 12500 (audible range 162m, down from 234m)
  • AK-74, AKS-74U, AKS-74 Kobra: 2722 damage, down from 3555

This has probably been suggested, but with the Arma2 change, I think Damage needs to be increased to where it was before.... Weapons are TOO weak. Z's need what seems like a clip of a Mak to die, revolver and 1911 are too weak, before the level was WAY more balanced. I thought the previous damage was perfect.

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Boohoo, if you want an easier game you should try World of Warcraft

The damage changes does not make the game 'harder', they make it less immersive. Standing, walking, whistling Dixie after being shot with 5 45cal rounds is nothing other than gamey.

Boohoo yourself.

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agreed, that "weapon nerf" is totally ridiculous. Who can take 13 bullets of 9mm in the chest and survive?

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Boohoo, if you want an easier game you should try World of Warcraft

Says the ignorant sniper

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The obvious fix to this problem would be to lower the health of survivors and zombies.

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Boohoo, if you want an easier game you should try World of Warcraft

LOL, more talking realism....doesn't make sense when the damage is too low, it was more normal before, a couple shots from a .45 you are dead... now it takes more than a clip of the 1911 to the body, not realistic, think before you post responses.

PS, the game difficulty isn't an issue, my typical character life is 1 week

Edited by iconoplast

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The obvious fix to this problem would be to lower the health of survivors and zombies.

If we are lucky it will be changed back. It would take the arma community to complain though, have anyone found anything on this topic over on the Arma forums? I have digged and searched, but it is eluding me.

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Boohoo, if you want an easier game you should try World of Warcraft

Other humans are the main enemies in the game, in my opinion this is a PVP game with PVE mixed in at the perfect amount, makes the zombies harder or easier, who cares?

When you make it harder to kill a human, they take more bullets to kill, it doesnt unbalance the game, it will always be balanced between the two forces at war in the game, the human players, so nerfing the guns keeps it actually equal.

I personally prefer the aspect of easy kills with bullets, if you get shot, the pain level is so great that you might as well be dead I think, if anything they don't need to increase weapon damage at all, like the Arma 2 patch did, maybe balance certain guns, but just make the damage head/body/limbs, where head is dead, body knocks you unconscious for a bit with pain, and limbs just disable where you are shot, arms get broken speerate from legs, tweo handed guns cant be shot if your arm is broken and what not, and you can not walk like it is if yer leg is broken.

stuff like that.

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agreed, that "weapon nerf" is totally ridiculous. Who can take 13 bullets of 9mm in the chest and survive?

Or one round of .45ACP, have u got any idea how much stopping power comes from that 1911 in close range...

needed 9 .45ACP rounds for 1 zombie yesterday, irl that zombie would've been a pile of dust by then

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Other humans are the main enemies in the game, in my opinion this is a PVP game with PVE mixed in at the perfect amount, makes the zombies harder or easier, who cares?

When you make it harder to kill a human, they take more bullets to kill, it doesnt unbalance the game, it will always be balanced between the two forces at war in the game, the human players, so nerfing the guns keeps it actually equal.

I personally prefer the aspect of easy kills with bullets, if you get shot, the pain level is so great that you might as well be dead I think, if anything they don't need to increase weapon damage at all, like the Arma 2 patch did, maybe balance certain guns, but just make the damage head/body/limbs, where head is dead, body knocks you unconscious for a bit with pain, and limbs just disable where you are shot, arms get broken speerate from legs, tweo handed guns cant be shot if your arm is broken and what not, and you can not walk like it is if yer leg is broken.

stuff like that.

Don't know if i like the idea of specific breakage of limbs in a shooter, ive had the idea before when thinking of variants of CoD, BF and Arma and i have concluded that it would just be more annoyance than it is worth for realism. the fact that your legs can go out underneath you and ruin your day unless you have morphene and that you can get knocked out, making you an easy kill for Zeds and players alike is plenty enough. I do however think that some weapons need to be buffed back up a little, not to their origional amount, just enough that it isn't stupid (I.e more than one mak mag)

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so wait, the damages were lowered? i know the revolver and 1911 was, but others? i heard it was just a glitch? either way they should be upped big time, not many people can take 7.62 nato round to the chest, it is a freaking battle rifle round!

