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Spawn next to friends???

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I think it would be a great idea if you could put together squads like in battlefield 3 where you can spawn next to your friends...

Edited by solidsnake808
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How many people more are going to try and shove BF3 and CoD into DayZ's ass?

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well, i only suggested it because its hard to find your friends when you play. 25% of the game is trying to find your friend/ logging in and out to a nearby area. its not good. something along the lines of spawning next to your friend would be nice. maybe just once when u first start?

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Too fucking bad. It doesn't suit the overall unforgiving game mechanics of the mod. Walking long distances is just a part of the mod.

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No, and no. Its a survival game, not an action FPS.

25% of finding friends, 25% of walking up north 25% of dicking around/getting loot 25% of starting agian.

Welcome to DayZ. Enjoy the fun of getting picked off and trying to find your friends again. I mean you dont even haft to start looking for them, you COULD raid elektro/cherno for gear THEN go find them.

Or mix it up. Pick up a hatchet and go on a mass killing spree. Just have fun.

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I agree and disagree... of course. Meeting up with your friends can be a massive pain, but spawning as a group is potentially destabilizing.

Yeah, I hate taking 5 to 10 minutes to meet up, but the random spawn point keeps the game from becoming a complete deathmatch.

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It's part of the game, and I like it.

In fact I think dieing should be even harsher, like getting a 15 min ban on that server, so you'll have to switch server and cannot come back to friends if you want to continue surviving. I think this would force new spawns to be more social and cooperate more, instead of just hanging with the clan.

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Imagine meeting up with friends if all of these stamina/ and weight ideas are implemented. Welcome to XCR Sim 2012 . The hottest name in the cross-country game.

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no, it would absolutely ruin the game. a clan could just spread out in every direction to look for chopper crashes and then all warp to the crash site when someone finds one.

Edited by Blakorr

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I believe that since it is possible to simply kill your character and remake until you are in an area you desire that the ability to chose a spawn zone (Example: Near Cherno) may be the answer. It would improve server stability and make the 15-25 minutes searching for your friends to 5-15 minutes. This game requires your friends to survive.

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I believe that since it is possible to simply kill your character and remake until you are in an area you desire that the ability to chose a spawn zone (Example: Near Cherno) may be the answer. It would improve server stability and make the 15-25 minutes searching for your friends to 5-15 minutes. This game requires your friends to survive.

thank you, i agree. I think that is a great compromise, making it easier to meet with friends which makes the game twice as fun, yet also holding on to the survival aspect of the game. good comment

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No, reason is because hay lets spawn with friend or now lets spawn with hole clan on the same spot, on the same server, umm 1. That is unfair to almost everyone anywhere near the location and 2. I do not know much about servers but im sure a bunch of people spawning in at the same time would almost kill the server or serverly lag it.

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thank you, i agree. I think that is a great compromise, making it easier to meet with friends which makes the game twice as fun, yet also holding on to the survival aspect of the game. good comment

I also agree with that. I will make several spawns all over the coast. It will keep the survivor aspect intact but also giving that free option to choose your best starting point.

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no, it would absolutely ruin the game. a clan could just spread out in every direction to look for chopper crashes and then all warp to the crash site when someone finds one.

i dont think thats what the OP ment. I think it would be a good idea to let new characters spawn together. I dont really like spending 15-20 minutes running to meet someone then get shot 5 minutes later and having to do it all over again

what i dont think should happen is just what you said, let existing players warping to exisiting players

keep it to just new created characters

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i dont think thats what the OP ment. I think it would be a good idea to let new characters spawn together. I dont really like spending 15-20 minutes running to meet someone then get shot 5 minutes later and having to do it all over again

what i dont think should happen is just what you said, let existing players warping to exisiting players

keep it to just new created characters

I agree 200%

Just for new characters

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No - being alone and disorientated is a major part of the Respawn. Spawning with friends cheapens Death, when death should be a major hindrance not just and inconvenience.

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No - being alone and disorientated is a major part of the Respawn. Spawning with friends cheapens Death, when death should be a major hindrance not just and inconvenience.

lol so losing all your gear that you have isnt a major hinderance? not sure what game your playing but thats the single bigest hinderance in the game. Being able to quickly get to a friend that you wanna play with only helps the gaming experience...if you dont wanna use the feature and wanna do it your own way, thats fine, but why make it the only way. People play this mod to get different things out of it. What you get out of the game and what I get out of game is two totally different things, but why can dont of us get enjoyment out of it,

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well, i only suggested it because its hard to find your friends when you play. 25% of the game is trying to find your friend/ logging in and out to a nearby area. its not good. something along the lines of spawning next to your friend would be nice. maybe just once when u first start?

But these are the things that make DayZ so much fun.... you died, you need to get back to your friends... Its like a self generated missions.

Mission 1:: once respawned on the coast, get your bearings and locate your friends. Along the way loot towns for essential supplies, search for weapons and tools to help your group etc etc

This ain't EA bro.

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But these are the things that make DayZ so much fun.... you died, you need to get back to your friends... Its like a self generated missions.

Mission 1:: once respawned on the coast, get your bearings and locate your friends. Along the way loot towns for essential supplies, search for weapons and tools to help your group etc etc

This ain't EA bro.

thats your opinion...what makes the game fun for you might not make the game for other people. If you like getting your bearing and going to find your friend, thats fine. Many people dont like that and would rather spawn with their friend, then go gear up. Whats wrong with have it both ways? nothing

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This would only work if the ENTIRE GROUP were spawning from the first time.

After that it wouldn't be fair, they would have to walk to reach each other.

That's what i think, anyway.

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lol so losing all your gear that you have isnt a major hinderance? not sure what game your playing but thats the single bigest hinderance in the game. Being able to quickly get to a friend that you wanna play with only helps the gaming experience...if you dont wanna use the feature and wanna do it your own way, thats fine, but why make it the only way. People play this mod to get different things out of it. What you get out of the game and what I get out of game is two totally different things, but why can dont of us get enjoyment out of it,

I understand you want to play with friends but isnt finding your friend part of the experience? Like i said, staying alive should be the priority and so death does need some kind of penalty. I think being spawned randomly is the least that can be done.

And from what i understand once underground bases are made you might be able to choose to spawn from them Who knows?

And also, i dont think enjoyment of this game has ever crossed the developers mind. Its about survival.

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I think finding survivors (or friends) is a really big part of the game and shouldn't be changed. Sure you might spend some time trying to find your friend but that's what DayZ is about.

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lol so losing all your gear that you have isnt a major hinderance? not sure what game your playing but thats the single bigest hinderance in the game. Being able to quickly get to a friend that you wanna play with only helps the gaming experience...if you dont wanna use the feature and wanna do it your own way, thats fine, but why make it the only way. People play this mod to get different things out of it. What you get out of the game and what I get out of game is two totally different things, but why can dont of us get enjoyment out of it,

Sorry Mr DMR and night vision goggles, is it so hard to get it all back.

This is a terrible idea OP and it should stay in BF3 where it belongs. Day Z is a game about survival in a world which has gone to shit, allowing you to spawn with your friends would ruin that.

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