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[Suggestion] Humanity and it's effect! Player interaction declining!

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There has been a marked decrease in player interaction in the last few days. which has got even worse with perceived removal of the humanity meter. And there has been a large influx of players that are just running round killing with no regard for consequences as there are non. This has resulted in people no longer asking if friendly to try avoid potentially lethal exchanges. People are now just shooting everyone they see on sight. for fear of being shot themselves.


Make humanity directly linked to character creation, the more negative your score. and NUMBER of times (say 4 or more) you respawn in 6 hours. The longer it takes to get back in ANY server.


The cod kiddies as they were so eloquently described in another thread, will have no choice but start playing more tactically. rather than the current spawn, run to cherno, find somebody, shoot them, get eaten by zeds, start again.

If their humanity drops so low they have to wait 15, 20 or even 30 mins to respawn, they will change. As for the Bandits that do play with concern for their own survival, they should be be OK. If their any good they probably only need to respawn every other day or more.

Obvious result of this suggestion.

No true DayZ player will argue with this idea. They will just offer refinement to the idea.

However I expect a large number of NO! Stupid Idea etc. My money (if i gambled) is on them being a cod kiddie :P

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Wow somebody with a classical Education. lol. No sarcasm, nice to meet you. Never expected a response of that nature, more leet speak or whatever they call that crap.

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I seriously doubt any CoD kiddies actually play this game. They have basically become an urban legend now and every problem with any community is blamed on them.

I actually quite like the idea: If you kill lots of people then there is more penalty for dying than if you don't kill them. I'm not sure how many people actually play like that though, many people on the forums have rather rationally stated that they will shoot anyone on sight to avoid being killed themselves. It's possible those are the people that are perceived as "CoD kiddies".

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I've seen it for myself, there we're 3 people who kept appearing in the killed list on a server. all they were doing was running to churno, finding a weapon if possible. Then trying to kill any other player they saw. If they failed they just respawned and tried again.

If you think about it, that isn't the idea behind this mod at all. What I'm suggesting wouldn't affect 99% of the players. You could have a humanity score of -6,000,000 and get killed and get straight back into a server. However you have -1 and spawned 4 times in the last hour. your waiting 10 mins buddy. Even longer if it's even lower. LOL and obviously i like my idea, it's mine after all.

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Sorry! but I truly would like to see more of the reason why I (we) got this mod in the first place, with that I share this link to remind all who mostly starting playing because of it, this should be DayZ again:

Remember now? Teamwork?

Doesn't it look MORE fun then just this stupidity thats going on now? shouldn't we go back to THIS?

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Sorry! but I truly would like to see more of the reason why I (we) got this mod in the first place' date=' with that I share this link to remind all who mostly starting playing because of it, this should be DayZ again:

Remember now? Teamwork?

Doesn't it look MORE fun then just this stupidity thats going on now? shouldn't we go back to THIS?


Just get a couple of your own friends together and start up a group. Or do you not have any?

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Sorry! but I truly would like to see more of the reason why I (we) got this mod in the first place' date=' with that I share this link to remind all who mostly starting playing because of it, this should be DayZ again:

Remember now? Teamwork?

Doesn't it look MORE fun then just this stupidity thats going on now? shouldn't we go back to THIS?


Just get a couple of your own friends together and start up a group. Or do you not have any?

right.. I guess I deserved stupid reply.

what I mean moron is that the teamwork is almost non existent on the survivor side, to much mistrust and back stabbing.. meanwhile Bandits are doing just fine for what I gather.

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why limit it to bandits?

if you die 5+ times in an hr your get a timeout to think about your survival abilities? :P

i have noticed people doing that sort of thing at elec and chern, but usually doesn't bother me...let the pkers have there turns..in a 50/50 server i very much doubt those 4 people running back with makerovs are doing that much damage to the real players that go in grab what they need and bail to the safety of the forest.

As a bandit alot of the time...i dont really die 5+ times in an hr :P but im not hunting at the big cities...

i do like your idea, but i think it wouldnt be in the spirit of teh experiment to force those kind of players to play by 'our' rules?

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I can't argue with people doing as they wish. However I do feel perma death just isn't sufficient on it's own to deter the run and gun play style. And it's that play style, that's making people too jumpy to even ask if your friendly any more.

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Sorry! but I truly would like to see more of the reason why I (we) got this mod in the first place' date=' with that I share this link to remind all who mostly starting playing because of it, this should be DayZ again:

Remember now? Teamwork?

Doesn't it look MORE fun then just this stupidity thats going on now? shouldn't we go back to THIS?


Just get a couple of your own friends together and start up a group. Or do you not have any?

right.. I guess I deserved stupid reply.

what I mean moron is that the teamwork is almost non existent on the survivor side, to much mistrust and back stabbing.. meanwhile Bandits are doing just fine for what I gather.

