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Brylex (DayZ)

Project Freedom: Recruiting

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Age (Be Honest): 19

In Game Name: Inafinus (Steam Name: Mr-Zer0)

Country/Timezone: USA, Georgia UTC/GMT -4 hours

Are You Active?: About 3-7 hours a day.

Experience In Dayz: Veteran in Day Z, although I never go to the forums much. During the recruitment process, I'm already going to say I'm a well-trained marksman. My personal weapon of choice would be a SVD Camo, unfortunately, due to the respawn button, I died. =/

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I've worked with various teams that later disbanded due to inactivity.

Note: I have a personal grudge against bandits, and will act hostile to any known Bandits.

Skype Name: shahrooz.ghasemi1 (Used Skype username recommendations, didn't really care about it... =/)

Edited by Mr-Zer0

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Age (Be Honest): 19

In Game Name: Revant

Country/Timezone: US EST(-5 GMT)

Are You Active?: Yes I try to go on as much as I can.

Experience In Dayz: I've only been playing for about a week or so but the more I play the more I've been getting used to the game mechanics and all the little subtleties.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes I have been playing with guilds/clans for over 5 years now and with that has brought a lot of experience working with teams. Also, my job has me working with people all the time so it's more or less second nature to me now.

Steam Name: Revant54

Skype Name: Revant54

Edited by Revant54

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Age (Be Honest): 18

In Game Name: Doug

Country/Timezone:USA|GMT-5 ( EST )

Are You Active?:Yes, I play most days, and I am usually on for long periods of time.

Experience In Dayz: I run my own group and have our own base camp established. We are decently organized and enjoy working together.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?:Yes, I run my own group.

Referred by Nar.Kill

Edited by itsDougNoone

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Age (Be Honest): 18

In Game Name: Doug

Country/Timezone:USA|GMT-5 ( EST )

Are You Active?:Yes, I play most days, and I am usually on for long periods of time.

Experience In Dayz: I run my own group and have our own base camp established. We are decently organized and enjoy working together.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?:Yes, I run my own group.

Referred by Nar.Kill

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Age (Be Honest): 25

In Game Name: Hazy Moon

Country/Timezone:United States - EST

Are You Active?: No not at all. :P Of course I'm active. I've been playing just about every day since I installed it two weeks ago.

Experience In Dayz: ~2 weeks

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I've played a vast amount of games ranging from end game MMO's to organized, structured squads to CoD and Battlefield; so to answer your question, yes. I've even led scout/recon teams in various games.

Steam: hazy_moon80

Instead of Skype, I'd rather invite you into my mumble to a chat or what not. PMing you the details for that.

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Age: 25

Character Name: Natetwoan

Country/Time-zone: US-EST

Active: yes ive played everyday since i got it

Experience: week of play

Teams: yea played in teams for lots of games

i can skype, TS3, Vent, or Mumble

steam id is: Natetwoan

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Age (Be Honest): 25

In Game Name: Hazy Moon

Country/Timezone:United States - EST

Are You Active?: No not at all. :P Of course I'm active. I've been playing just about every day since I installed it two weeks ago.

Experience In Dayz: ~2 weeks

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I've played a vast amount of games ranging from end game MMO's to organized, structured squads to CoD and Battlefield; so to answer your question, yes. I've even led scout/recon teams in various games.

Steam: hazy_moon80

Instead of Skype, I'd rather invite you into my mumble to a chat or what not. PMing you the details for that.

Ill get our leader to look at/accept your app whenever he get's on, also my beans to you because we have been looking for a mumble server that we can use instead of skype.

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I don't know if we could use it for sure. One of the things I was wanting to discuss.

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Age (Be Honest): 17, Army National Guard, pre-basic. Finishing up my senior year before I ship off.

In Game Name: zython

Country/Timezone: US/EST-5

Are You Active?: Well enough, I get in when I can. Usually later around 8 or 9 PM. If I have nothing going on the next day I'll chill out in a dead server alone at night raiding NW airfield uncontested, at like 2am when no one on the east coast is online.

Experience In Dayz: About two weeks. Before then I watched Day Z videos before I got paid and bought ArmaII

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Only in real life, and the occasional Halo game with some friends where we go all tactical.

Edited by zython

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Age (Be Honest): 23

In Game Name: wampa one / Dutko

Country/Timezone: USA Pacific Time (LA)

Are You Active?: Super. I only play a couple of hours a day as of now, but it's been dwindling since my friends stopped playing and I don't like playing alone. I could play for

5-8 hours most days since I work from home.

Experience In Dayz: Been playing for about 2 weeks. My current duder has been alive for about a week. I haven't killed anyone aaaaaand I'm bored of playing alone.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yeah. I play a lot of LoL so I have pretty good teamwork. And I'm looking to play with some people with coordination in DayZ. I have not really worked with a team in this game yet , only with a friend or two at a time.

