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<GMSradio.net> Green Mountain Survivors - The Radio Station of the Apocalypse.

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Camp Location: US 1038 | Green Mountain (036, 093)


Have you ever wanted to be part of something more in Day Z? Have you ever wondered if there was organization out in this baron wasteland? Have you ever longed to get away from the lonely Chernarus beaches to become part of something more? Wonder no longer, because your questions are soon to be answered. Green Mountain Survivors is a Day Z clan dedicated to providing Tactical Team-Biased gameplay whilst being brought together by a common interest: Green Mountain Survivor Radio. Clan news and announcements as well as warnings and server news will be broadcasted on the station while in-game. Listeners and clan members will have accesses to the camp to provide a social an environment and home-base. We hope to provide a friendly Anti-Bandit community who can work together to gather supplies and simply just get to know each other.

​ Camp Rules:

  • You MUST approach the camp on the dirt roads, if you approach in the (bear trap infested) forest you will be given a warning when our snipers spot you, and if you do not reply you will be shot and killed.
  • You must be WALKING at ALL TIMES when within 100m of the camp; it's a good idea to just walk as soon as you start seeing road blacks to avoid being seen as a hostile.
  • You will be REQUIRED to check in your weapons and ammo at the front gate; you will be allowed to recollect them at any time when you leave, and they will be guarded by snipers at all times.
  • When approaching the camp, it's a good idea to give us (GMS) a heads up in side chat that you are friendly so we can inform you if there are any known hostiles in the area that you need to be concerned about and give further instruction.
  • NEVER enter a vehicle without explicity permission, or you will be shot instantly.
  • NEVER open a tent unless you have been given permission, it's your own, or you're trading / bartering for items.


​ Join Requirements:

  • A WORKING Microphone to use in TeamSpeak.
  • Anti-Bandit, friendly, helpful mentality.
  • Not being afraid to die for the greater good.
  • Active, online at least 3 times a week.
  • Maturity, don't be an idiot.


IRL Information





Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:

Game Information


Steam ID (if applicable):

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?:

Edited by Guest

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Here's a slightly outdated image of the camp.


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IRL Information:

Name: Avery

Age: 21

Location: Florida

Timezone:GMT +5


Game Information

IGN: nolraitru

Steam ID (if applicable): iCharmander

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Unknown (See next question)

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): Honestly, I've been playing this game for only about a week or so. I'm not quite sure where to find anything, other than a hatchet; and if I'm lucky, some food. I really just want to get together with a group that's willing to help me out at any point. I'm not looking for hand outs or anything, just to say that now. You guys just seem to be a group that's really great to get in with. A server that all of us play on, and everything else that comes with that.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I don't really have any skills when it comes to in-game things. The only thing I can think of, that could help at any point in time, is that I am an absolute grammar geek. There's nothing else about me that really stands out as something that could be considered useful.

Thanks in advance for considering me :)

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Will this server disable global? Kind of silly to have it enabled :P

Also, say a group of survivors wanted to come by and have a barter with some of the camp's members, would this be possible?

Any vehicles-for-rent?

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Will this server disable global? Kind of silly to have it enabled :P

Also, say a group of survivors wanted to come by and have a barter with some of the camp's members, would this be possible?

Any vehicles-for-rent?

Hey Fowler,

  • We personally feel it's needed, it allows us to contact players who are 700-800m out from us and we have sites on to confirm they're friendly and give them further instruction.
  • Yup it's perfectly possible and very common. I'm making a graphic for the "camp rules" at the moment, as long as they're followed everyone is allowed inside :).
  • Not at this time we're afraid!

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Name: Chris M.

Age: 25

Location: Clearlake, CA

In game name: Cmall1113

Steam Id: Cmall1113

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Anything that's needed to help the clan, but if you need a general idea of the classes i've played in other games it'd be a sniper or recon based role.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I want to finally contribute my time and effort towards helping other survivors instead of worrying solely about myself. Being a lone wolf gets old after a while.Also I've played on the server a few times and really enjoyed how active the members and fellow players were in chat.

What can you offer to the clan: Humor and countless hours of game time to accompany any of the clan members that need my help to back them up while getting supplies or helping other downed members. Im extremely malleable when it comes to any role that's needed to help the clan.

Edited by Cmall1113

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Location: Alaska


Do you meet all the requirements? If not which ones are you missing and why: I fulfill all the requirements. Teamspeak name is the same as my ingame name.

