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New idea : Tree House

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I assume this idea is new to most of you - i've never read any thread about this (also the search function didn't work)

The idea behind a tree house is quite simple:

I've you are in a danger environment, as dayz should be one, tents could be easily overrunned by zeds. Wires/Sandbags etc may help you to deffend your base.

BUT a much safer way would be to build your base out of the range of any zeds - in the trees. And that's what i would do before trying to dig a hole and build an underground base -because it is just an easier way to set up a safe camp.

What do you think about tree houses?

Im sorry for my spelling (im not a nativ english speaker)

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Not a bad idea but I know my buddy Eric would just fall out of it to his untimely death ... seriously this cat had died twice in deer stands.... :D

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I'm nearsighted, but I can tell that your spelling is bad

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This would be very interesting... Anyone else thinking treehouse cities connected by bridges?

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This would be very interesting... Anyone else thinking treehouse cities connected by bridges?

I would love this!

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i was thinking about treehouses a lot.. (actually,never posted like suggestion) anyway, i think the arma engine is not able to do that :/

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I reckon this is a good idea, but alot would have to be developed, alot of different tree models not to mention defo introducing camo netting before this was implemented.

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I'm going to bump this post up because I 100% support this.

I'd rather the design to be extremely simple though. No rope bridges or massive compounds in the trees or anything like that. Just a simple rope or ability to climb and a place to sit or store stuff. Just a platform with a box and sleeping bag more or less. Low key, hard to spot, useful. I'd still support this concept if they were just random loot locations found in the forests with maybe an option for a player to claim it (so it doesn't vanish like downed choppers at reset).

Who looks up in the trees anyway? Until we get those damn drop bears in game I doubt anyone will.

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excellent idea, would be 'relatively' simple to add i'd imagine and would transform life in the woods, also pvp would become a bit more interesting even if just the ability to climb trees was introduced, but for me the possibilty of stashing your stuff off the ground in the tree canopy would be sweet.

beans to you sir

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I'd like this idea, not quite a base, but somewhere to call your own that would be out of reach of the zombies and better concealed from players. However, they should be very hard to build up since if you get any form of defendable camp in Day Z, you're a god amongst men imo.

Obviously there would be technical limitations but with SA, new things are possible.

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Tree houses would be awesome.

Just a simple rope or ability to climb and a place to sit or store stuff. Just a platform with a box and sleeping bag more or less.

It would be nice just a rope or a rope stair being retractable so you can hide the rope after climbing.

Be able to changue the height of the tree house (5m, 10m, 12m avobe the ground.)

Be able to climb clear tree trunks with the right equipment.

Having a storage or a tent at the top

Tree houses should be destroyable.

I made this example of what It could be :) :


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I disagree with the idea, imagine if you lag and fall down out of the tree? Even then tree houses wouldn't be a safe place to hide out, you'd be a sitting duck to anything that comes by.

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yeah okay.

but really, i'd be satisfied if we can be able to just climb a tree.

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This would be very interesting... Anyone else thinking treehouse cities connected by bridges?

EwokZ? Get a grip young man, tree houses are bad. Any builds above ground will slow down the server.

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EwokZ? Get a grip young man, tree houses are bad. Any builds above ground will slow down the server.

why? probably if you fill the server with hundreds of treehouses :D

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Tree house is a good idea , like i said in my tree house post, i would much rather up than underground. Plus trip wires ;)

My original post ...


Reading some threads here, base building etc and i have always thought..fuck that, i would want a tree house. Up off the ground , pull up the wooden/rope ladder and you are fairly safe. Simple to naturally camoflauge. As kids we always had a treehouse and they rock, homebuilt and easy as with minimum tools and equipment needed. Then i thought, fire. They would kill me with fire and eat the freshly heated franks and beans. Fuckers.

So the old tin can trip wire trick. Never sleep fitfully with one eye open again. If you are seen whilst out digging for edible forest bugs (yum) and have to make a mad dash back to the tree pad of frivolity then once you are up and in,you will know if they have followed by the jingle jangle of the wire being tripped. Of course animals will be able to trip it so there will be plenty of false warnings, big winds will also affect it. But at least now we will have a use for all of those empty cans, all that is required is wire ,which is all over the place. Even the ability to strip down a farm fence will produce more than enough.

You could set several jingle jingle alarms so you could even pinpoint a general n/e/s/w direction.

Please see extremely awesome paint pic i wasted 2 minutes of my life on, it only shows one wire but you get the drift.



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If little treehouses could be brought in sort of like "Tents+ : The Next Generation" and consist of a very simple platform/rope-ladder combo with semi-rare components, I think it would fit very nicely. :beans:

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