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you've got the numbers of the weapon nerfs in the first post.

I picked up the 1911 over the others sidearms because it was a 1shot-1kill on zeds. 4 shots to kill a survivor in torso, now we need 9 or so? A sniper-calibered rifle (IE: the dinner bell) doing less damages than a lower-calibered rifle? (IE: dmr, m24)

that update is fucked up. The weapon damages were perfectly balanced before, I don't get what the fuck was wrong with them.

That basically means that every low-tier and mid tier (MP5, AK) are rubbish to defend yourself against a player or a zed (there's still the "headshot" option for the zeds though). Same thing for the slugs! I really wanted, after my death, to play with a shotgun or an smg like a MP5, but now it just looks like i'd better throw rocks at the infected rather than use the MP5... We need a up on the weapon damages, we need them back to their previous level.

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I hate this new change. Literally alerted everyone in Cherno today by using 6 .45 revolver rounds into a zombie...

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The damage changes does not make the game 'harder', they make it less immersive. Standing, walking, whistling Dixie after being shot with 5 45cal rounds is nothing other than gamey.

Boohoo yourself.

This. Why the weapon damage was modded was beyond me. I guess this is a side-effect of an Arma 2 beta patch, as I understand it, but we need this undone in the next DayZ update.

How do I know this needs to be done? In the thousands of rant threads that are posted on this forum, I can't think of any that were about weapon power.

Fix what's broken, and if it ain't broke, don't fuck with it.

Edit: a viable solution, if actually counter-modding the weapon damage isn't possible in DayZ, maybe player/zombie blood levels & relative damage taken could be adjusted.

Edited by NightRipper

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I hate this new change. Literally alerted everyone in Cherno today by using 6 .45 revolver rounds into a zombie...

and no one would have heard just 1 shot?

if you didn't want to alert people, you should have cut through buildings to lose the zombie.

Edited by Blakorr

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Or one round of .45ACP, have u got any idea how much stopping power comes from that 1911 in close range...

needed 9 .45ACP rounds for 1 zombie yesterday, irl that zombie would've been a pile of dust by then

1911 is the best weapon of all time.

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Or one round of .45ACP, have u got any idea how much stopping power comes from that 1911 in close range...

needed 9 .45ACP rounds for 1 zombie yesterday, irl that zombie would've been a pile of dust by then

1911 is the best weapon of all time.

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You guys are all really fucking stupid. They made it more of a reason to use every pistol than just grabbing a revolver or m1911 because it was 1 shot to zombies. And they didn't nerf every gun, it was just the ones that SHOULDN'T do that much damage. Lee Enfield which I can find in almost every barn shouldn't be a 1 shot kill. How about don't suck at this game and get something better than a pistol? If you are trying to shoot players in this game with a pistol than you will die. Learn to find better weapons and stop crying, we all have to play with the nerfed guns.

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You guys are all really fucking stupid. They made it more of a reason to use every pistol than just grabbing a revolver or m1911 because it was 1 shot to zombies. And they didn't nerf every gun, it was just the ones that SHOULDN'T do that much damage. Lee Enfield which I can find in almost every barn shouldn't be a 1 shot kill. How about don't suck at this game and get something better than a pistol? If you are trying to shoot players in this game with a pistol than you will die. Learn to find better weapons and stop crying, we all have to play with the nerfed guns.

It's not about keeping it balanced, it's about keeping it authentic.

Being insulting does not make you right.

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You guys are all really fucking stupid. They made it more of a reason to use every pistol than just grabbing a revolver or m1911 because it was 1 shot to zombies. And they didn't nerf every gun, it was just the ones that SHOULDN'T do that much damage. Lee Enfield which I can find in almost every barn shouldn't be a 1 shot kill. How about don't suck at this game and get something better than a pistol? If you are trying to shoot players in this game with a pistol than you will die. Learn to find better weapons and stop crying, we all have to play with the nerfed guns.

Butthurt much?

And I don't have to play with the nerfed guns - me and my friends have a huge stock of better weapons but hunting survivors that can't really fight back sucks.

Edited by Alsmir

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