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Brylex (DayZ)

Project Freedom: Recruiting

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Age (Be Honest):14

In Game Name:Brent


Are You Active?:yes

Experience In Dayz:5 weeks

Have You Worked In A Team Before?:yes

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Age (Be Honest):


In Game Name:



US East / GMT -5

Are You Active?:

As of now yes. No knowing what the future holds :P

Experience In Dayz:

Overall newbie, learning the ropes though. One death at a time

Have You Worked In A Team Before?:

Yes. First competitive clan I was ever in was back in Quake1 days. QuakeTF/TFC/TF2. MMORPGS as well (healer class always). And...Yea, my profession requires me to know how to work well in a team :P (medicine)

Look forward to hearing from ya. Sick of playing alone :P

Spylenz has been accepted!!

Edited by Brylex
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Age (Be Honest): 17 (18 in about a week and a half)

In Game Name: Kookehs

Country/Timezone: USA/PST/GMT -8

Are You Active?: I'm usually active anytime from 12:00pm to 11:00pm. I take breaks from time to time so there can be some variations here and there.

Experience In Dayz: I've been scavenging around looking for items and occasionally die in the process, but with all that I gain more and more experience. Still a novice at the game, but a group should really help all of us out.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I used to be in a clan for a game by the name of Brink, but the clan dissolved as people began to lose interest in that game. Also several years ago I played Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory with the G!X clan.

Edited by Kookehs

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Age (Be Honest): Im 17, i do understand that this is below the age requirement But i would still ask that you consider my application, However if my age is a deal breaker Then i understand & im okay with that.

In Game Name: Sir Fear

Country/Timezone: Usa Est/ GMT -4

Are You Active?: Yes, im Very Active in DayZ

Experience In Dayz: Im not very experienced in DayZ, still fairly new to the Game but ive pretty much got everything down but the Map.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes,Quite often in fact, I Was part of a Call of Duty Game Battles Team that was Ranked Top 400 in the US for three Years, But coming from a Game Battles Background id like you to know Ahead of time that i Have a Very low Tolerance for Complaining.

My Skype Name is "Castuterokkar", if you cant find me by that Just Search my Email. [email protected]

I would Like to thank you for Taking the time to Look at my application, And i look forward to talking With You.

Edited by Sir Fear

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Age (Be Honest): 18

In Game Name: ShadyMaybe

Country/Timezone: USA/ eastern

Are You Active?: yes

Experience In Dayz: I have been playing for some times and have a basic understanding of the game and how it works.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes i have worked in a team with DayZ, but also have competitve play with other games. So when it comes to a point where we need full attention on a situation, I can be that guy. I have a low tolerance on people that are out of control, and mainly immature.

Skype name is : mlgxprodigy

​I feel i would be a good asset to your team, I can bring a versatile amount of skill to the table and feel i would fit in well.

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Age (Be Honest): 17

In Game Name: Jason

Country/Timezone: Canada (GMT- 8 or 7)

Are You Active?: Yes, a few hours a day, would become even more active if was in the group and had others to play with.

Experience In Dayz: Almost a week, i have a basic understanding of the game, know how it works, the mechanics, and I'm ready to learn or observe and learn how to do things better within DayZ

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I have always console gamed up until a few months ago and was always in Role playing clans in BF2 COD and competitive clans in both games as well. Even though the age limit was asked to be 18 I still hope you guys will give me a shot because I'm eager to play and will take the initiative for the clan.

Skype name: funk_jason

Steam Name :jasonfunk8

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Age (Be Honest): 19

In Game Name: Agald

Country/Timezone: United States - EST

Are You Active?: Yes im on usually every day time varies but when im on it should be for awhile.

Experience In Dayz: about a week and a half under my belt now.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Real life i play Airsoft and paintball which all we do is very tactical. i have also been working with a guild in many different games all that have PvP and we always play as a team and devise plans and such,

thanks for viewing my application hopefully i will speak with you soon.

