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Cannibalism and You.

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Cannibals should, depending on how much human meat they consume, eventually start making sickening human/animal noises, making it harder to sneak.

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I like this idea!

But we should be able to eat zombies as well! when you cook the zombie meat though it should be clean and you dont have a chance of getting the disease.

Heating up water IRL will make it clean! or putting it in sunlight.

When you cook food in the heat you get rid of bacteria and etc! so it should be clean zombie meat fresh from the zombie lol

Dude wth?

I think your version of RL is fucked up.

Naw dude i read it on a nat geo magazine!

I also saw a documentary on it! yeah... It is true!!!

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I don't think cannibalism is a good feature for this game for the reasons below:

1. If anyone can cannibalize' date=' to players who are strictly playing (i.e. not roleplaying), they will most likely always cannibalize any other players they kill simply because of the additional resources that can be gained. This can, in turn, make everyone a cannibal which is an unrealistic long-term result of this feature.

2. If DayZ requires players of low humanity (now hidden) to be able to cannibalize, it will give players a major incentive to partake in PvP combat more often, which will reduce potential friendships with strangers even further. This type of implementation will also give +1 favortism to bandits unless there is another feature that incentivizes survivors in some way. Bandits will probably do whatever it takes to stay competitive so basically all bandits will be cannibals which is unrealistic in nature.


cannibalism unrealistic during an apocalypse? Historically when faced with starvation people have often turned to eating each other. Cannibalism shouldn't be added because most of this community simply isn't mature enough to handle the theme. It would simply become a game mechanic akin switching weapons. Some people want it added because it would be "fun". Others want it added for "realism", they would quickly get annoyed with how often they are killed just to be eaten. "Why did that guy murder me? I'm out of ammo and beans a... ooooohh ASSHOLES EATIN ME!"

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I don't think cannibalism is a good feature for this game for the reasons below:

1. If anyone can cannibalize' date=' to players who are strictly playing (i.e. not roleplaying), they will most likely always cannibalize any other players they kill simply because of the additional resources that can be gained. This can, in turn, make everyone a cannibal which is an unrealistic long-term result of this feature.

2. If DayZ requires players of low humanity (now hidden) to be able to cannibalize, it will give players a major incentive to partake in PvP combat more often, which will reduce potential friendships with strangers even further. This type of implementation will also give +1 favortism to bandits unless there is another feature that incentivizes survivors in some way. Bandits will probably do whatever it takes to stay competitive so basically all bandits will be cannibals which is unrealistic in nature.


cannibalism unrealistic during an apocalypse? Historically when faced with starvation people have often turned to eating each other. Cannibalism shouldn't be added because most of this community simply isn't mature enough to handle the theme. It would simply become a game mechanic akin switching weapons. Some people want it added because it would be "fun". Others want it added for "realism", they would quickly get annoyed with how often they are killed just to be eaten. "Why did that guy murder me? I'm out of ammo and beans a... ooooohh ASSHOLES EATIN ME!"

I think it could absolutely be implemented while preventing a mechanic that can be "gamed"

For example:

- Food should remain or be even more scarce (this would likely be needed IRL for cannibalism to manifest in a normal society anyway)

- hunger (like IRL) takes a long while to have extreme negative effects and death, once extreme hunger sets in the user cannot run nor hold a gun steady at all and eventually dies (just as an example of negative effect but inability to run and shoot effectively would certainly be a motivator to eat)

- Human flesh can be harvested and consumed ( I would say this can happen at anytime hungry or not *more on why below*, perhaps a human limb could take up as much room as a rifle or more to stop people from "stockpiling" just in case)

- eating human flesh staves off hunger which gives user ability to run again and be somewhat steadier, but has immediate mid-level non-permanent negative results. many have suggested these types of results such as: player makes involuntary noises (madness), player loses humanity (not sure what this will mean once the bandit skin is dropped), player shakes slightly (not to be a HUGE deterrent but to make it more negative to cannibalize) very high chance of infection/sickness requiring antibiotics etc. These are a few but I would be in favor of cannibalism carrying a large number of minor negative effects

- If you consume too much human flesh in one "life" at that point you will ONLY be able to consume human flesh. meaning that all the above mentioned or any implemented negative effects now become permanent and irreversable as you are constantly and only eating human flesh. I would say that at the point the mild negative effects mentioned above could be bumped up a few levels making it a further deterrent to go full-on-cannibal

I think at minimum the things mentioned, would make people 1, have to face the question of cannibalizing, 2 stop or at least deter cannibalism as a "gaming mechanic" due to persistent mid to high level negative effects and 3 add an interesting layer to the game as there will be many who made too many mistakes or got too desperate and are roaming chernarus shaking and making noise, with human limbs in there bags looking for more human meat giving some a chance to "role play" as a cannibal as you've mentioned and also adding further danger and atmosphere for others.

I'm all in favor of cannibalism or anything that makes this game even more unforgiving

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Great idea! It just adds to all the choices you can have for survival


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I like the idea to an extent but it seems a little odd to be carrying around bloody survivor meat during a zombie apocalypse unless you wanted to use it as bait.

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Although interesting, there is no need for it in this game as it stands. Food is readily available and spawns regularly in the form of loot and animals. Now, remove those, and require players to actually grow, gather and hunt food. In a real survival situation, one would spend most of their day looking for food. Make starvation REAL! It can takes WEEKS to starve to death, not the measly few hour or so before you need to eat a can of beans. The same goes for water, a person can live several DAYS without water under greater and greater duress.

During starvation, the player would get weaker, slower and more vulnerable to infection.

Combine THESE elements, then cannibalism becomes a viable option. Until then, there's no point in it.

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Idea for cannibalism... If you are travelling with friends there can be an option when using context menu over them to "Allow cannibalism" this would allow them to eat you when you die at no morality loss.

Only social loss... lol

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