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About CobraSavage

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  1. CobraSavage

    Anyone have coordinates/location of the bombed church?

    looks like I was completely ignored lol
  2. CobraSavage

    Anyone have coordinates/location of the bombed church?

  3. CobraSavage

    A Deck of Cards is what we all need

    and then you can kidnap people and play high card with them...they win, give em weapons, they lose, take their life.
  4. I think people forget this is a mod of an actual game... we need to set up an arma match with a bunch of us.
  5. I was about to post this lol I remember when it wasn't called camping and it was simply called sniping. Also, you can easily survive with guns found all over the map, The goal of the game is to survive and you don't NEED to go to the NWAF to survive...you go there for rare gear knowing there could be snipers waiting for you.
  6. CobraSavage

    Can i use my controller for DayZ?

    yeah, you've used BOTH extensively...you decided WASD is obviously the better style for you (and most people, I get it). This guy obviously said he uses the xbox controller for every other FPS pc game and wants to use it for Dayz which is possible...if he doesn't like it he can always switch to mouse. btw, I use mouse/keyboard as well, I was just saying I tried the controller and there's hardly anything wrong with it.
  7. CobraSavage

    Can i use my controller for DayZ?

    I dont think people realize that there's some people that game almost exclusively on consoles. When you've played with an xbox controller for 6 years and hardly game on PC, you'll be alot better at aiming with a controller. Stop acting like anybody that uses a controller automatically sucks. I've used a controller a while back but you'd have to still use the keyboard/mouse for things like inventory. One thing i'll say is...I always liked a controller cuz it has a trigger for shooting...not a fan of clicking on someone.
  8. CobraSavage

    Experiment: Hero of Canton's used car give away!

    this was a great idea...I was just gonna watch in Cherno and see how it played out but after checkin out the place I decided to just make a run for it. Threw 2 smoke grenades and went to repair the tire, but once I got in there was alot of gunshots going off lol I'd like to think the smoke helped cover me but I have no idea. Never had a car in this game so i'll enjoy it while it lasts!