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TJ |RUS|' pid='46875' dateline='1337669251']

Looks like we are stuck with can goods until the hatch or a better wood retrieval system is added Nya.

You need some wood, matches to light a fire, a knife to cut up your steaks.

Go hunting...

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IF rocket is planning to make wood available in forests, then maybe it could be done like the water refill feature.

If you are in an area that is ok (like forests, or generally just near trees) then give a prompt with a gearcheck if you got matches that lets you allow making a fire.

It's the same with the waterbottle:

Is the player near a water source?

Does the player have an empty bottle?

If both are true, then refill water function is available.

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frankly i don't think you should need wood. its so readily available, that the game should just assume you find some nearby and start the fire.

heck even in towns there is wood and furniture readily available to burn. just take out the requirement. its not needed and honesly it just makes for more useless item piles for someone that isn't in dire need of cooked meat.

the only advantage it gives is forcing people that stay in the wild to have to venture into towns every now and then, which technically isn't bad. however if he is adding a hatchet, it'll remove that whole effect, making wood redundant again (not to mention most wood that you cut from live trees doesn't burn well anyway, most burnable wood can usually be collected by hand)

the whole wood thing is kind of an immersion breaker. especially when you can find 5 foot tall stacks of wood in towns that you can't collect wood from

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Okay. I'm going to have to hear the difference between realism and realistic.

(Wait' date=' let me get some popcorn.)


I think if you read the rest of my post, the distinction I made would be clear regardless of whether you agree with the semantics I chose. Maybe I'm the only one who uses the terms so, but for me realism is the sense of the real, or the impression of the real, while respecting the narrative and pace of the game while "realistic" ignores the narrative or gameplay value of in favor of always opting for "truly real."

Needing to eat and drink is realism. Having to poop and pee would be realistic.

Requiring medical supplies to deal with injuries is realism. Requiring players to wait months for a broken bone to heal would be realistic.

Rare loot spawns add realism (you have the *sense* that it's difficult to find useful things) without resorting to realistic - no loot respawns at all.

Leaving a tall stand of majestic pines to enter a zombie-infested city/town in order to gather firewood is *neither* realism nor realistic and it pulls me just that one step further away from the narrative that I'm crafting in the game. As I said, it's goofiness in a game that should avoid goofy.

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>Complain about there not being any wood in the forest.

>Complain that rocket is trying to implement an item that would allow you to get wood in the forest


Greentexting outside an image board.

Get the fuck out.

Also i'm quoting this, cause it's the fucking truth and everyone should deal with it :

So, I am new the the forums but have been playing Dayz for a little of 8 days and I wanted to address the logic pattern for wood.

I understand the "logic" of get X+Y to get Z and the point is to make something rare or rare-ish. My concern is that the wood analogy breaks down on several levels.

First, matches are already fairly rare (i know it has been increased), but right now it feels appropriate in their rarity. Also matches alone means little to nothing currently.

Second, if you have matches making a fire out of whatever is actually pretty easy in real life.

Finally, when you approach the "need" for wood but don't have every object (I know impossible) useable the level of frustration increases. Case, I just walked by a pile of ruble that has wood parts, planks, wood shed, stack of logs, insert other burnable item here and you see that "hunting" for something to burn is a little over the top.

I don't want to make this game easy, I like it difficult, but having a game mechanic that is so intricate while the world itself not, only adds a level of frustration, not achievement.

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yeah, but it's there and probably won't go away, so my posted idea would work around the immersion problem you have.

Set the allowed areas to logical places and if you want to make a fire outside of those, you need to collect wood from some lootstacks

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You need some wood, matches to light a fire, a knife to cut up your steaks.

Go hunting...

I have all of that, but I am not going to scavenge villages for wood, when there is forest all around me. Seems silly

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This is seriously a game ruining feature for me. I've spent the last 3 hours trying to find firewood for an injured friend who was passing out so we could cook meat. I was near death also. He ate all the cooked meat. Cock. Sucker.

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I saw nothing wrong with fires in 1.5.7. The requirement to find wood is silly, the entire map is littered with trees, woods, big forests, wooden fences, most of the buildings are wooden, then there's the scrap everywhere...

Fires were difficult to light as you had to find a very flat exposed spot to do it in, which attracted Zs anyway...

All that needed doing was making match boxes have a number of uses (non-infinite number of matches in them). That way the scavenging part was finding a source of fire, not the wood/fuel it's self.

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While I don't mind the new fire system much, I agree that with so much forest around, wood shouldn't be the issue, even with hatchet and whatnot.

Having a limited amount of matches in a matchbox but not require wood would be a better way to play around this concept I believe.

I mean, in such environment, I would understand people killing for a lighter or a matchbox, but not for wood :)

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Don't know what everyones complaining about. Axes, firewood, haystacks and jerrycans are everywhere.

Haters gon hate.

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ya, people bring up the matches.

you already had an item that could have been easily modified to require you to scavenge to start fires. I don't see the logic in adding a whole new item to the game to limit fires when you could have easily just modified the current one to be limited use. now i've read that there is thinking of adding a 3rd item item to the game to circumvent problems created by adding the 2nd one.

thats a bad path to take in game design, you don't ever want to add new features to fix broken ones, instead you fix the broken feature at the start. Right now its possible we'll have two features added into the game to fix just one that was broken, and suprisingly the 2nd new item (hatchet) may be added to fix the fact that the first new item is in itself broken (wood that doesn't exist int he woods). The reality is matches are whats broken by having unlimited uses. Fix them and make them limited and you don't need to add wood, and in turn a hatchet. save the developement time and complexity for more important additions

instead of adding new items just to fix current ones that arn't working, try just fixing the source instead.

