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BattleEye is shit. Bring on Punkbuster/Admin bans

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Even world of warcraft has hackers. and blizzard/activision are probably the richest software developers out there.

No, WoW does not have hackers. Rofl. Thats got to be the most retarded thing i have ever read.

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No, WoW does not have hackers. Rofl. Thats got to be the most retarded thing i have ever read.

yes,. actually it does. I should know I've been playing the fucking thing for long enough..

Speed hackers in Bgs? = Check.

Bots farming ores = Check.

people used to mod graphical files client side to make things like nodes stand out for miles. the list goes on, you can't say WoW doesn't have hackers. cos it fucking well does mate. and then there's the gold buying but that's another issue.

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Battleye and Punkbuster both aren't that great. Both can be circumvented and the main problem is ARMA 2's accessability for scripting.

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What we need is for the community admins to work together.

Its like pulling teeth just to get a decent scripts.txt file from someone. I still have no clue if what I have is good or not.

Also would be nice to have a centralize community like PBBans does with punkbuster games. All server admins stream to this site and bascially share there massive ban list. Ever server that streams to them addes to the list on the daily bases and when a person is banned on one server stream to PBBans, he is banned on ALL server stream to PBBans. Now I am not saying to change from BattlEye, I am just saying as a community we need to band together and use what we have to its full potentinal.

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What we need is for the community admins to work together.

Its like pulling teeth just to get a decent scripts.txt file from someone. I still have no clue if what I have is good or not.

Also would be nice to have a centralize community like PBBans does with punkbuster games. All server admins stream to this site and bascially share there massive ban list. Ever server that streams to them addes to the list on the daily bases and when a person is banned on one server stream to PBBans, he is banned on ALL server stream to PBBans. Now I am not saying to change from BattlEye, I am just saying as a community we need to band together and use what we have to its full potentinal.

Hullo there,

Have you tried the Bohemia forums for an assist there?

Obviously, the community has been there for donkeys years and know most of the "under the hood" stuff. They should be able to help with any config.

Word to the wise though, keep your postings generic when not in the DAYZ area. ie don't mention DAYZ outside the DAYZ thread and use the appropriate forum.

I'm sure you'll use your common sense :)



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>Implying BattleEye is better than Punkbuster


You are really trying to greentext outside of /v/?

Oh boy.

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Fast example of the scripts that work for hacking this game, by the way, these are detected and will get you ID banned. No i won't tell you how to make them work.

private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";
_abox = "AmmoBoxBig" createVehicle (position player); [_abox] execVM "\MyScripts\cargo.sqf";

Also, the .sqf file can be edited to include any item in the game's database, want a tank just add the tank command into the script and presto, tank is there.

These are the kind of scripts that are fucking this game over.

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PB is a complete crock of shit. Just about everyone and there gran hacks on cod4. Not sure about the other cod games because they aren't very good.

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