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Bohemia and Dayz Devs fail to protect their community

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accidental double post *EDITED

Edited by eternalFive

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The state that DayZ is currently in, you will lose your player base to 'The War Z', without a doubt.

No it won't. The War Z is being made by the same people who made The War Inc: Battlezone They don't listen to their community, their development cycle is terrible(stuff they promised in July 2011 still hasn't been implemented...) and they're a bunch of gready money grabbers.

Their current game War Inc is dying(they killed their player base) and I think they already had a new game in the pipeline which kind of like a more RPGish version of WarInc with npc's and stuff. Seeing the success of DayZ they problably figured by adding a Z to the name they could rake in some easy money.

You can quote me on that at the end of the year.

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well ull be lucky if u even get a couple hours in with no hacker confrontations....

I've yet to run into a single one and I've played several hours a day for.. how long?

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800,000 people are waiting patiently for results

normally, a small company could say there isnt enough money to pay the coders, but there is an extra ~24 million dollars out there now from the people who paid for Arma II

so, lets cut the BS here and just get some of these things fixed

outside-looking-in, you would think there is about 5 guys working on the code from all entities and about 1000 knuckleheads writing code to circumvent security features

this gives me bad vibes like back in the Counter Strike days when a simple brilliant shooter was ruined by hack tools / aimbots etc

I am not trying to be disrepectful, I am just trying to be flat out honest about what I see.

Edited by GunsBlazin
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this gives me bad vibes like back in the Counter Strike days when a simple brilliant shooter was ruined by hack tools / aimbots etc

Um, when did Counter Strike get declared 'ruined'? ...No. Just no.

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OP is correct.

BI and the DayZ team should have a team that rides the BE team to update their BS app more often. WTF does BE do anyway? Aside from removing legit players most times?

Funny how if you click mumble to see FPS BE will kick you but someone can spawn in anything and teleport, turn invisible and that is fine.


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Wow OP, you couldn't get more ignorant could you.

Bohemia Interactive have never cared about money, they made a military simulator for a very niche audience.

Everyone is going to buy Arma 3, everyone is going to continue playing Day Z.

Stop blaming BI for something that they never would of anticipated. Do you really think they thought they'd have enough people that play Day Z now, playing Arma 2 when it came out, no.

How are they cashing in? Sigh.

In closing, shut the fuck up about issues that you clearly have no understanding over.

Bohemia does have a passion for this franchise, but to say they don't do it for money is not a business model that will last more than a few months. They have to make money or they close the doors.

To say "stop blaming BI for something they anticipated" is clearly not correct. I played Arma and hacking has always been possible due to the sandbox structure of the game. Arma2 is basically the same game engine so scripting is essential to the sandbox intent.

Bohemia worked very hard on the Arma2 release with a great deal of publicity. It was very well received by PC game reviewers considering it is a simulator. DayZ was Rockets dream and I'm sure Bohemia is appreciative of his efforts and continued sales of the game. I do agree that Bohemia never intended to "cash in" so to speak. Product developement takes capital, and I'm sure Bohemia appreciates DayZ's benefit to their bottom line. Bohemia has a passion for what they do while publishing companies like EA and Activision do it to "cash in" as they are public companies.

Telling people to "shut the fuck up" is not considered an intelligent response and hinders a debate on other peoples opinions.

Yes, DayZ is an Alpha. Arma2 is a sandbox. Every PC game has people who run purchased scripts and/or outright hack the code. This game is not and never will be immune. It's actually more susceptible to hacking because of the sandbox design.

None of us like to see hacks ruin a server. Unfortunately, as long as it's running the Arma2 engine it will have hacks. The best hope is to have the concept moved to another game engine that is more secure.

The one thing I've learned on this forum is "don't get attached to your gear".

Edited by Mega_Death
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Dayz is AMAZING for being worked on as log as it has been and for being in alpha state.

The game keeps improving (My loading and fps have gone way up since the latest 2 arma2 beta patches).

Have faith in Rocket and the team! They have done an amazing job so far.

Also you and others are acting like dayz is the only game with hackers.

I have seen TONS of hackers in such games as COD:MW2, BF:BC2, Red Orchestra2 (Few days after release there was tons of hacks to buy online),etc...

Every game will have some hackers, its always been like that. Lets hope they can minimize the amount of


Also The War Z looks and sounds like a kids version of DAYZ, no thanks.

Edited by kozzy

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The first step in countering something is: Don't let the other guy know what you are doing.

With that said, they wont be telling you shit about what they are doing because they don't want the cheaters knowing what it is.

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I will, the developers of the mod can't from virtual beens and good work deserves good payment.

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The one thing I've learned on this forum is "don't get attached to your gear"

it 's meaning persistent world is to arma an oxymoron then dayz is only a

"flash in the pan" and i'm very sorry about that cause first it was a very exciting experience.

But when focuse is on alt + f4 problem when a kid is able to ruin entire game same as someone playing soccer with hand and there isn't any refereeing, that is a real non sence...

Edited by hitcher

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The truth is the scripts that people use to cheat are also the similar to the scripts that make Arma such an epic engine for gaming and mods. Its a great sandbox engine.. great for hacking and modding alike.

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Bohemia Interactive in my experience, is one of the very few developers that do care a great deal about their public. It's just that they used to cater to a much more mature audience then this mod has attracted. The hacking thing has always been there, but the MP part of the game was a lot less anonymous then DayZ has become. Occasionally you encountered a hacker, but they were generally easily identified and banned, atleast in the communities I played in. Because everyone kind of knew everyone else, either from a clan-tag or from other servers, or simply from the BIS forums. Generally a very friendly close knit community.

