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No Respawn button now? /sigh

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Is this a plan for the next patch? Or going to be added ASAP? I'd like to see it soon.

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Did you not read this thread people will just kill themselves by jumping off the nearest rock in order to respawn where they want, so what do you think that will fix?

yeah i did read it thanks and the topic is no respawn button so i addressed that point thanks

and for people cliff jumping then that is something else that needs looking at but for now removing the respawn stops an exploit so your problem is ??

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EVERYONE CHILL THE FUCK OUT :P , this really changes nothing... it means instead of clicking a button to respawn closer to your friends you just have to find some Zeds to kill you... you normally spawn close enough to zombies that it will add 2 minutes to the respawn option at max, its no big deal, and to the people who like the "Realism" of this game, just because the respawn button was there in the first place does NOT mean you have to use it, i will admit that i have used this button from time to time, the only thing that bothers me is when you do get that spawn stuck in the ground bug and will be stuck without an option to get out, other than that i want to see the arma "Suicide" option come into play. peace out

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Laziness isn't the correct word really. This is all about patience, or rather the people who seriously lack it. They just want everything now.

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There was a respawn button ? I don't get it what happens when they take it out ?

Just go and die near zombies.

Edited by MrTamarian

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just let zombies eat you

So true, if their is no respawn button people will just run to the nearest town and get eaten alive! We gamers are creative that way B) !

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» Participates for hours and hours in a completely unproductive activity

» Calls others lazy while doing so

» Fails to see the irony

All games are inherently unproductive. That's why they are called games.

How is that relevant to whether or not you can be lazy or impatient while playing them?

Chess is a game; and it's unproductive. Yet, in order to play you must exercise extreme amounts of focus, attention, patience and calm consideration. Some moves can take 30+ minutes of just sitting and calmly considering the possibilities. So if you showed up to a chess tournament and said "This is bullshit! Where's all the action? You guys are being so unproductive!" then I could rightly call you impatient or lazy.

Poker functions similarly. If you want to be successful long-term in poker, you must be incredibly patient and wait for opportunities to take advantage of mistakes made by your opponents. I have played 15+ hour sessions in which I have folded almost every hand I received because I did not see an opportunity to capitalize on a situation. Was I bored? Yes, at times. Did I get impatient and go all-in and hope to get lucky and double-up? No, I waited - and even if the opportunity didn't come I went home and came back and tried again next time. Meanwhile I watch player after player show up drunk, slap down $200 and lose it within 10 minutes because they don't have the patience or fortitude to play the game with proper consideration. That's okay for them. They had fun. Just like the player who runs into Cherno shouting and firing rounds into the air is probably having fun. But just like the drunk poker player is going to go home empty-handed 10 minutes into his session, the crazy Cherno shooter is going to be back at the beach in no time at all...

Nothing about a game says you cannot exhibit impatience or laziness while playing and, say what you will, but an unwillingness to devote 10-15 minutes to accomplishing what you clearly feel is a very important task in DayZ - getting together with your friends - shows an extreme amount of impatience and, yes, a fair amount of laziness too. "I want satisfaction now! Why should I have to work for it?" is the essence of your argument.

I've said it before (of course nobody in your camp bothered to respond): friends are more important than any other item or piece of equipment in the game. So asking to be able to spawn next to your friends is no different than asking to spawn next to a pile of great loot, food or ammunition.

If you want something important, work for it. If you aren't willing to work for what you want, don't expect it for free.

It's really as simple as that. This thread can go for another 13 pages but it's not going to change the nature of DayZ. You are meant to start alone, unarmed, and unprepared. Everything after that you need to work for. Don't want to do that? Well I think you know what comes next.

So true, if their is no respawn button people will just run to the nearest town and get eaten alive! We gamers are creative that way B) !

Creative and foolish.

