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About nick20404

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Arnt you soupposed to be able to respawn if you have a broken limb? I am stuck with a broken leg not bleeding far away from anything that can kill me yet I can't hit the respawn button..
  2. nick20404

    Fix for the artifacting.

    Change it from default to something else then like I said, it doesn't matter what you change it to, stand near the artifacts and change it to another setting they disapeared immediatly for me.
  3. nick20404

    Banditry exploded

    Shoot on site, only people i give a chance to are people without guns in there hands, then I will offer them passage at the cost of 1 can of beans or sardines, if they refuse I execute them on the spot.
  4. nick20404

    Wilderness spawn WTF?!

    I think there is a few wilderness spawns then, I have spawned in the wilderness and was on the shore.
  5. some servers take 20 seconds to log in some take 10 minutes. if you wait a minute or two items will spawn in an area.
  6. nick20404

    i get those black lines in stary only

    while in game change your video memory in graphics to another setting fixed the issue for me I was getting in any time I was near dead zombie boides not the ones u kill but the comestic ones.
  7. nick20404

    Wilderness spawn WTF?!

    You couldn't find 1 thing to drink in 40 mins? next time just walk into a group of zombies and get eatin.
  8. nick20404

    Last 3 people i killed.....

    Ya, unfortently this is a common issue but gives you respect for the people who sit there and accept there death hope they will find some sort of solution.
  9. nick20404

    Blew up 3 dupers

    ya your probably right, i waited there for awhile but they never returned for there gear so I assume then they had a few more tents with 3 m4's 18 mags and 3 nvgs.
  10. nick20404

    Blew up 3 dupers

  11. nick20404

    Blew up 3 dupers

    ^they had coyote packs not backpacks, I am sure they all found m4a1 sds 6 mags each and a pair of nvgs and thats it laying around but couldn't find a better pack.
  12. nick20404

    Blew up 3 dupers

    thx bro
  13. nick20404

    Are ghillies back in the new update?

    ya I went into 2 cafes in cherno and found 2 just laying in the rooms, so they seem pretty common now or I just got lucky.
  14. nick20404

    Blew up 3 dupers

    So I was in cherno on a night server just wandering looking for poor souls to kill, I was behind the north hospital behind a concrete fence, I seen 3 guys duck walking behind the hospital and hide in the corner, I had 2 hand grenades on me, so I quickly threw one at them. having not thrown a grenade before i over estiamted my target and my grenade flew over the hospital and far away and blew, this freaked them out so they all laid down and grouped up, got my second grenade and tossed it at them this time landing right infront of them killing 2 instantly, the other ran off and bled out in the woods. When I got around to checking there bodies all 3 had coyote packs and some nice inventorys, m4a1 cco SD's on all of them plus 6 mags each and NV goggles, hid there bodies so they wouldn't be able to get there stuff but I assume they will dupe it again was pretty funny though.
  15. nick20404

    Fix for the artifacting.

    just change your video memory option to default or something other then what it is, when I did it all the artifacts went away.