I can guarantee you that neither BIS nor Rocket foresaw the huge influx of general douchebags that they now have to deal with. And the freedom, tools and scriptcommands they provide to modders and missionmakers have now been turned against them. Again, in my view, they are not at all to blame for this.

In a way, it's the same argument that the gunlobby in the US uses...guns don't kill people...people do... The game doesn't invite hackers...they invite themselves to the party. And suddenly the strong points of the game, become it's weaknesses. Nobody's fault but the hackers themselves...

One other thing I can guarantee...BIS (and probably Rocket) are doing everything they possibly can to alleviate the situation. They're just in unfamiliar territory at the moment.

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I've yet to run into a single one and I've played several hours a day for.. how long?

Agreed, I have played for weeks or months now and have not yet run into a hacker, other than seeing an A-10 flying overhead once.

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its going to take time to fix the issues yes, but its an issue that needs to be fixed asap and to show at least some work is in progress when u cant play for an hour straight and if u do u consider yourself lucky without getting mass teleported or mass killed. plain and simple, i think the dev team beats around the bush too much and fails to notice the reality of the situation as im stating. it seems little is being done here.

it may seem like this, but they are likely on top of it. there was a huge mass banning of script kiddies (bricked their copies of arma 2 completely) in the not too distant past. there was bunches of drama about it. they were silent about it right up until it happened, ambushed the hackers.

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I appreciate the seniment of the message, and the passion behind it wanting a good game to come out of this.

That said, walk a mile in a man's shoes before you condem him.

Think for a minute, get some perspective. Three months ago... nothing here existed at all. Nothing. Not for BIS, and not for DayZ. Literally every part of the project has grown up in three months. ARMA2 is being used in ways not at all intended, and issues are being faced that could never have even been conceived.

Think of the project as an "accidental" MMO of sorts.

It is going to take time to fix these issues, and security issues in particular are not transparent. DayZ, BIS, and BattlEye do not comment on the security issues for reasons which I really hope are bloody obvious. That means things often happen completely unannounced, and work is done all the time, there will be no big fanfare for dealing with the security issues just constant work and change.

Thank you rocket for responding to my post. I never post on forums because I find the trolls that live on them anathema to my decision to try not to hate anybody.

To be honest I have said much worse things about you to my friends every time you change the Zed aggro specs. Please dont think I am attacking you, I just want something to get done. I am a very loyal supporter and hope to remain one.

And just for the record, I bought Operation Flashpoint, Arma 2 and all the expansions years before DayZ existed. I really think this concept is great and that you are the one to bring it to us. My main point was that you need to address the hackers, otherwise people will stop playing it. I had been trying to get my friends to play Arma 2 for years, now they are, thanks for that!

Anyway, here I am on a forum trying to defend my opinion, which is why I never post. Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one, and they all stink.

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I've never seen any developer so antagonistic to his player base as Rocket. He has nothing to fear from WarZ. What makes this game special is that it is not a game you play through, it is a game you suffer through (like Demon's/Dark Souls). The fact that WarZ is including "softcore and hardcore modes" tells me all I need to know.

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Tit for tat aside, I think the rampant hacking is currently the most serious threat to this game and it's very existence.

As it is, we can't even 'test' this game without ending back on the south coast after being a victim to one of those cute teleport tests.

For those who shrug off the hacking because they've yet to be a victim of it, I only have this to say.. Your time WILL come.

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Condemning rocket and threatening to drop support for the mod because of the current hacker situation is kind of like kicking your doctor in the balls because he can't cure your cancer.

It's like, yeah it's his job to keep you healthy but he's doing the best he can and cancer is a real bitch, you know?

Be patient.

No pun intended.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Greetings fellow survivors, bandits, Bohemia, Rocket and Devs.

It is time to point out to everyone involved with this great Mod, that unless something is done to protect the gaming experience we have all come to love, DayZ will die a horrible death, torn apart by mindless zombies. Even though the game is still in Alpha, and that bugs and exploits are an everyday hinderance to our survival, we have the right to ask for and expect protection against the latest wave of Hack tools available. Every night for the last 3 nights we have been subjected to multiple fun destroying Hacker attacks. Unless something is done, it will get much worse.

Recently, a DayZ wannabe has reared its head, and will most certainly wage 'The War Z' against our favourite game.

To Bohemia:- Arma is a great game but it has always been full of bugs. Rocket is an asset to your company, dont let him be swept away before he has a chance to truly blast off into the stratosphere of Legendary concept designers. For DayZ's sake, and for that of your future income, try not to think of the money you have made from this already, as any form of success, until you have provided him with the resources he needs to make this game truly great, and TOTALLY finished.

To Rocket:- What you have started here is absolutely fantastic! But! Please finish the mission you have embarked upon. If Bohemia wont give you what you need then find someone who will. The state that DayZ is currently in, you will lose your player base to 'The War Z', without a doubt. And I am sure it will never be as good a game as DayZ has already been, before it became this popular, and attracted all these Hacks.

To the people who love DayZ:- Show your support! But also show your anger! Let Bohemia know that if they dont fix these security issues WE WILL NOT BUY ARMA 3 OR ANY DAYZ STAND ALONE YOU HOPE TO CASH IN ON IN THE FUTURE.

This is a warning from someone who loves this game and wants to see a thriving DayZ community.


They ran out of bubble wrap !!! ;)

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I for one have a open mind when it comes to hackers. Sometimes they can be fun and other times extremely frustrating. My friends however have zero tolerance for this and will not play at all and will not buy any other ARMA related game. Sadly if my friends dont play neither do I D:

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I have been killed by hackers on several occassions now, what I did was hit abort and rejoined the server, got a new character and started over again. You will always die in dayz no matter what, it's up to you on how you die :)

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