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Brylex (DayZ)

Project Freedom: Recruiting

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Age (Be Honest): 21

In Game Name: UltimateTobi

Country/Timezone: Germany/GMT+1

Are You Active?: Yes, when I have a group to play with (also it depends on shifts [working as a salesman])

Experience In Dayz: Basics

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Sadly not, but I hope to do so in the future.

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Age (Be Honest):18

In Game Name:jj

Country/Timezone:australia 10+

Are You Active?:yea im normaly on it when im not working or sleeping

Experience In Dayz:being playing for a bit over a week gotten pretty good at scouting but have had an unlucky time recently

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: old with random people i have met up with

i dont have teamspeak or skype but i can download what ever is easiest

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Hope some one can answer a few questions for me. do you guys have a set ROE, and do you stop to help fellow survivors?

Or do you just assume everyone is a bandit and KoS?

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Hope some one can answer a few questions for me. do you guys have a set ROE, and do you stop to help fellow survivors?

Or do you just assume everyone is a bandit and KoS?

Yes we do, we don't shoot unarmed civilians. Anyone armed we do. Many times I have encountered people that say they are friendly, but end up shooting me in the back. Even if they are being honest, it's just part of the game. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Also, we haven't had to stop and help survivors yet, but we will offer medical help and food if needed. We are friendly group, yet aggressive to those that are hostile towards us.

- I hope that answers your question.

Edited by Brylex

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Hmmm, thats a bit of a grey area there, im looking for Pro-survivor groups who do not shoot on sight. Im working on a, lets call it social experiment on a large scale.

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Age (Be Honest): 18

In Game Name: Olson

Country/Timezone: United States / Pacific Time

Are You Active?: Yes, indeed.

Experience In Dayz: Pretty much everything from providing sniper cover to running around like an idiot through Cherno :P I like to stay back and have the best view of a situation. I have been playing for about 2 months now.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I did work in a team, but once our camp got deleted in a server reset, we just broke up the group and never really played together again. [Edit: Didn't consider that this question meant life in general... I've played WoW ever since BC and been on and off in decent guilds playing as a healer class most of the time. I'm also part of a development team for Minecraft (Bukkit) plugins, although recently, it hasn't been very active.]

Contact information... Skype: alrik.olson Steam: alrik94

Edited by alrik94

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Age (Be Honest): 24

In Game Name: Tommy

Country/Timezone: GMT

Are You Active?: Yes

Experience In Dayz: When I started I had a gun!

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Small groups.

I'd really like to be part of something bigger. I can spend hours going in and out of Stary military base until I'm kitted out. However it lacks the satisfaction of communicating with a team! I'd really like to fill any position within Project Freedom.

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Age (Be Honest): 24

In Game Name: Tommy

Country/Timezone: GMT

Are You Active?: Yes

Experience In Dayz: When I started I had a gun!

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Small groups.

I'd really like to be part of something bigger. I can spend hours going in and out of Stary military base until I'm kitted out. However it lacks the satisfaction of communicating with a team! I'd really like to fill any position within Project Freedom.

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Age (Be Honest): 19

In Game Name: BACONMOP

Country/Timezone: United States / East coast

Are You Active?: Yes, trying to be more active that as of late.

Experience In Dayz: A lot survived alone for 40 days only to die by

hitting respawn when trying to mess around with options.

Have You Worked Together Inn A Team Before?: Yes


Edited by BACONMOP

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Age (Be Honest): 23

In Game Name: Trey

Country/Timezone: US/ UTC -6 (CST)

Are You Active?: Yes

Experience In Dayz: 3 Months. I know the game fairly well especially the different strengths and weaknesses of each weapon.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: In DayZ my time as been spent around 25% solo play and 75% small teams of 2-3. I have experience working as a team outside of DayZ as well.

