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Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

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Rocket (the dev) wants to go for ultra realism, and that you should solve problems faced like you would in real life, he lost grasp of the fact that this is a video game medium he's using. Meaning, you'll attract all the gun ho CoD players without a care in the world for fellow humans. There's no penalty for immoral acts in this game, so they aren't punished AT ALL for being bandits now. While decent survivors ARE punished for being moral.

... and the biggest fault (IMFO) to Rocket's broken vision is... you can't read people online. Their body language, their tone of voice, their faces... while they, at all time, are reading the chat log and abusing it. The MOD is not heavily sided, IT'S FULLY sided for Bandits. Which I consider makes it broken now. Rocket may have good intentions, but he isn't introducing any real counter balance to Bandits.

Introduce some small animation difference to their walk. Add a very subtle deviation to how they hold weapons. Change their faces ever so slightly so that it could only be recognized real close. Flip side, deny bandits access to the chat log or something.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fully for realism. You don't want forced bandit skins. Fine! Give me what I use in real life to help make a decision on someone. Body language and facial expressions.


Other suggestion would be to give bandits a higher metabolism. Let them need to eat and drink sooner forcing them to scavenge more.

Another suggestion by someone in this thread was not to increase punishment, but in add rewards for humanity acts and grouping together. Problem is Bandits can be found acting in groups, so they too might benefit for these bonuses... unless they are denied them because of their status.

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Being selfless is always more difficult than being selfish. This is true in real life as well, especially if zombies have eaten everyone.

Also body language and facial expressions can be faked.

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Ungrateful much?

It's just a game and death is a large part of it. Fortunately, unlike real life, you have more than one life to live.

Rocket has already stated that there will be a humanity system eventually. Be patient.. this is not a complete mod, it's an alpha.

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Bandits=entitlement mentality socialists/

Survivors=Ayn Rand libertarians.

Any question....?

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  'salty said:

Ungrateful much?

It's just a game and death is a large part of it. Fortunately' date=' unlike real life, you have more than one life to live.

Rocket has already stated that there will be a humanity system eventually. Be patient.. this is not a complete mod, it's an alpha.


Ungrateful much?... So we're not supposed to voice opinions and suggestion for this alpha? Got it!

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I guess we will have to wait and see how the game goes with no bandits; if it turns into a complete slaughterfest then something probably needs to be changed.

The lack of a bandit skin does tend to punish those hat actually care about other people and don't steal.

However, that may also be exactly the point; in a world like this you must sometimes choose between doing what is "right" and surviving.

  'leblackdragon said:

Ungrateful much?

It's just a game and death is a large part of it. Fortunately' date=' unlike real life, you have more than one life to live.

Rocket has already stated that there will be a humanity system eventually. Be patient.. this is not a complete mod, it's an alpha.


Ungrateful much?... So we're not supposed to voice opinions and suggestion for this alpha? Got it!

Perhaps he is a DICE dev in disguise?

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All true. I realize this is an alpha and Rocket is and will do allot of watching to see how things come out. That's why I'm speaking out. Maybe he'll listen, maybe he won't. It's his game after all.

  'Mjolnir said:

I guess we will have to wait and see how the game goes with no bandits; if it turns into a complete slaughterfest then something probably needs to be changed.

The lack of a bandit skin does tend to punish those hat actually care about other people and don't steal.

However' date=' that may also be exactly the point; in a world like this you must sometimes choose between doing what is "right" and surviving.

Perhaps he is a DICE dev in disguise?


DICE? Makers of the awesome Battlefield series? Those guys seriously ROCK! Can't wait for the next awesome expansion pack. I have my dollars ready!

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Why don't they allow players to be able to find materials which could be used along with a flare or clip of ammo - as a form of booby trap that will injure the person who opens the bag but doesn't kill them/ flare would burn and injure -plus damage the items in the backpack/ The clip of ammo/gun powder would also injure the person but also create a large sound= alert zombies.

The cost of setting up this booby trap on your own pack is that you loose most of your back pack slots/ depending on the backpack version.

None of these should kill the player who is looting. Plus the trap setting should be something where you need a few key items -so everyone doesn't do this.

This will make players think twice when killing a player and looting their bag since there is a slight chance you might just alert every zombie in the small radius or injure yourself- costing you morphine/painkillers and bandage possibly.

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Survivors=Ayn Rand libertarians.

I think you need to read up on Ayn Rand and Objectivism if you think Ayn Rand should be associated with survivors and not bandits.

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This will make players think twice when killing a player and looting their bag since there is a slight chance you might just alert every zombie in the small radius or injure yourself- costing you morphine/painkillers and bandage possibly.

You just won the Internet! :idea::heart::idea:

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  'leblackdragon said:

Ungrateful much?

It's just a game and death is a large part of it. Fortunately' date=' unlike real life, you have more than one life to live.

Rocket has already stated that there will be a humanity system eventually. Be patient.. this is not a complete mod, it's an alpha.


Ungrateful much?... So we're not supposed to voice opinions and suggestion for this alpha? Got it!

