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About videopray

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. videopray

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    Thank you Gaius, but as Rawr stated before this is a conflict of interest, some of those logs (mainly retaining to the incident) as we know it may be fabricated to withhold the truth. I believe that a DayZ Staff member should investigate this situation. I don't mean to offend you in any way but your community is small and that leaves a lot of room for internal niches to be formed within the playerbase and administrative structure, this obviously invokes bias. On semi-related note: Can you inform me on how administrator's are selected at your community?
  2. videopray


    Ah, alright.
  3. videopray


    I'm pretty sure those are just people spawning in the server, so the script is spawning them with their weapons and equipment :/
  4. videopray

    Admin abuse on Dallas 1

    This is something I would much rather see from a DayZ Staff Member who would potentially also have access to server logs, unfortunately logs posted from another Dallas 1 Administrator may correspond with bias, ultimately attempting to protect his other fellow Community Administrators. No, I'm not saying you would fraud your logs but it's a possibility. I would like to see the logs posted from the other incidents reported, the one retaining to the boat.
  5. videopray

    [Guide] Seeing at night

    This video is nice and straight to the point, you should continue to make more and compile them into a 'megathread' for others to be able to skim over.
  6. All I can really say is I'm sorry you feel that way, maybe you'll spend your time in the morning trying to find a good way to counter the night cycle. Or you could do what I do and camp outside a town and log off until day and head in to get what you need. Either way you're playing a game that takes time to get something done in a non-casual fashion (this entire sentence makes me feel arrogant for some reason.) But yeah, night-time can be a big hassle if you don't feel so safe.
  7. videopray

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    In my eyes the bandit has lost a character he worked hard on just as you have, the consequence for everyone is the same; death for that character means that you've lost all valuable. But in the end it only means that the person who played his past character as a bandit has made more enemies which will bite him if he runs into someone in the future. And on terms of editing the script I agree with walrus2517.
  8. videopray

    Fan-Fict board?

    I feel that an additional board for stories created by the user and generated community content would be a plus here. Not just sharing stories that had happened in the world of DayZ, but a story that you've made up potentially based off some of those sticky situations you've been in, perhaps a board where you can post a fictional write-up about the world of Chernus, your character and his squad mates / friend, or even a zombie survival guide. You could argue that you can post them in general discussion but I'd really like to keep these stories out of the meta-zone of the DayZ forums, organized in their own little area. I picture this as a good way for the community to post content they've made based off DayZ and all its glory. Perhaps this board already exists and I just haven't seen it, no I'm not talking about the stickied thread, the idea of scrolling through a few hundred pages to read something somewhat discourages me and I feel it puts other in the ground buried beneath years of dirt.