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About TheDoctorCalvin

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. TheDoctorCalvin

    alt f4'rs should abort life altogether

    Calm down man. I'm pretty sure most of us have left the game at the first sight of trouble. Yeah, I know it is irritating for the first 5 minutes.
  2. TheDoctorCalvin

    Why do people do it?

    Well I have never done it personally, but I have been shot at 2 minutes after a fresh spawn. I can say it sucks, but luckily the guy was a terrible shot. Plain and simple, people do it for the laughs.
  3. TheDoctorCalvin

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    A real question is why are there millions of hatchets and windshield glass all over this virtual world? At times I feel like Russia's main manufactured goods are hatchets and windshield glass. My suggestion to you is to take a deep breath and get over it. I personally enjoy the large amount of guns in the game. I have made it a goal to find and collect all the guns in the game with ammo.
  4. TheDoctorCalvin

    kill me at bor barn

    You can kill yourself very easily. Just log in and go do something else for a half hour to an hour, maybe longer. I'm sure you will lose all your bloods from dehydration and starvation.
  5. Kill yourself, start a new character, and play only at night. Night time game play changes the experience extremely.