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Large Increase in Noobs?

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It may be the steam sale but after the last time i died, i decided i would bandit Elektro. Within 2 minutes I found a lee enfield and 2 people hunched over 3 bodies... Shot them, got a coyote backpack and supplies. Walked toward the firehouse, a person running, didnt even notice me, shot, ammo.... Went up the barn, came face to face with someone who couldnt hit a fly, shot him, more supplies. Now I am in Elektro... after 30 minutes of spawning, and I have an AS50, a Coyote Backpack, a Bizon PP19 SD, numerous food and drink, and some medical supplies. (Now the AS50 I got from my friend who somehow died and ended up in debug forrest but when he relogged he spawned in Kamyshovo with all his gear while his body was still there with its gear as well). But seriously, not one of these people could even aim! One of them saw me and laid behind a wall to ambush me... I walked up the OTHER side of the wall and shot him... very poor decisions.

Keep em coming, more noobs with good gear = free gear.

Edited by jdotjdot7

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The game was gaining 150,000 players a week even before the Steam sale.

Like, 20 players per minute, every minute of every day.

So, yeah. We have some new players running around.

The life expectancy on the home page is going to go down :D

Except the opposite has been happening...

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Lol...... Everyday there are thousands of people buying the game and playing for the first time. Of course the amount of "noobs" is increasing. Everyone who starts off isn't a seasoned pro at this game. Use common sense. Cool story bro.

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bandit in elektro calls others noobs

I've been shot in the back after saving someone, shot in the back while trying to remove wire just to help the server and noobs... Ive been shot by a guy who claimed he was friendly... MULTIPLE times... this is sort of my vengeance.

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I seen the title and thought it was gonna be a discussion about new players joining dayz and changing the feel, instead it was just some bandit bragging about killing players.... seriously why do people feel its needed to post bandit related threads in GD and not in the bandit campfire?

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I seen the title and thought it was gonna be a discussion about new players joining dayz and changing the feel, instead it was just some bandit bragging about killing players.... seriously why do people feel its needed to post bandit related threads in GD and not in the bandit campfire?

Dayz will never change, in fact, I was very helpful, never shot unless shot at... But too many betrayals and stabs in the back... theres no point in being nice. You lose you stuff to assholes, so why not take vengeance on the people who you know whould do the same thing to you?

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so many disapointed noobs, thinking they are going to be playing a survival game about zombies, then getting their heads blown off by someone saying friendly over the coms...

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so many disapointed noobs, thinking they are going to be playing a survival game about zombies, then getting their heads blown off by someone saying friendly over the coms...

Yeah but that also symbolizes whats wrong with the game, saying friendly and then killing someone should be a punishable offense. I know people will say Meta-game but in all honesty, alls it does is make people hostile. Who cares if someone yells friendly, once someone gets killed by a person calling "friendly" why should they trust anyone else. Then you get to me who just shoots everyone on sight now. And i can say, I did not EXPECT to get all this gear so quickly, but it appears many people are running around towns with gear they found and no idea how to use it.

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Hey, everyone was a noob once, it takes some time to figure this out. After about death number 4 the shoot on sight thing started looking attractive

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Hey, everyone was a noob once, it takes some time to figure this out. After about death number 4 the shoot on sight thing started looking attractive

Yeah, I am just telling everyone that the south cities are looking like they have all the brand new steam sale players in them and apparently they have good gear haha.

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Dayz will never change, in fact, I was very helpful, never shot unless shot at... But too many betrayals and stabs in the back... theres no point in being nice. You lose you stuff to assholes, so why not take vengeance on the people who you know whould do the same thing to you?

Thing is that just fuels the problem. People start out like you did not shooting unless shot first, but now you are doing the same thing that angered you and soon they will be acting out in revenge just like you. Being a dick is contagious in this game I would like to think being nice would catch on as well if more people gave it a shot. We now have half a million people out for revenge but have no clue where to direct that revenge so the noob who just downloaded the game gets the brunt end of it.

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I just don't understand people nowadays. DayZ is not a fucking DM game, it's a zombie survival RPG mod for the famous ArmA 2 war simulator. It's entirely trying to express the experience of zombie survival to other players. And what comes out of it? Everyone shooting each other in Elektro and Cherno, people shooting people without any warning or RP element, doesn't even caring about zombies... Would you do this in real-life aswell if anytime a zombie apocalypse happens? If so... then humanity will die faster even than the dinosaurs. -.-

I've got shot twice in Cherno by some AK wielding douchebag, doesn't even a fucking warning. On the second time I even yelled "DON'T FUCKING SHOOT" several times but he just kept shooting, and not even a word. Also on the second meeting I had nothing! Literally NOTHING! And before the Cherno massive death I met 2 people pointing their gun at me. I thought why not trying to be friendly. I salute. Then I approach them slwoly. They still pointed the gun at me. Just when I tried to tell something the one wielding the AK shoots me down. I see youtube videos, about people playing games and so many is about negotiating with other players. They all sounded like americans. Tell me, are Americans playing this game better? Like a lot better, and how it should be played?

