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Cannibalism and You.

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I for one, am loving the new releases with sickness, temperature, etc. But one thing I was somewhat hoping to see would be a very touchy subject for some.

As this is survival, survival at all costs, even killing fellow non-infected human beings, I find it remiss that this mod currently lacks cannibalism. As long as there has been the morality system, I have wondered when it would be implemented. As dastardly as it may sound, this would add an almost "unspoken" faction to the game. You would now not only have optimistic survivors and opportunistic bandits, but you would have deranged and critically brutal cannibals roaming the map. It is a very small addition that has the ability to grow with player usage, and a few sick minds.

What do you, the community, and Rocket, think of this idea?

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Seems like it could have some fun uses. Maybe have a person who eats a human constantly lose humanity, rather than the natural gain others get.

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Could make for interesting gameplay. Especially if diseases (such as zombie infection after being hit by a zombie, cold, etc) come into play. For example, if you eat a body who was diseased, you have a high chance of contracting an infection.

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I like it. It could be a reward for having ultra low humanity when it is reintroduced.

You can cave a player and procure meat steaks, and drink his blood to rehydrate.

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Should be able to gut a survivor for his meat if you capture/kill one on grounds for survival. Its been done IRL therefor it should be possible in dayz as dayz is a survival game, which means you do anything possible to survive.


You kill some survivor then suddenly decide you are hungry. You gut him with your knife and then cook him over the fire for breakfast/lunch/dinner whatever at the cost of humanity. Meat should be random to the number 4 give or take + or - 2 meats to simulate fatass people and skinnyass people.

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Other people have had this suggestion.

Please use the search function before posting.

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Other people have had this suggestion.

Please use the search function before posting.

Backseat moderation.

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I like the idea, but its pointless. Why i should eat someone and lose humanity when i can simply eat his beans?

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I like the idea' date=' but its pointless. Why i should eat someone and lose humanity when i can simply eat his beans?


What if he has no beans man... What if he has no beans.

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We dont need another reason to PK.

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I don't think cannibalism is a good feature for this game for the reasons below:

1. If anyone can cannibalize, to players who are strictly playing (i.e. not roleplaying), they will most likely always cannibalize any other players they kill simply because of the additional resources that can be gained. This can, in turn, make everyone a cannibal which is an unrealistic long-term result of this feature.

2. If DayZ requires players of low humanity (now hidden) to be able to cannibalize, it will give players a major incentive to partake in PvP combat more often, which will reduce potential friendships with strangers even further. This type of implementation will also give +1 favortism to bandits unless there is another feature that incentivizes survivors in some way. Bandits will probably do whatever it takes to stay competitive so basically all bandits will be cannibals which is unrealistic in nature.

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love the idea, cannibals should loose humanity and they should feel and look sick, maybe going crazy, having some visual or audio hallucinations

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Let's look at this from a realistic viewpoint. What happens if you go around eating human flesh in real life? Many cultures did and do it. Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism for detailed information.

To summarize, though, cannibalism can transfer diseases. Drinking the blood of your enemy seems pretty funny, when you think about it.

In general, cannibalism is a bad idea because whatever killed the person you're eating, might also kill you. The lead from your bullets, the infection that player had, a parasite that was silently attacking the deceased immune system.

So, why not allow us to eat one another, but put the HIGH risks of coming down with the flu, or a more serious disease, as it would be in any zombie filled world of blood sweat and baked beans you find abandoned in a corpse filled airstrip.

+1 for realism

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I have thought of this as well. Since this is an alpha, I think trying new and potentially controversial things is a good idea. In real life there would be nothing actually stopping you from eating a dead non zombie survivor the same as a cow or a pig; after all we are all mammals. If you are starving to death and you find a body with no food on it, what would you do in real life? You probably wouldn't choose to die.

However I think after a certain amount of time the meat should become rotten, and eating it will make you sick even if you cook it.

Also adding cannibalism might make the game controversial and give it even more publicity, which means more players.

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Cannibalism is best suited for zombies, isn't it? Like it or not, it's gotta happen. This game can do it right with the foundation already being set. The game has been called an "experiment" but I just know that it's a whole new game in the bigger picture a few years from now. It's something we should all be proud to be a part of.

DayZ is truly one of the most important games that have come along in quite some time. If I eventually turn into a zombie and need to scour the land for brains, tear and gnaw at animal flesh to survive, beat down doors and barricades with my zombie clan of the camps survivors have created, so be it. It'll be a hell of a lot of fun. That would be the only way I would resort to cannibalism.

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I actually like this idea. They would have to be visually different to normal players. I think the horror of encountering cannibals would be a real gut wrencher in the game. I can see human bodies roasting over fires lol

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I'm sure rocket is a sociologist/psychologist and he's just made this mod to see what the human race is like.


On topic: No, the real life risks of eating another human are massive and there is an abudance of other food for you to eat. Suck it up (no, not his intestines).

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I like this idea!

But we should be able to eat zombies as well! when you cook the zombie meat though it should be clean and you dont have a chance of getting the disease.

Heating up water IRL will make it clean! or putting it in sunlight.

When you cook food in the heat you get rid of bacteria and etc! so it should be clean zombie meat fresh from the zombie lol

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I like this idea!

But we should be able to eat zombies as well! when you cook the zombie meat though it should be clean and you dont have a chance of getting the disease.

Heating up water IRL will make it clean! or putting it in sunlight.

When you cook food in the heat you get rid of bacteria and etc! so it should be clean zombie meat fresh from the zombie lol

Dude wth?

I think your version of RL is fucked up.

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I was going to suggest cannibalism a la "the road" but a search revealed a number of suggestion threads on the topic, so I am +1ing the idea here.

If anyone has read or seen Cormac Mcarthy's The Road, the cannibalism in it was F-ed up and creepy. Perfect for this type of game.

With the bandit skins getting the boot it would certainly be messed up to find a normal looking dead player body with human limbs in his backpack.

I could literally imagine the scene from the road where the cannibal bandit's truck breaks down and the almost stumble on to the man and boy forcing them to take a life in self defense and race into the woods, playing out many times in Day Z

I would love to see real food be waaaaaay more scarce and cannibalism added (what a horribly cruel decision to force on all players, perfect for DayZ).

I'm sure there are many things like disease/dimentia/humanity that could help flesh out (no pun intended) the idea

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I think the 'covered in blood' debuff, suggested in another thread, would better fit cannibalism then just looting a dead player button. Picking the pockets of a man with a hole in the skull is doesn't get you that bloody, and bleeding would have to do the same. But I think you should be able to apply the hunting knife to a human to gain some meat would not be a bad idea. It would be an option in a group survival aswell which would generate paranoia. And if someone offered you human flesh? what would you do? would you eat him or kill him? how did he get it? did he kill the person himself?

It's interresting to me

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