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Why should I be playing this mod furthermore..

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So I have played this mod for over a month now.. My character has been alive for 26 dayz , I have 900 zombies killed and 21 murders + 11 bandits killed.. I have found a chopper and I have found almost every vehicle.. I've played alone and I've played with friends.. I have the best gear in the game.. (Me and my 2 friends have 3 L85 AWS combined, also left about 10 AS50's).. Through this process I barely had fun..

I am utterly outbored with this mod.. I feel that it's extremely overrated and just plain boring.. Meh, it was fun the first few hours but then it just became repetetive.... PVP is extremely boring which every1 said was the end game.. Although I feel that the end game is finding the best gear, really..

There is nothing left to do with this mod and I just don't understand why people praise this mod so much..

It's not even fun, you know.. Could have some improvements here and there but I could care less as ArmA 2 is so broken even 3 years after release..

So I am asking here, Why the hell should I keep playing this mod and what is there to do left..

Honestly, I've never seen something so overrated since Lil Wayne.

Edited by camperJM
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What everyone else does. Snipe Noobs on the coast. /sarcasm

Edited by Ratfever
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Have you got a "base camp" setup ? - with vehicles / food / protection.

Have you formed a type of government over the area you are in ?

There is a lot to this game that gets missed because of people getting too wound up into PvP battle, which is fun, but yes it does get "old" if you don't have an "ultimate" objective.

And most importantly of all if your leaving .... Can I haz your stuff ?

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Go out, do something productive...

Hunt people at the shore (trust me it's fun)

Horde vehicles.... I also heard Helicopters were coming in soon enough (;

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Have you got a "base camp" setup ? - with vehicles / food / protection.

Have you formed a type of government over the area you are in ?

There is a lot to this game that gets missed because of people getting too wound up into PvP battle, which is fun, but yes it does get "old" if you don't have an "ultimate" objective.

And most importantly of all if your leaving .... Can I haz your stuff ?

You don't want his stuff, trust me you feel 10000000x more professional if you find it yourself ;D

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Somebody plays every bit of content in an Alpha---evidently enjoying it else why continue?---and then decides the mod is boring when he runs out of content.


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So I have played this mod for over a month now.. My character has been alive for 26 dayz , I have 900 zombies killed and 21 murders + 11 bandits killed.. I have found a chopper and I have found almost every vehicle.. I've played alone and I've played with friends.. I have the best gear in the game.. (Me and my 2 friends have 3 L85 AWS combined, also left about 10 AS50's).. Through this process I barely had fun..

I am utterly outbored with this mod.. I feel that it's extremely overrated and just plain boring.. Meh, it was fun the first few hours but then it just became repetetive.... PVP is extremely boring which every1 said was the end game.. Although I feel that the end game is finding the best gear, really..

There is nothing left to do with this mod and I just don't understand why people praise this mod so much..

It's not even fun, you know.. Could have some improvements here and there but I could care less as ArmA 2 is so broken even 3 years after release..

So I am asking here, Why the hell should I keep playing this mod and what is there to do left..

Honestly, I've never seen something so overrated since Lil Wayne.

Don't keep playing...

If you really need to come moan and groan on the forums, hoping that someone will give you an answer to a question that you have already answered yourself...well, then just stop playing and move along.

Edited by TyRobot
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So you had fun for a few hours, yet played for a month with a 26 day old character?

Here is what you should do;

Get a life.

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Go out their and create an experience for yourself, do something you wouldnt normally do with friends or solo it doesnt matter, maybe go cross country on a dirtbike or something. Their is no end game because the game never ends theirs just different experiences out their waiting to experience.

But if you honestly deep down inside can't find any more fun in this game well then maybe you should go try something else and come back in a few weeks or so when you say "Hey I wonder whats going on in DayZ nowadays"

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how are people retaining all this gear when it seems that tents and vehicles wipe their inventory constantly?!??!?!?! Not to mention people raiding camps all the time.

OP must be playing on a server with 10 people or a clan one that is PW protected. lol.

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Bored player is bored player. Boregasm.

Plenty of challenges in this thread for you bored player, try and start a medic team and help out..only equip yourself with a pistol as self defense, you will be carrying so much first aid equipment you will not have room for any other ammo anyway. Create a safe haven settlement. Stack meat, drinks and non pvp gear in tents for people passing through. Create a vehicle stash and tell people where it is then govern it, tell them only one car per four people. Try and control that with a small group ..there plenty more you could do but i need to go home and have a friday night alcoholic beverage with a side order of salad. ;)

PvP is not end game, its just the route people go down because they are so used to it in our gaming culture.


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Somebody plays every bit of content in an Alpha---evidently enjoying it else why continue?---and then decides the mod is boring when he runs out of content.



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how are people retaining all this gear when it seems that tents and vehicles wipe their inventory constantly?!??!?!?! Not to mention people raiding camps all the time.

OP must be playing on a server with 10 people or a clan one that is PW protected. lol.

Not sure where you play but my friends and I keep all of our extra gear and weapons in an Ural and it hasn't lost anything for.... ever

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So I have played this mod for over a month now.. My character has been alive for 26 dayz , I have 900 zombies killed and 21 murders + 11 bandits killed.. I have found a chopper and I have found almost every vehicle.. I've played alone and I've played with friends.. I have the best gear in the game.. (Me and my 2 friends have 3 L85 AWS combined, also left about 10 AS50's).. Through this process I barely had fun..

I am utterly outbored with this mod.. I feel that it's extremely overrated and just plain boring.. Meh, it was fun the first few hours but then it just became repetetive.... PVP is extremely boring which every1 said was the end game.. Although I feel that the end game is finding the best gear, really..

There is nothing left to do with this mod and I just don't understand why people praise this mod so much..

It's not even fun, you know.. Could have some improvements here and there but I could care less as ArmA 2 is so broken even 3 years after release..

So I am asking here, Why the hell should I keep playing this mod and what is there to do left..

Honestly, I've never seen something so overrated since Lil Wayne.

You shouldnt. Just quit.

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