By the time you "run to the nearest town" 3-4 times over and wait for zombies to kill you, you will most likely have spent more time killing yourself than it would have taken you to run and meet your friends in the first place.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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If there never was a respawn button no one would complain about it being removed. This is Alpha, suggest an improved mechanic instead of complaining about the broken and abused one that was removed.

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Constantly re-spawning to get to a better area after dying so you can link up with your friends is not only somewhat of an exploit it bogs down servers as character creation is one of the most intensive portions of the game, I for one an happy all you re spawn warriors are getting screwed. Run to Cherno like the rest of us...

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All games are inherently unproductive. That's why they are called games.

How is that relevant to whether or not you can be lazy or impatient while playing them?

Yes, all games are inherently unproductive. Thus, by playing this game you are already being lazy. To call someone lazy because they don't like a mechanic that makes the game take more time is quite ironic.

Add to that the fact that the game is only truly difficult to brand new players. Once you get a few camps set up, you don't really have to worry about a death or two wiping you out. Making the early game even more difficult is another reason this is a poor design decision. The late game needs to be more challenging, and the barriers to entry need to be lowered.

I've said it before (of course nobody in your camp bothered to respond): friends are more important than any other item or piece of equipment in the game. So asking to be able to spawn next to your friends is no different than asking to spawn next to a pile of great loot, food or ammunition.
First of all, there is no “camp”. I'm not here to express anyone else's opinion but my own.

Secondly, if you look at my threads, you will see that I might just agree with that opinion. However, this is a multiplayer game, and if you make it hard for players to get together to play, you're not helping the game in any way. In fact, Rocket seems to agree with me on that point. He has alluded to grouping features being added into the game at some point.

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Yes, all games are inherently unproductive. Thus, by playing this game you are already being lazy. To call someone lazy because they don't like a mechanic that makes the game take more time is quite ironic.

Call me crazy but I personally would call it lazy to spam the respawn button.

I think you have misunderstood what Rocket is trying to make here. He is not trying to make an easy, quick game.

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So it's extra lazy to be playing a game and not wanting to run a digital avatar a few minutes by holding down a key with a tiny amount of force with a single finger.

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if we are just supposed to "google" to see where we are going. why can't we just spawn with a map and avoid that part? I know personally in the survival bag i have in the basement there is a map/compass/matches/knife/water bottle. you know... the basic shit.

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I can see Rocket's point. And I don't like exploits, which respawning for a favored spawn is in my opinion. But unless another option presents itself, I'd just as soon keep it as a lesser evil, because I feel it's just going to encourage even more Alt+F4'ing.

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Just add to that massive post count. E-pen over 9000!

Why do you care how many posts people have? Maybe in the time it took to respond to all these "basement dwellers" you could have ran from cherno to electro and back 10 times. If this game does not suit your needs, don't play it. not every game is going to be hand carved to what you need. given the amount of people who disagree with you here and on reddit and various other threads, this is a welcome change "as long as debug plains is fixed"

I don't spend time in Call of Duty sites saying they need to remove killstreaks out of the game because it removes any sort of skill at all and adds a random factor to the game. I simply don't play it , it's not for me.

Stop badmouthing gamers about how much time they spend enjoying there life and get your own shit together.

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couldn't the hive be upgraded?

i mean the number of tents is an issue as well

the respawn button was removed in an attempt to ease the load on the hive, not to prevent spawn shopping

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Call me crazy but I personally would call it lazy to spam the respawn button.

I think you have misunderstood what Rocket is trying to make here. He is not trying to make an easy, quick game.

Calling someone lazy for using a game mechanic so they can start playing with a friend is pretty crazy to be honest.

If Rocket is trying to make a game in which grouping is difficult and time consuming, then why is he planning on adding features that facilitate grouping?

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Calling someone lazy for using a game mechanic so they can start playing with a friend is pretty crazy to be honest.

If Rocket is trying to make a game in which grouping is difficult and time consuming, then why is he planning on adding features that facilitate grouping?