My Skype name is Ducard55. Steam name is Dutko

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Age (Be Honest): 18

In Game Name: SwisheR

Country/Timezone: USA/Central

Are You Active?: 8-12 Hours a day, i also stream, a lot:)

Experience In DayZ?: I know the whole map by heart, car spawns, gun spawns, good spots around main cities, ect.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes I have but we are only 3, They kind of quit DayZ but i play sooooo much that i wanted to join a team just like this one, it looks and sounds super legit!

Edited by SwisheR

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Age (Be Honest): 22

In Game Name: Optionism

Country/Timezone: USA GMT-6, usually on all the time.

Are You Active?: Yeah, unemployed for now, but will be job hunting not sure when.

Experience In Dayz: About a month or so. It was June 12th I officially bought Arma: CO and got Day-z

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Have been with a partner for short amount of time, so very little. Willing to co-operate though.

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Age (Be Honest): 19

In Game Name: Jericho Cross

Country/Timezone: CMT USA

Are You Active?: yes except on the weekdays from 8:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Experience In Dayz: im a noob but i watch many tutorial and play enough to handle myself

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: not really in a first person game but i usually played many mmo and i did play a few sports

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Sorry about not responding! Me and the team have been working on getting guns, weapons, ammo, food for the newer members camp. We will not show our camp until we trust the new member.

Edited by Brylex

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Age (Be Honest): 18

In Game Name: SwisheR

Country/Timezone: USA/Central

Are You Active?: 8-12 Hours a day, i also stream, a lot:)

Experience In DayZ?: I know the whole map by heart, car spawns, gun spawns, good spots around main cities, ect.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes I have but we are only 3, They kind of quit DayZ but i play sooooo much that i wanted to join a team just like this one, it looks and sounds super legit!

Skype name?

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Age (Be Honest): 18 and half

In Game Name: Talisauros

Country/Timezone: Gmt + 3

Are You Active?: Yes, daily.

Experience In Dayz: I've been usually exploring with my friends, I've never gotten beyond finding some guns besides one point in which I've gotten some NV Goggles, Rangerfinders, Ghillie Suit, a DMR and went to the the southern side of the map to snipe some zombies and protect the newly spawned survivors. I felt like a guardian angel ;) I got killed a while after by some guy who just walked at me, ignored my "Friendly!" shout and shot me to death. This was possibly the only one and long survival attempt.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I usually only play DayZ with a friend or two over Skype. My spoken English isn't perfect (Hard to understand me because of the horrible accent), but I'll try my best :)

My Skype name: Talisauros

Edited by Talisauros

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Age (Be Honest): 19

In Game Name: Kibbet

Country/Timezone: Sweden, GMT +2

Are You Active?: Yes, some hours a day.

Experience In Dayz: Been playing it for weeks and weeks over tho only by myself or with a friend or 2.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes i have both in battlefield and CSs, tho only true fps games.

Skype: pekka932

cheers, kibbet

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Age (Be Honest):


In Game Name:




Are You Active?:

Yes, I play everyday, and for the past two weeks, 12 hours or more a day.

Experience In Dayz:

Have been playing for over a month now, I have ~350Hours of gameplay.

Have You Worked In A Team Before:

Yes, I play quite a bit of sports, including Football, Bowling, Golf, and I play quite of bit of FPS Games as well.



Other Commutations:

I have Vent, Mumble, TS3.

Steam Name:


Edited by Sir_Shadow88

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Age (Be Honest)


In Game Name:



USA, New York, EST

Are You Active?:

I try to play everyday if I can. I shoot for 2-3 hours on a weekday. Weekends... I can be playing for upwards of 10 hours depending on the day.

Experience In Dayz:

I've been playing DayZ for about a month. Don't have any buddies who got into DayZ so I'm a loner, usually exploring and looting here and there. But it's becoming more and more frustrating being killed by groups of 3 or 4 people with no backup to call my own.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?:

I've never been part of a big organized clan, just grouping up with friends here and there. I have been playing FPS's for a long time though so I'm used to the aspect and the teamwork involved. Overall, I think I play pretty well with others, and even though I'm still new to DayZ - I'm willing to learn as long someone is willing to show me the ropes.

Skype - rambo.e3

Steam - ramboe

Edited by ramboe

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Age: 18.

In Game Name: Creamster.

Country/Timezone: England, GMT.

Are You Active?: Yes, sometimes to a ridiculous amount. Clocked thousands of hours on games from mmorpgs to fps.

Experience In Dayz: Very little, few days, but i would prefer getting into the team aspect of the game as quickly as possible.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I'll give you more information on skype but yes.

Skype Name: fat.jesus369 <-- I swear i am over 18!


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