No shit. You just figure this out today. If I saw you I'd shot you too. Just the way the game works. You got your set group of people you can trust. Then fuck everyone else. Simple.

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So what're you saying? Deny innocent bystanders access to servers? Fuck people who defend themselves? Let's say you walk in to a store to scavenge, and one of your "CoD kiddies" open fire at you, you shoot back, you both bleed to death. How does the system recognize self defense from an actual first-degree murder? How do you go about justifying the difference between these people? Or in your "true DayZ player" world, do you just never encounter such situations? What about the next time you want to play with some friends? All your friends spawn in Kamenka and you keep getting shit like Krutoy Cap/Kamy? What? You can only try to get close to them once then you have to wait SIX HOURS until you can try playing again?

I strongly suggest your rethink these parameters, as they could be detrimental to the growing community. How do games expand? Word of mouth. Have you EVER had a new friend come join DayZ? Oh you haven't? That's what I though, because you'd know how much of a pain in the ass it is to try teaching someone/playing with someone for their first time when you can't even find them for the first 2-3 hours. If people are joining, trying to meet up, and getting banned for 6 hours... well I would assume they'd be re-thinking this mod. Because as it stands, being able to re-spawn frequently is nice. No matter how "true" of a DayZ player you are. Jesus Christ as if you even used that terminology who the hell are you the pope?

The only way I could see this working is if: there was a "first-to-shoot, first-to-murder" kind of recognition system, and if the other suggestion of "picking your general spawn area" goes through.

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Hey, this is a nice idea.

i mean, think about it a second, killing killing killing... ok, i mean, it s easy in a game, we don't really think of it because there is no real impact. When you don't kill, yes you feel "good" that s all, you won't get anything else from it and it s nice!

But when you kill, i think a real human feel bad, really bad. Listen to soldiers, they have nightmares etc etc even if they "think" what they do is good or for the good. You look someone in the eyes and bam. Just shot him.... man.. it s awfull... I think we must feel that in a way.

And in a game we can't really put nightmares etc...

But it must have an impact. More you kill, more you have to wait before beeing able to respawn, i m sure people would think twice before pulling the trigger that will be a little like:"Man I killed a lot.. when i will die... ima burn in hell^^ for 6 hours" XD.

That is very interesting I think.

Dayz wants to simulate everything.... cold, thrusty, angry, need to take a crap... well guys... it s time to fill this aspect too --> killing is not easy, specially when you don't know someone and he s shouting : "please don't shoot, i m friendly"

Again, thanks for this game.


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100% agree. There must be an impact depending on your "behavior". Not sure what exactly, maybe waiting more time to re-spawn, maybe smth. else, but since it's a simulator there should be something that affects your "do's" and "dont's", esp. when it comes to killing another player.

And the newest system with no "humanity" meter is obviously just going away from this thought. I just see how no one won't even ask now whether someone is friendly or no. I personally would shoot on sight since there's no way of telling if you see a bandit or a peaceful survivor, despite that previously I always tried to avoid shooting at survivors and always asked if "friendly".

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This is a very bad idea. Making people wait until they can respawn will just scare people away from the game, which is bad for everyone. There just needs to be some kind of benefit to NOT shooting people.

For a start, if you even damage another player you should instantly become a free kill for a while, so they can kill you in self defence with no penalty.

Something more drastic would be to let people respawn at their tent if they die. But if your a "bandit" you loose the tent as well, so you get sent way down south again. But that's messing with the core mechanics.

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This is a very bad idea. Making people wait until they can respawn will just scare people away from the game' date=' which is bad for everyone. There just needs to be some kind of benefit to NOT shooting people.[/quote']

Totally agree. More respawn time is not an option, but on the other hand there should be more interaction between players other than shooting at each other. And IMO there should be penalties for cold-blooded kills as well as bonuses for "peaceful" and "helpful" players, or the game will become like "kill all that's moving" in no time

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The problem is there not being a reason to group up with strangers. There is no reason not to just kill anyone you see. Once everybody realizes this there will be no stranger teamwork.

People play with a group of their friends but I actually think this HURTS the game. It discourages trying to find strangers to work together with since they already have their friends. One of the most interesting things about the game, meeting others and being completely paranoid as to whether they are friendly or not, is lost when someone already has a group of friends and not much reason to team up with strangers.

I actually think the soul of this game is going solo and joining others along the journey. Having a bunch of your buddies playing with you does not feel right to me. I know a lot of people would burn me at the stake for saying that but that is just my thought. You can go play BF3 if you want to play with your friends but DayZ is just a different beast in my opinion.

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