Rocket is trying to make a game which is difficult and time consuming, CORRECT, you nailed it. The only reason has said that he wants to add features to facilitate grouping is because of everyone defaulting to banditry and everyone complaining about this. He never said he wants to make the game easier or less time consuming.

Lets give some examples which have already been given.

You want to group with your 'friends', yet you seem to have died, again. So now you want to find your way to them so you can play together. Lets take a second to consider where they could be. If they are on the coast, as seems to be the case every time you die. This is the only case I can think of that using this "mechanic" would help you meet up with someone quicker. Even still it may not be quicker, as you may have to use the respawn many times to get where you want. Again, this is the only time that this might help.

I find that if you have a location you wish to get to the fastest way is not loot every loot spawn on the way, in fact do the opposite and avoid loot spawns all together. This may add to your total travel distance but you will not have to crawl/crouch to avoid zombies and hence can move faster. People have commented about the half an hour run to go to/from Cherno/Electro, I personally can probably swim through the sea between those two towns faster.

Another scenario could be that you have died and your friends are not on the coast. Which case the only option is for them to be North, yes they may be West or East of you as well. Respawning in this situation will not save you any time as you will not get any closer as you will always spawn on the coast.

If the people you want to meet up with want to meet up with you as bad as you do with them, they would make their way to you as you venture toward them. Respawning in this situation would only make things take longer as you will not be moving towards them and they will not be moving towards you, because they do not know where you will be.

I have now covered a couple scenarios that may occur after a death. With that said I do not believe the respawn button is a "mechanic" and I believe that's why Rocket took it out. It was already part of Arma 2 and was never intended to be a "mechanic" in DayZ. Also, I will point out a fact that I'm sure is well known by everyone here, Death is final. Death in this game is not meant to be easy to cope with or, "not a big deal". You are supposed to feel like you lost everything when you die, including any friends you were with.

Now for a scenarios that most of the people against the respawn removal probably never thought of but I will pose it to see if they think this would have been a good or correct use of the "mechanic".

Lets say you were roaming around in the North with a group, does not matter where, but you had to log off. Does not matter why, maybe you were tired, maybe you had to eat dinner, maybe you had RL plans. While you were logged out the party you were with continues on. Then someone brand new to the game joins and wants to play (Or maybe just imagine that one of them died). The group decides they will make their way to the coast to meet up with said person and show them the ropes and maybe give them a few extra supplies they may have. Now you come back on and find that you are all the way up North and your group is way down South. My question is, would you then use the respawn "mechanic" to teleport yourself closer to your group? If so, maybe it was a mechanic and should have been left in the game.

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This change is not welcome at all. It is already hard enough to find your friend you want to play with. Games should support playing with others, not torture you for trying. If this stays in the current build we need to have at least a map when we spawn. People will just quit out of frustration trying to find their friends. This is bad game/mod design imo.

Agreed. It will be especially painful if you end up in the debug zone. You shouldn't have to wait for one hour to die of dehydration or starvation before you can play again ...

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Agreed. It will be especially painful if you end up in the debug zone. You shouldn't have to wait for one hour to die of dehydration or starvation before you can play again ...

* [NEW] Players spawning in debug area or "water world" will spawn on beach on next login (with their gear).

Just relog.

Edited by Kuningas

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This change is not welcome at all. Actually...it is VERY welcome and is something people have been asking for. It is already hard enough to find your friend you want to play with. Learn to run. Games should support playing with others, not torture you for trying. Really? Says who? If this stays in the current build we need to have at least a map when we spawn. Why? People will just quit out of frustration trying to find their friends. They will? This is bad game/mod design imo. Well it IS your OPINION...just like the rest of your post.

My response in RED.

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Fucking idiots all in this thread.

Choosing where you spawn defeats the purpose of the game,imo.

Yeah who wants to play with their fucking friends anyway? Much more fun to endlessly run through the woods.



Run, run, run

Loot, loot, loot

Die to hackers


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