You call his vision broken when it's not even close to being fully realized. Suggestions and opinions are an important part of the development process and part of what the forums are here for, just remember that this is a passion project done by Rocket on his free time. You're getting all of this content free of charge and I felt like some of your comments seemed a little entitled, that's all.

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Survivors=Ayn Rand libertarians.

I think you need to read up on Ayn Rand and Objectivism if you think Ayn Rand should be associated with survivors and not bandits.

I think the one that needs to read up on it AND comprehend what Rand stated in her definition of Objectivism is you...

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I just can say that it's always easier to be the evil than to be the good. In our world the evils will get punished by law but, where is law in the zombie apocolypse? Nowhere, it's either shoot or get shot. Nothing else.

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The thing is the bandits may seem OP and sure maybe they are but they didn't get all their stuff thrown at them. All bandits have probably trained before and know what to do when to do it.

Sure the CoD people will come into this game and shoot the first player they see and get the weapons but in the end, it's all about personality.

For example, i was playing this morning, saw a player in Elektro who asked for help. I gave him 2 mags and some blood, what did i get? 3 bullets in my head.

It's all about trust and personality.

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It's an ALPHA, not even close to a BETA, and you ask for implementations you can think about AFTER the beta is somewhat stable and working, and this is still a long way to go.

(And don't get confused about what some companies dish out as so called 'BETA weekends', these are almost GOLD versions of the final product which need just a bit more polish and fine tuning.)

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There shouldn't be any punishments for anything. Just suggesting something like that makes you look pretty pathetic. There are no damn rules just learn to deal with it. There's always going to be people killing others for their gear or just for fun. It's going to happen. Maybe you should learn to become unseen and stop putting yourselves in positions where you get shot. Been alive 7 straight days now. And I hardly have any problems with bandits at all. I just know not to be a dumbass and I make it just fine.

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I agree with the OP. He has made me seen the light. Let's do this!

Bandits, by the virtue of the fact that they've killed before, will have little qualms in doing it again. Give 'em a nice swagger when the walk, and make their chests swell with pride! You'll easily be able to see them coming, and can get out of the way before they get there! Hell, have 'em sing a song while they're walking down the middle of the road.

Survivors, who haven't killed another person in-game, could have a 'twitch' when they're aiming at another person, or maybe a persistent hand shake... How about a 50% chance of lowering their gun and saying, "I can't do it!" Give them a percentage to remember whether or not the 'safety' is off, so when they try and shoot, they might hear 'click, click, click'. Benefits? They're beans taste like motherfucking steak. Bandits would burn all their shit. So yeah, there's that.

What do you think? I think that's pretty damn fair.

/sarcasm (Seriously? Did I even need this tag right here?)

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The fundamental problem is that in real life it's easy to recognise people (we're evolved to remember faces). If you become a bandit, people would soon pass on the information and a description of you and you would be shot on site by anyone who saw you before you saw them.

It's hard to replicate this exactly in a game. So I think it is fair enough to have some sort of visual clue to indicate when someone is a bandit.

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Giving bandits different animations (counter for the custom skins) is a good idea. But restricting the chat log from bandits is unfair. I think it is impossible to do anyway.

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I totaly agree with the OP realism is always going to be hampered by the medium, things you could do in 'real life' too determin someones chracter arn't in the (or any) game.

It's got to the point now were i totaly avoid other contact, and may even jsut start shooting myself if i get the drop, as everyone else does.

Killing a human isnt the same as killing a sprite

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  'Sminky said:
It's got to the point now were i totaly avoid other contact' date=' and may even jsut start shooting myself if i get the drop, as everyone else does.


Everyone else does not. Smart people do this. (Click it. For once, it's not a post I wrote!)

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OP: I understand where you're coming from. It's this very reason I have been shooting first and asking questions later.

It's way too difficulty to communicate in this mod. By the time you've tried to hail the guy you've just ran into behind those buildings to see if he's friendly, he's lighting you up and you're back on the beach without your shit.

I'm going to play it offensively until it's easier to communicate, differentiate potential friends from foe (intended, I know) and some of the issues of gameplay vs. simulator are resolved.

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I may be wrong but I highly doubt the Arma engine is setup for what you are asking, facial expressions and such, and even if possible as others have said there would be ways around it.

And really your post doesn't make sense. You say you don't want forced bandit skins but you do want to something forced on bandits so they are obvious to everyone.

I just don't see the problems with bandits a few folks are complaining about. According to the stats on the front page, there have been 145k murders and 85k bandits killed, so bandits aren't even murdering on a 2:1 ratio.

I just lost a character to a crash last night that I had put about 7-8 hours of gameplay into and not once did I ever come across another human player the entire time. If bandits are ruining the game for you avoid the coastal cities and head north.

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In my eyes the bandit has lost a character he worked hard on just as you have, the consequence for everyone is the same; death for that character means that you've lost all valuable. But in the end it only means that the person who played his past character as a bandit has made more enemies which will bite him if he runs into someone in the future.

And on terms of editing the script I agree with walrus2517.

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