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I almost made it!!!!!! Running Ducks, i need a clan

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iv been playn day z for bout a week , been doing well, just had a survivor 4 2 days headed up north, found sum 4 fuckers tryna hunt me down in zelen, but they cudnt see me,none of them had night vision, ,bt i saw them being cunts, so i booked out passed vyber city, got to the edge of the airfield looted the first barracks, then i crossed over n as soon as my big toe touched the tarmac,GUNSHOT, shit im like is dat a gunshot, i drop my chemlight, try make a move then BoooMMMMM HeadShot, my balls fell off n i broke my legs, i was fuckn pissed , tuk me a span to get there sneaking shit then i die from camping hacker cunt mother fucker bt i got ova it man, im not sure whether it was a sniper becouse it was a silenced weapon, but he wasnt around me, so i need a fucking clan to vy to the airfield loot that motherfucker, n kill all campers

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? wth did i just try to read ?

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My favourite part was where OPs balls fell off. This game is waaaaay too realistic.

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  On 7/27/2012 at 1:03 AM, Tatakt said:

? wth did i just try to read ?

I think my translator is broken as well....

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You ran on NW Airfield with a chemlight in hand? You must be a very brave man.

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  On 7/27/2012 at 1:02 AM, kitso said:

iv been playn day z for bout a week , been doing well, just had a survivor 4 2 days headed up north, found sum 4 fuckers tryna hunt me down in zelen, but they cudnt see me,none of them had night vision, ,bt i saw them being cunts, so i booked out passed vyber city, got to the edge of the airfield looted the first barracks, then i crossed over n as soon as my big toe touched the tarmac,GUNSHOT, shit im like is dat a gunshot, i drop my chemlight, try make a move then BoooMMMMM HeadShot, my balls fell off n i broke my legs, i was fuckn pissed , tuk me a span to get there sneaking shit then i die from camping hacker cunt mother fucker bt i got ova it man, im not sure whether it was a sniper becouse it was a silenced weapon, but he wasnt around me, so i need a fucking clan to vy to the airfield loot that motherfucker, n kill all campers

What?? Make sense please! this is not a text message and it would be nice to see some proper English.

With that said, yeah it sucks to be killed after all that hard work, but that is the way of the sword. Next time, do not use the chemlight so carelessly

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i was night time bruv like 11pm , u can only see it from 35 metres away

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All I have to say that it is a game and you will lose. Kind of your fault for going their in the first place and as it is said, "no risk, no reward". Good Luck.

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You need a clan? Seeing how you write, try the Wu Tang Clan.

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Why did you get out a chemlight?

Its better to throw it out in the field or something. Otherwise you are beaconed.

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man u know how dark gets at night it was on my weopon plus the airfield is full of those army zombie, so i needed light to avoid thaat, i got killed by sum campers , 11pm

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  On 7/27/2012 at 1:15 AM, kitso said:
London? Do you live in England? I hope not, since you haven't typed a single sentence of English since you started this thread.
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  On 7/27/2012 at 1:05 AM, Terrorviktor said:

You ran on NW Airfield with a chemlight in hand? You must be a very brave man.

Exactly what i was going to say. I like how he thinks its a hacker when he had a chemlight highlighting his position, plus the sniper could have had NV

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well bruv y u rnnin to da nw field wiv light off chem yo.. all luminated n shiznit ? soun laike u needn to git yur fukn game face on yo. Camper wreck yo party and now you smilez not.11.41 am

oh yeh..book yo ass to babelfish..translate from full street hood txt to standard forum English.

fuk my shinizzle.. dis place sumtimz eh.

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I am genuinely interested in how one acts as a cunt as you saw them 4 fuckers tryna hunt u down acting as such.

EDIT: And yeah, I know how you act like a cunt... just not how you can observe four guys being cunts from a distance like that.

Edited by Terrorviktor

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I hear your pain, situations like that suck. I lol'd at the chem-light part, but it is true; the chem's light isn't clearly visible for a good 30+ yards.

I'm just shocked that you HAD the balls to hit up a barracks without nvg on a night time server.

p.s. I dare ask what weapon you were using. Crossbow maybe?

Edited by Sequisha

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  On 7/27/2012 at 1:15 AM, kitso said:

i was night time bruv like 11pm , u can only see it from 35 metres away

You are wrong, we sniper, and nvg owner can see at 1km, sniper only see a "colored point" AND nvg see like a minilare

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Quick tip, don't run across the runway. Sneak around the back and stay in the trees. You will get a lot closer

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  On 7/27/2012 at 1:02 AM, kitso said:

iv been playn day z for bout a week , been doing well, just had a survivor 4 2 days headed up north, found sum 4 fuckers tryna hunt me down in zelen, but they cudnt see me,none of them had night vision, ,bt i saw them being cunts, so i booked out passed vyber city, got to the edge of the airfield looted the first barracks, then i crossed over n as soon as my big toe touched the tarmac,GUNSHOT, shit im like is dat a gunshot, i drop my chemlight, try make a move then BoooMMMMM HeadShot, my balls fell off n i broke my legs, i was fuckn pissed , tuk me a span to get there sneaking shit then i die from camping hacker cunt mother fucker bt i got ova it man, im not sure whether it was a sniper becouse it was a silenced weapon, but he wasnt around me, so i need a fucking clan to vy to the airfield loot that motherfucker, n kill all campers

I've been playing dayZ for about a week, I have been doing well surviving for 2 days heading up north. Found 4 miscreants trying to hunt me down in Zelen, but they could not see me, as none of them had night vision. But I witnessed various shenanigans so I fled, got to the edge of the airfield and looted the first barracks. Than I crossed over and as soon as my big toe touched the tarmac, GUNSHOT. Oh Lordy, that is a gunshot says I, so I drop my chemlight, try to make a move than BOOM. Headshot. My balls fell off and I broke my legs. I was very much upset. Took me a span to get there sneaking and I die from a camping gentleman mother lover, but I am over it now. I'm not sure whether it was a sniper because it was a silenced weapon, but he wasn't around me. So I would like to request to join a clan to travel to the airfield, loot the place, and kill any campers we see.

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