In game name:Servebotfrank

Steam Id:Gateott

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Scavenger though I can adapt to most any given situation quickly

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I would like to join because I have been a lone wolf for quite some time now. It would be nice to have some people watching my back for a change and not having to worry about being betrayed. Building a community in a game where civilization is shattered sounds great. Just like what humans in the Walking Dead go through day after day.

What can you offer to the clan: I have plenty of food and I'm really efficient at getting in towns and out quick and without being spotted. I only take what's needed and try not to get greedy and attempt to take everything in a town even when the odds are stacked against me. I avoid popular loot areas though I am not afraid to occasionally loot those areas. I share and am friendly with other survivors. Probably my big weakness is that I'm really trusting. That has been my downfall on numerous occasions.

Edited by servebotfrank

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Name: Joshua

Age: 16

Location: Australia

Timezone: UTC +10:00

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:

I believe I meet the requirements. I play usually daily.

Game Information

IGN: Motocross

Steam ID (if applicable): Motocross=dogger

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I am more of a CQC/ASSAULT Person, but I am proficient in sniping and spotting as well as I have years of arma experience with mates.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): Well, chernarus is a tough unforgiving place to be if alone, really the only time my friends plays are weekends and for not very long. I would like a strong focused and open group to join and become one in their ranks, for the better of the group and all out game play. I believe my run and gun days are long past, for a while I believed it was shoot or be shot, but I have started to notice it is a very open world, with frankly few who actual want to harm you. I want to be one of those people who can stand there and say '' I am here to help mate. '' Cheers.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: As my position mentioned, I am very good with handling arrays of roles, I know the ropes for all gun types as I try to experiment as much as possible when playing private games. I am also failry cool under pressure, and I am just all around a nice guy. If you get to know me, I have been known from friends to go out of my way to help and that's why I have them now. I want to help.

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Processed applications, going to sleep soon :P.

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Sorry I missed the post in the other thread that the applications have moved here. Repost:

IRL Information

Name: Drew

Age: 35

Location: IL

Timezone: Central Time

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:

I'm pretty sure that I meet all requirements listed. I have played on the server for a bit of time and don't think I've been an idiot or asshole to anyone.

Game Information

IGN: Starhawk

Steam ID (if applicable): Airwren77

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I'm open to any role that may be needed though I may be best suited for medic or assault at this point in my DayZ learning.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I've been playing on the server for some time and it appears that GMS has a fun group of people playing together. I prefer to play with folks who are interested in helping others rather than banditry. I have also found that GMS members have been very helpful in answering questions and giving general game tips which has been a huge help. I like to have fun in the game and I feel that I would enjoy helping the clan.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I have a good working knowledge of the game and the map. I am also the type of person who is willing to learn from others and practice to improve my skills. Lastly, I'm someone who has no problem taking orders as well as giving them. If you need someone who will just pitch in and help where needed then I'd be a good selection. I also have no problem spending large amounts of time hunting for supplies and gear.

Edited by Airwren

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IRL Information

Name: Simon Fischer


Location: Ontario, Canada

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (-5)

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: All good there.

Game Information

IGN: Argent

Steam ID (if applicable): argentfan

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Silent Killer (Use a crossbow to pick off single zombies without alerting others)

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I'm pretty new to the game to be perfectly honest. Very familiar with shooters both on my PC and my PS3 however. But when I got Dayz I was getting the humongous vibe really early on that basically everyone is a bandit or will shoot you because they're scared of bandits. So when I saw this post for your group and your not like that I became very interested. Also your location itself is really appealing because I'm not a big fan of the coast. To top it all off, your organized.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?:

Well I'm a very strategic thinker, which is to say I'm not going to run off half cocked in the middle of a run. I'm very level headed, so I don't get mad over little things. I tend to stretch out what I have for example using crossbows saves ammo. That's about all I have, I wish I could make a better case for myself, but I hope your interested and will give me a trial run any ways.

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IRL Information

Name: Ashton

Age: 13

Location: California

Timezone: Pacific Standard

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: I believe I have met all of the requirements.