Steam Name: Agaldoftor

Skype name: Agald1337

Edited by Agald

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Age (Be Honest) 19

In Game Name: F1leUrC0mplaint

Country/Timezone: Canada/

Are You Active?: yes any day that i am not working i try to get a bunch of timed logged

Experience In Dayz: had the game for about 3 weeks, know all the basics and a bit more nothing to fancy, i like to be the distraction and to draw all the zombies away so my bud can get the gear and split it with me after

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: yes, i play paintball with a group of guys every weekend for the past 5 years, so i am good with communication and listening to orders

skype name: jacob.lock5

steam account: f1leurc0mplaint

Edited by F1leUrC0mplaint

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Age (Be Honest):27

In Game Name: Bevmo

Country/Timezone: PST

Are You Active?: yes I play pretty much everyday once i get home from work.

Experience In Dayz: Havent been playing to long about a week now but ive managed to get myself up into the NW airfield and pick up some nice stuff and live off the land for abit

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes i play alot of paintball and airsoft matches with good size teams working together to cap flags and whatnot, also work as a team on a daily basis

Skype name Bevm021

steam name riazu_shinoya

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Age (Be Honest): 26

In Game Name:Bitter

Country/Timezone:UK but play on US servers as I sleep at strange times due to shift work.

Are You Active?: very when there is a well organised group

Experience In Dayz: about a month now, mainly assault class, Like to be part of organized group/ planning with well defined goals, I will not aproach an area/ building unless I am 100% aware of where my team mates will be and if I disagree with a decision I calmly make my own suggestion, if majority or superior sticks to his guns and dosent agree I am happy to oblige aslong as my concern is taken into consideration.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?:

Yes many, namely I am part of a big group for the game APB reloaded, gears of war, BF3 but am now looking to dedicate more time to Day Z

Skype/ TS ?: I have both

Edited by BIttermace

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Age (Be Honest): I am 22

In Game Name: Nar.Kill

Country/Timezone: Pacific Standerd (west coast)

Are You Active?: yes I have been playing everyday so far

Experience In Dayz: only about a week but I am having a blast getting my ass kicked

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: yes in almost every game I have ever played, and if you wana count it I am part of a team at work

My skype is Nar.Kill

I am interested in scouting, Im not really the sit in one place type of player, I like taking risks

Im looking forword to hearing from you

Edited by Nar.Kill

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Age (Be Honest): 32

In Game Name: Kormos

Country/Timezone: US, EST

Are You Active?: Yes, I play some everyday.

Experience In Dayz: Been playing about 2 weeks now and have become quite comfortable with the game. Still learning new things as I go and look forward to learning with others.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Everyday with work and life, also married so that takes quite a bit of teamwork! Been playing FPS games for quite a long time, been in several clans, etc.

Also I have TS and Skype, either would work fine for me.

Edited by Kormos

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Age (Be Honest): 17

In Game Name: Toren

Country/Timezone: US, CST

Are You Active?: Yes I try to play as often as I can

Experience In Dayz: I've been playing for 3 weeks and am really comfortable with the game and am ready to coordinate with a group

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes I have played with a friend in DayZ and also play games like MAG and the original Planetside which take alot of team effort and the ability to coordinate between alot of players.

Edited by Alec

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Age: 21/male

In Game Name:Lekai

Country/Timezone:Cambridge Ontario(Canada), i think we're eastern time here.

Are You Active?:Very active, play as much as i can everyday.

Experience In Dayz:Roughly a month, but have put in over a hundred hours easy.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Not on dayz currently, i've helped quite a few people and played with a couple but most people on this game tend to kill me on sight, or pretent they are freindly, then shoot me after i help them.That is why i would like to join your team, so i can help friendly players and kill the bandits that harass freindly players/noobies.

Hope to play with you guys soon, send me a message whenever you're not busy/add me on skype jody.speck, it might also be jody speck, add both please just in case.