Sick... This is stupid and this game will be just another DM game mostly without any RP element...

Edited by IReaperI

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Yeah, I am just telling everyone that the south cities are looking like they have all the brand new steam sale players in them and apparently they have good gear haha.

Why not go north and find real PvP competition instead of demoralizing "noobs". DayZ is getting alot of good press but it's people like you who trun people away from the game very quickly. If they can't even get out of the spawn area without being whacked most will quit before they can see the portential the game really has.

But yeah, great job. Experienced player mowing down "noobs" in the spawn area. Great skills you have sir. I'm sure you were never a "noob" at this game. Bravo.

Edited by Mega_Death
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Oh yes you notice it on the forum aswell, massive surge of WTF is this game, and help how do i threads being created. Gotta be the last one or two days of the steam sale where the Arma package was 40% off.

Good luck to to the bandits.

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Been here a while, and I feel stupid, because I've never shot anyone down there yet that has not tried to kill me first.

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Dayz will never change, in fact, I was very helpful, never shot unless shot at... But too many betrayals and stabs in the back... theres no point in being nice. You lose you stuff to assholes, so why not take vengeance on the people who you know whould do the same thing to you?

I think you mis-understood what I meant by changing the feel. With new players come new people using possibly different play-styles which depending on the amount of players using any one play-style changes the way the game feels, just like if a majority of players don't kill on sight, it would than change the feel and how we deal with other players.

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I have no problem with PVP anywhere, I shoot anyone I feel threatened by or anyone who I think may have something I can upgrade my kit with. I do not try to shoot noobs or unarmed players though, I try to use direct to tell them to move on, or lay down while I move away the problem is people don't listen and instead try to find a gun in an area someone with a gun just looted. Most of the time its your stupidity that gets you killed IMO.

Also I think its impossible to actually rob people, even when you have the drop on them no one I've encountered has surrendered they either run or try to shoot, so I've given up on this tactic and now just shoot someone if they have something I want/need.

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I just don't understand people nowadays. DayZ is not a fucking DM game, it's a zombie survival RPG mod for the famous ArmA 2 war simulator. It's entirely trying to express the experience of zombie survival to other players. And what comes out of it? Everyone shooting each other in Elektro and Cherno, people shooting people without any warning or RP element, doesn't even caring about zombies... Would you do this in real-life aswell if anytime a zombie apocalypse happens? If so... then humanity will die faster even than the dinosaurs. -.-

I've got shot twice in Cherno by some AK wielding douchebag, doesn't even a fucking warning. On the second time I even yelled "DON'T FUCKING SHOOT" several times but he just kept shooting, and not even a word. Also on the second meeting I had nothing! Literally NOTHING! And before the Cherno massive death I met 2 people pointing their gun at me. I thought why not trying to be friendly. I salute. Then I approach them slwoly. They still pointed the gun at me. Just when I tried to tell something the one wielding the AK shoots me down. I see youtube videos, about people playing games and so many is about negotiating with other players. They all sounded like americans. Tell me, are Americans playing this game better? Like a lot better, and how it should be played?

Sick... This is stupid and this game will be just another DM game mostly without any RP element...

It is not that bad currently. Wait for the wave of hackers to finish off the mod.

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Why not go north and find real PvP competition instead of demoralizing "noobs". DayZ is getting alot of good press but it's people like you who trun people away from the game very quickly. If they can't even get out of the spawn area without being whacked most will quit before they can see the portential the game really has.

But yeah, great job. Experienced player mowing down "noobs" in the spawn area. Great skills you have sir. I'm sure you were never a "noob" at this game. Bravo.

Why not go north and find real PvP competition instead of demoralizing "noobs". DayZ is getting alot of good press but it's people like you who trun people away from the game very quickly. If they can't even get out of the spawn area without being whacked most will quit before they can see the portential the game really has.

But yeah, great job. Experienced player mowing down "noobs" in the spawn area. Great skills you have sir. I'm sure you were never a "noob" at this game. Bravo.

Well said.

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It's something like every 3 seconds a new person buys DayZ or some shit.

I bet Arma are happy with Rocket lol, I hope he gets a cut.

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