Game Information

IGN: Dead on Arrival

Steam ID (if applicable): michaeljgrogan

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Any role is acceptable to me, but I think field medic would be an interesting role to play.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I would like to join as I find solo play not boring, but tedious. I tend to enjoy a game much more if I have friends or a group to play with, due to much more social interaction. DayZ to me seems much more group oriented than "lone wolf" oriented, as once you get good gear, you are practically set with nothing better to do than snipe fresh spawns outside of Elektro (not that I've ever actually done that). I would also like to have a known "friendly" group I can come to if things get a bit too feisty down in the cities.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I can offer an active, mature (I understand age is of concern) player that can contribute to the group by scavenging for supplies and other items, as well as contributing socially.

Edited by Dead on Arrival

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Wow, looks good.

IRL Information

Name: Roy

Age: 27

Location: Ireland

Timezone: GMT

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Meet them all.

Game Information

IGN: CruelCoin

Steam ID (if applicable): CruelCoin

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Forager. I'm a natural hoarder in any games i play, and would fit best into a scout/forager/supply role. You should see my Lydia in Skyrim. Poor girl is carrying at least 3 tonnes worth of gear.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):

This game is best suited for team play. Lone survivors can do ok, but generally come off the worst for wear when they meet a group. In a survival state apocalypse, strength in numbers is key.

I love the idea of an in-game island of order in a chaotic world. I can be a little draining to be under constant stress, knowing that you are NEVER safe anywhee in the world. This doesn't help those with limited/fractured playtime, and the majority of their play will be dominated by set-up time and not by fun based play. An island of peace would greatly aid me in playing for 30 mins, logging for 2 hours, and then coming back from 30 mins, etc.

I'm pretty new to the game, only having clocked up 5/6 hours or so, but what i've seen so far is amazing. I have no doubt that in future, team based mechanics will be added to the mod, but untill then, independent efforts like yours are great.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Patient, honest, good at picking my moments which suits this game well. I used to run my own Minecraft server, and well know the annoyance of griefers, and will avoid behaviour like that like the plague.

Dying for the cause is no issue for me. Provided i get a chance to occasionaly be the one not doing the dying, then this is fine by me.

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IRL Information





Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:Yes

In game name:Jelly

Steam Id:Jelly

Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc):Which ever is needed the most-I am new to the game but I can quickly learn.

Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) :I have played the game for a few days now and from my experience so far it seems that in this game it is had to find people I can trust not to kill me on sight and people to talk with and have fun so joining a clan/group/community seems to be a good thing to do but most of all i enjoy working as a team.

What can you offer to the clan: I keep dieing -mostly from bandits so i don`t have equipment or vehicles I can give but I am good in a team, enjoy helping others, will listen to people and have experience working in a group from other games that require team work.

Edited by amiadush

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IRL Information

Name: Fábio

Age: 21

Location: Portugal

Timezone: GMT 0+

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Yes I do meet all the requirements.

Game Information

IGN: Kronikx5

Steam ID (if applicable): Kronikx5

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Assault, Sniper.

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): First of all, I'd like to be in a really organized group, I like the idea of the camp in Green Mountain, and seems pretty cool and pretty well made, ultimately I would like to be useful for the group and have some good times in it!

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I can shoot pretty well (not the best in the group I'm sure) but i can take off some heads. I play some other mod for arma 2 so I pretty much know the map. I'm friendly with people and I'm very organized IRL and IG.


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Have fun having a hacker come into your camp in a heli/jet and nuking it... I'll laugh if that actually happens.

Edited by killerdude765

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Have fun having a hacker come into your camp in a heli/jet and nuking it... I'll laugh if that actually happens.

Thanks mate.. Ill lmao when you finally die IRL

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Name: John Harris

Age: 25

Location: USA

Timezone: East

Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: yea

Game Information


Steam ID (if applicable):johnharris90

Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):what ever the group needs me to do

Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):well been playin this game alot for the past few days but only as a lone wolf. Your group sounds like a way to take this game to the next lvl.Working together for the greater good of all just sounds like a blast to me.

What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?:The mind set to do what it takes to help the group

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Have fun having a hacker come into your camp in a heli/jet and nuking it... I'll laugh if that actually happens.

It's happened a few times now lol.

  1. We shot the chopper hacker down from 400m, got some nice loots.
  2. We rolled back the server by performing a forced shutdown when the hacker just did a straight out nuke.

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What`s the normal time for the server to come online?

Once a fair amount of members are online we put it up, it then stays up for the remained of the day until early the next morning when the last members go to sleep; this is to avoid, obviously, mass hackings / griefings of the server while admins are away.

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