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Look into raidcall :)

It's free and great. My friend was having trouble with out TS server (choppy voice). Switched to raidcall and it worked perfectly!

Good luck with your group, it sounds great :)

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Age (Be Honest): 21

In Game Name: BigDinTheMornin

Country/Timezone: United States (Pacific Time)

Are You Active?: Yes

Experience In Dayz: 2 months (May 28)

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I have worked in small groups from 3-4 people to a medium sized group of 6 -9 people

Skype: Conquereth

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Age (Be Honest): 21

In Game Name: IGotNo

Country/Timezone: Canada EST (GMT-5)

Are You Active?: every day

Experience In Dayz: 200+ hours. Just lost a 15 day old character to bandits

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes, about 4

Steam- IGotNo

Skype- igotno90

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Age (Be Honest): 22

In Game Name: POSIPJ

Country/Timezone: USA/Eastern

Are You Active?: Yes.

Experience In Dayz: 2 weeks now. I've been my group's sniper when we raid towns (with Epic Jerni, Nappy, and Slice). I watch to see if any players move in. I'll report the direction, distance, and description, and I'll take shots if necessary (most of the time).

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I played sports in high school and was a member of clans on a game called Delta Force.

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Age (Be Honest): 22

In Game Name: Asekz

Country/Timezone: U.S. Central

Are You Active?: Play 2-3 hours everyday, probably jump up to 4-7 on weekends depending on work schedule.

Experience In Dayz: I've played for about 2 months. I have been playing with another friend more recently, running double ARs. He has started a new full time job so he is not on during the week at all anymore.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I have played games competively for about 8-9 years. First team environment that I was part of was in Battlefield: Vietnam and it has spanned across pc to console. Everything from Day of Defeat: 1.6 to as recently as Battlefield 3. I have a decent amount of experience working in squad play has most of my teams for Battlefield: vietnam, BF2, and BF3 used heavy squad based tactics.

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Age (Be Honest): 16 (Turn 17 in September)

In Game Name: Hurst3

Country/Timezone: USA, Eastern Standard Time

Are You Active?: Yes. Usually on sometime from 5pm-10pm.

Experience In Dayz: Had the game for about a week and am tired of going solo. I want to find a good group to team up with. I have stayed alive for 20+ in game hours right now and have racked up 45+ zombie kills(prefer stealth instead of kills). Currently gearing up my character in the NW Airfield.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: On Sundays I play Airsoft on a team (Butler Indiana Airsoft) that is nearby. About half of the team consists of retired military/law enfoecement. I go to Military Simulation events around Indiana and have knowledge on squad tatics. I also do Marching Band and am currently the section leader of the Trombones. I am in Boyscouts and I am currently working on Eagle Scout. Also I am on the Mayor's Youth Advisary Council in my city.

I may only be 16, but I guarentee you that I have the maturity of 18+ years.

To contact me on Skype: Scout-Sniper13

Edited by Boyscout

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Age (Be Honest): 16 (Turn 17 in September)

In Game Name: Hurst3

Country/Timezone: USA, Eastern Standard Time

Are You Active?: Yes. Usually on sometime from 5pm-10pm.

Experience In Dayz: Had the game for about a week and am tired of going solo. I want to find a good group to team up with. I have stayed alive for 20+ in game hours right now and have racked up 45+ zombie kills(prefer stealth instead of kills). Currently gearing up my character in the NW Airfield.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: On Sundays I play Airsoft on a team (Butler Indiana Airsoft) that is nearby. About half of the team consists of retired military/law enfoecement. I go to Military Simulation events around Indiana and have knowledge on squad tatics. I also do Marching Band and am currently the section leader of the Trombones. I am in Boyscouts and I am currently working on Eagle Scout. Also I am on the Mayor's Youth Advisary Council in my city.

I may only be 16, but I guarentee you that I have the maturity of 18+ years.

To contact me on Skype: Scout-Sniper13

I'm sorry man.. too young.

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