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Hero of Canton

Experiment: Hero of Canton's used car give away!

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We've had our fun hoarding vehicles on this server and the challenge to keep adding vehicles has worn itself out! So, we wanted to do something fun:

To start with we'd like to give away the Red Sedan!

We'll park it somewhere very near a shore town around HAPPENING NOW!!! (master servers are down, we'll shoot for 8pm and see how it goes)pm EASTERN (today July 23rd) and announce which server we are on and which town it is near after the car is placed.

What I'm hoping for is to see some shore dwellers fight over the car and someone eventually drive it off! And if some people want to camp the spot picking off people as they run to the car, by all means! Hopefully they will start hunting each other too. Bottom line is however exciting or lame it turns out, someone will eventually end up with a vehicle to have some fun with.

Any thoughts? I'm afraid I'm not giving enough time for people to prepare or know about it, or that no one will care. But I figure if people have a character they don't mind losing, it would be fun to fight for the vehicle. I'm hoping people don't think so much about the prize of the Red Sedan and more of the mini-game aspect of a sort of king of the hill. I will try to hide somewhere near by and record with FRAPS.

Edited by Hero of Canton
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Thank you Pinin, but... what do you think? lol. By the way, I have no intention of sniping players myself. I don't want to discourage people by shooting them. I will shoot people if they get too close to where ever I hide, though :P

I'm going to be making a server announcement as well.

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I really like the idea. I will just run straight for it and take my chances.

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We also have some other vehicles we will try to do this with as well if this goes well. Thanks for the feedback so far.

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More like King of the Hill - I like this thing you are doing. In Industry Speak I think this is what is called emergent gameplay.

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More like King of the Hill - I like this thing you are doing. In Industry Speak I think this is what is called emergent gameplay.

Yes sir! Hope to see you there.

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Master servers are down looks like. I'll postpone this until they are ready since people can't search for the server!

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OK! Car is on SERVER US 481 on the Soccer Field in northern Cherno! We'll see how this works even though joining servers is a little broken right now.

To join manually use

Edited by Hero of Canton

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LOL two different people just got in it and were ambushed. Someone shot the tire out but looks like they survived so far...

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It's still there! Has a broken tire it looked like! Pretty big fire fight, 3 casualties, 4 more customers in cherno on my last count. Car still there with wounded tire!

Edited by Hero of Canton

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As soon as i got close, two guys were running at it... think im responsible for the blown tire....oops

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Another interesting fire fight, no casualties. A survivor with a hatchet just drug like 45 zombies past two armed survivors but I think they're focused on the car.

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Placed a spare tire right next to the car! You don't even have to hunt for one. I see at least 4 people, 3 groups, still running around!

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this was a great idea...I was just gonna watch in Cherno and see how it played out but after checkin out the place I decided to just make a run for it. Threw 2 smoke grenades and went to repair the tire, but once I got in there was alot of gunshots going off lol I'd like to think the smoke helped cover me but I have no idea.

Never had a car in this game so i'll enjoy it while it lasts!

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I recorded it! I'll try to edit it together maybe tomorrow and post the link here! Have fun cobra, from my angle the smoke def helped!

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BTW was taking some pot shots at some people afterwards just before I logged off and someone snuck up on me with a shotty and got some good gear! I heard him coming but it takes so damn long to switch to my silenced M9 and then try to move that he had a good 3 seconds where I couldn't move or shoot. I think he DC'd right after looting me though because I had some people looking at my position that couldn't see him :) Hope to do this again soon. Thanks for everyone that participated!

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