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Worst Community Ever

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Welcome to Day Z bro! Where everything and everyone wants you dead!

I swear these people. If it doesn't fall in their lap then they blame everyone else but their own shit skills. You know how often I die? Hardly ever. Same goes for everyone I group with. Do you think your version of the game is different than mine? Nope. The difference here is the caliber of player. Adapt and overcome or rage quit. The choice, as always, is your's.

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His criticism is addressing a real problem in the game so it's pretty valid.

It's hard to tell if your are trolling (the hopefull reality) or just something else with that post (What I am scared is ACTUAL reality)

He adresses nothing, he just called the game stupid and everyone playing it for dbags.

The thread is just spam

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You wanna see Worst community ever? haha Go play Age of Conan. THAT my friend is troll city and you will get bumbarded by trolls that want nothing more than for you to cry and slit your wrists.

Google it, the reputation is KNOWN for worst community ever!

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Go to the Diablo 3 EU Forums, its full of happy go lucky players ......


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These responses further validate that the community is trash. And PR stands for Project Reality. One of the few mods where teamwork is the norm, not the exception.

Edited by malv

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You are clearly not cut out for such an epic game, You should have seen this as a challenge and proudly accepted!

Challenge what? My ability to tolerate pointless looting coupled with anti-social teenage douchebaggery?

This game has no complex element of social interaction because there is no real penalty for killing another player. I was expecting a Left 4 Dead style game with a focus on simulation rather than action. Sadly, I am disappointed as to how shallow this game truly is. Once you get a weapon the zombies aren't that much of a problem. It's all PVP deathmatch nonsense.

To be honest, I expected this game had so many players because it actually offered some amazing gameplay that has never before been seen. This games popularity can explained very simply. Zombies, scarcity, and looting. For some reason people love games where they get to open endless amounts of presents. WHO KNOWS WHAT INSIDE? A gun or some scrap metal? OOOOO... Maybe it's something you need, MAYBE IT ISN'T. Very complex and thought provoking! It taps into that simple animal mind that every ape has.

Wake me up when this game actually captures the complex social/military dynamics of an apocalyptic scenario. There is a bit more to it than just shoot whoever has stuff.

Edited by malv

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You will forever be missed

And I shall forever miss the community.

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Sorry OP, but after examining your post it seems you lack one of the game requirements: -

You will die for all sorts of stupid reasons, and players will kill you. My friend died because he stood up on some stairs yesterday, don't get attached to your stuff.

Balls to play a game?. are you 10?.

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This game most horrible players of any game I've ever played. I spend 30 minutes trying to find a gun to get killed by some fa**ot player who shoots me after I pass on my opportunity to kill him.

Terribly broken crap scavenge game, with a fundamentally broken concept, and terribly broken garbage community, .

Back to PR I go.

Hahaha, nice work buddy, you really thought this 'game' would be full of love, its a bloody zombie apocalypse

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I have to say - this community is the best! I know I have frequent fits o' rage when I get a one line reply that involves "Call of Duty" to something I have been thinking and writing about for hours. Yet, there is another side to the medal. People who do reply sincerely show their love for the game with every post they make! And I'm really trying to understand other positions and re-judge my own.

We bang heads, because we are having difficulties accepting change that may make things worse, not better. We argue on extreme positions, because of the freedom Dayz grants the players. We are trying to survive on these forums just like in the game and the famous "one-line-replies" are like a headshot from in-game item farmers. They come surprising, but not unexpected.

Keep up the headbanging, we will reach common ground or die trying !

Edited by S3V3N
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I raged like hell for half an hour or so, but I came back a couple of times and I'm thoroughly addicted now. My current character has been alive for four days and I didn't shoot any survivors!

Sadly i haven't made it past a day and a half worth of being alived... Always managed to get sniped even when being the most cautious i can be.

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These responses further validate that the community is trash. And PR stands for Project Reality. One of the few mods where teamwork is the norm, not the exception.

Well I think that the DayZ community is trash because it is MEANT to be - the world has gone to shit, you shouldn't expect the same co-opertation you get as on a game based on a military simulation.

Have a read of 'The Road', or watch the film. Co-ooperation is almost nill in that scenario - and I think it is a very good representation of how the community is acting in DayZ. Is it totally fucked-up? Sure it is, death is arbitrary and there is no trust...it is what it is...

Thats not to say I like the status quo - there definatly needs to be change, and there will be. For now though, DayZ is quite accuratly simulating a world without forgivness, remorse, or the tools to eek your way out of this hellish state - enjoy!

Edited by Hoik

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Well I think that the DayZ community is trash because it is MEANT to be - the world has gone to shit, you shouldn't expect the same co-opertation you get as on a game based on a military simulation.

Have a read of 'The Road', or watch the film. Co-ooperation is almost nill in that scenario - and I think it is a very good representation of how the community is acting in DayZ. Is it totally fucked-up? Sure it is, death is arbitrary and there is no trust...it is what it is...

Thats not to say I like the status quo - there definatly needs to be change, and there will be. For now though, DayZ is quite accuratly simulating a world without forgivness, romorse, or the tools to eek your way out of this hellish state - enjoy!

That's bullshit. Most servers I've been on turn this game are far more like a war scenario than a post-apocalyptic scenario because every single person shoots on sight. It might as well be FFA Call of Duty. This is zero mistrust and suspicion in this game because there is no trust or questions about someones intentions in the first place. You can't betray someone who you already know is your enemy. You shoot if you see someone and if you get seen you get shot. This isn't realistic in the slightest, its actually making the game a lot less than what it should be.

This is the type of stuff that makes DayZ awesome. And stuff like this almost NEVER happens because anyone but a new player would just open fire as soon as they saw the bus had spotted them and then the other group would of have to of shot him .

Edited by Huntra

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That's bullshit. Most servers I've been on turn this game are far more like a war scenario than a post-apocalyptic scenario because every single person shoots on sight. It might as well be FFA Call of Duty. This is zero mistrust and suspicion in this game because there is no trust or questions about someones intentions in the first place. You can't betray someone who you already know is your enemy. You shoot if you see someone and if you get seen you get shot. This isn't realistic in the slightest, its actually making the game a lot less than what it should be.

I see your point, but you have to realise that there ARE people out there that dont want to kill others and would prefer co-operation/ interaction (like you from the sounds of it) rather than KOS. But due to the lawless nature of the game (as well as its lack of good/varied communication methods) MANY have succumbed to KoS because thats the only way to ensure their survival (Which IMO means they have taken a hit to their 'humanity')

I think the most you can do to shake your COD blinkers is to realise that, despite the odds, every player does have the potential to be friendly - there is still choice, killing other player does not equal a 'win', and you will get a much more rewarding experience (IMO) trying to engage with others rather than throwing your hands up in defeat - 95% of the time you may end-up with a ventelated skull, but wouldn't it be worth it for that small 5% of interesting interaction?

This is a sandbox that for now has a bare minimum of tools - this will change over time

For now use what tools you have, add some imagination, and remember - the choice is yours...

Edited by Hoik

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OP: You looked for a gun for 30 WHOLE MINUTES?

When I first started, I crawled around for fucking DAYS.

Don't you mean DAYZ? Edited by SleepingHellion

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