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This wood-feature doesnt make any sense to me.

What is the idea of it?

- To make the game more realistic?

Nothing more unrealistic but finding no wood in the woods or carrying firewood in the backpack(!!!).

- To force the long time survivors out of the forests into the villages again?

No need to force them out with such features. Apart from the fact that it would get boring to hang around in the woods all the time (U would play deerhunter instead dayz then) one still has to loot towns and villages for ammo and drugs.

- To get the peacefull guys back to bean- and firewood-war?

So the idea of the game would be given away, that you have alternativ ways to survive in chernaruss, what identified the game till now.

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ya' date=' people bring up the matches.

you already had an item that could have been easily modified to require you to scavenge to start fires. I don't see the logic in adding a whole new item to the game to limit fires when you could have easily just modified the current one to be limited use. now i've read that there is thinking of adding a 3rd item item to the game to circumvent problems created by adding the 2nd one.

thats a bad path to take in game design, you don't ever want to add new features to fix broken ones, instead you fix the broken feature at the start. Right now its possible we'll have two features added into the game to fix just one that was broken, and suprisingly the 2nd new item (hatchet) may be added to fix the fact that the first new item is in itself broken (wood that doesn't exist int he woods). The reality is matches are whats broken by having unlimited uses. Fix them and make them limited and you don't need to add wood, and in turn a hatchet. save the developement time and complexity for more important additions

instead of adding new items just to fix current ones that arn't working, try just fixing the source instead.


Listen to this man! Matches need a number indicator on them in the gear

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Perhaps a better mechanic would be limited matches. Each box should come with say 5-10 matches.

Matches start fires. Wood fuels them. Following the you can start a fire with just about anything in game logic, make it so that players can start a fire with just the matches item. The fire should burn for the amount of time that allows a player to recover 10 temperature points. Let wood fuel the fire for about 35 temperature points. This way players can use matches to start a fire but if they don't have wood to fuel it, it will run out quickly. For players who want to just cook meet, this mechanic would work the same was the old one did for the most part.

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Uhm, i just played the first time after the new patch, nighttime and my temperature didn't change AT ALL.

So what exactly triggers temperature drop? Only rain? or was i just not long enough online?

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Why not just add an axe that you can get from fire stations or the axe you always see in wood blocks, and then link the dead logs you always find in forests to a script so you can just run up to one of them and use the scroll wheel once you have an axe to get firewood. Just the same as getting fuel with empty jerry cans when you find the large fuel containers around industrial areas, fuel stations and farms.

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Alendor makes an extremely compelling argument, confirming my thoughts exactly while adding sane and realistic justification.

Rocket, please re-impliment the fire dynamic using limited match boxes rather than fixing the broken wood pile idea with an even more broken hatchet idea.

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This feature is just bollocks and breaks the immersion completely.

"Oh hey, let's move out to the next supermarket grabbing some firewood"

Wait what? I'm in the forest with friggin hay around me. On a sunny day i could literally burn the whole place down with just one single match.

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This is just silly. I stand and look directly at the woodpile. Next to a deck with a cleaver. I have a match, but no firewood! I'm sick and I can not start a fire! A good idea with bad execution. Sorry for my Google english.

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Yeah, this firewood idea is ridiculous. Chernarus is full of woods, bushes, wooden houses, barns etc. Everything will burn. Even the hatchet idea is stupid. Why do I need a hatched when I could just get some boards from fence, get dry sticks or just burn a barn?

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So' date=' I am new the the forums but have been playing Dayz for a little of 8 days and I wanted to address the logic pattern for wood.

I understand the "logic" of get X+Y to get Z and the point is to make something rare or rare-ish. My concern is that the wood analogy breaks down on several levels.

First, matches are already fairly rare (i know it has been increased), but right now it feels appropriate in their rarity. Also matches alone means little to nothing currently.

Second, if you have matches making a fire out of whatever is actually pretty easy in real life.

Finally, when you approach the "need" for wood but don't have every object (I know impossible) useable the level of frustration increases. Case, I just walked by a pile of ruble that has wood parts, planks, wood shed, stack of logs, insert other burnable item here and you see that "hunting" for something to burn is a little over the top.

I don't want to make this game easy, I like it difficult, but having a game mechanic that is so intricate while the world itself not, only adds a level of frustration, not achievement.



I can even understand the logic behind finding fuel for your fire, but maybe it would of been best to wait until he had a better system to gather fuel.

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this addition was silly and unnecessary. Chernarus is practically made of firewood' date=' but I've got to go into town if I want to find some?

If you think meat is too powerful, just make it give less blood - don't add goofy requirements to prevent us from cooking it.

Patch this out, I hope.

Rocket is planning to implement a hatchet item, which will get wood from trees.

Has he visited a forest recently? That stuff falls off trees. Like, all the time. It just lies right there, ripe for the burnin'.

A hatchet would be cool if I'm building a shelter, a litter for injured companions, or a raft - things that rely on precise cuts and strong wood. But a cookfire? I can make that with twigs, leaves and bark.

The above says things quite well.

Also, complexity for the sake of complexity is just silly. I enjoy most of what I have experienced with this mod. However, this wood thing even if you add a hatchet is just plain "make work".

I love features that build on the experience or add to it.

Whats next a frying pan?

PS. Put the bandages back on the wheel.

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all this whining is incredibly fun to read. you are part of testing this not here to have fun. oh god how many times do people have to repeat it. Rocket will prolly change it in the next few days anyway.

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@KT zu Guttenberg: Testing dictates feed-back does it not? What the point in a test unless people's feed-back is considered?

I.e. Testing is an iterative precess, requiring feed-back for the entire paradigm to work..

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