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Age (Be Honest): 20

In Game Name: Onyx

Country/Timezone: Canada / (GMT -5 Eastern time US and CANADA)

Are You Active?: I try to play everytime i can, usually around midnight until 3-4 am

Experience In Dayz: Played for 3 week now, about at 20th death.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes i often play with 2-3 friend, of course it`s not the same as a complex team but it still a good experience. Also already have the sniper DMR so i can be a sniper if you need me. :)

Edited by Onyx27

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Age (Be Honest):24

In Game Name: Caira

Country/Timezone: PST +8:00

Are You Active?: Yes, almost every night and a lot of times during the day

Experience In Dayz: Been playing pretty heavy hours for about a week straight.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes haha. I've done plenty of actual tactical team training and I am used to being on a team, I work well and like to play a support role sometimes, but mostly front.

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Age (Be Honest): 20

In Game Name: Pete

Country/Timezone: US EST

Are You Active?: Yes

Experience In Dayz: About of week of serious playing

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes about a seven man squad

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Age (Be Honest):21

In Game Name: BPF

skype: cfrock7124

Real name: Corey

Country/Timezone:USA EST

Are You Active?:Yes, i played daily for about 3 weeks

Experience In Dayz: 3 weeks

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Im a veteran of the 82nd Airborne division. Served 9 months in A-Stan as an airborne Infantryman. I hope that qualifies.

Edited by cfrock

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Hmmm, thats a bit of a grey area there, im looking for Pro-survivor groups who do not shoot on sight. Im working on a, lets call it social experiment on a large scale.

You cant have a dont shoot on sight policy because you will get shot on sight. I play with these guys, when I was meeting up with them I ran into a lone survivor. I saved him from a zombie train and my thank you was a 12 gauge slug to the forehead. So until people can be a little more trustworthy we shoot armed survivors on sight.

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Age (Be Honest): 19

In Game Name: Cole

Country/Timezone: EST

Are You Active?: Try to play the game daily

Experience In Dayz: I'd say about 20 hours

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Lead raids in WoW for about 2 years

I'm really looking for a mature group of players to enjoy the game with. I think there is a lot more to the game than just killing other players stupidly. Surviving, protecting base camp and raiding towns with plans of attack etc are the reasons I want to join.

Skype name is cole.murdoch

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Age (Be Honest): 23

In Game Name: NotoriousEnemy12

Country/Timezone: USA PST

Are You Active?: Yes, I have been playing alot since I bought the game

Experience In Dayz:i bought the game about two weeks ago so im not the best YET. I have been getting better, i already know alot of the towns and where to go.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: not in this game, No

Skype is : ihaveacoolname1

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Age (Be Honest): 22

In Game Name: Asekz

Country/Timezone: U.S. Central

Are You Active?: Yes 3-4 hours a day

Experience In Dayz: I have explored the map extensively. I have used almost every weapon in the game except for some of the higher end sniper (i.e. AS50, M107, SVD). I feel I have done everything I can do playing the game solo and wish to experience team aspects and the things that come with being a part of a structured force.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I have played as a group of 2 multiple times in dayz, but nothing more than a duo group. Out of dayz I have played everything from BF:V to World of warcraft. I have decent knowledge of squad tactics and large scale combat.

Skype: Radicalraidial

Steam: Raidial

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Age (Be Honest): 20

In Game Name: Onyx

Country/Timezone: Canada / (GMT -5 Eastern time US and CANADA)

Are You Active?: I try to play everytime i can, usually around midnight until 3-4 am

Experience In Dayz: Played for 3 week now, about at 20th death.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes i often play with 2-3 friend, of course it`s not the same as a complex team but it still a good experience. Also already have the sniper DMR so i can be a sniper if you need me. :)

Skype name?

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Age (Be Honest):24

In Game Name: Caira

Country/Timezone: PST +8:00

Are You Active?: Yes, almost every night and a lot of times during the day

Experience In Dayz: Been playing pretty heavy hours for about a week straight.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes haha. I've done plenty of actual tactical team training and I am used to being on a team, I work well and like to play a support role sometimes, but mostly front.

Nvm I got your skype

Skype name?

Edited by Brylex

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