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So Im thinking something like The Fall Out: New Vages style of stuff.

Ex. EPO: increases max blood by 500 with a +500 cap.

and annother...

Ex. Hydrocodung: Steadys aim

Im sure you can think of more!

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Like this idea, if you do something like Adrenaline, it can help you run faster, keep your water and food from doing down or causing damage and give you a health boost. Side effects might be shakiness afterwards.

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Like this idea, if you do something like Adrenaline, it can help you run faster, keep your water and food from doing down or causing damage and give you a health boost. Side effects might be shakiness afterwards.


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Only if bongs become a loot-able item.

Ya when this becomes in game you and me will have to rade the local head shop.

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So Im thinking something like The Fall Out: New Vages style of stuff.

Ex. EPO: increases max blood by 500 with a +500 cap.

and annother...

Ex. Hydrocodung: Steadys aim

Im sure you can think of more!

Does the game need to be easier?

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Does the game need to be easier?

It doesnt make the game insainly easy it makes it interesting!

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Does the game need to be easier?

The trick would be to make them essentially sidegrades. It would need to be implemented in such a way that would discourage being high as balls all the time. A good example was the different substances you could use in Morrowind. You could get huge boosts to certain stats and crippling drains on others. Not that Day Z even has a stat system but something along those lines would be the only way I see it working. It would probably have to mess with your aim or endurance (if ever the fatigue system comes back) and possibly make you go unconscious if you OD.

This is definitely low on the priority list for Rocket I would imagine though. It's an interesting concept and I think it should at least stay on the table.

Edited by drseptapus

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It makes sense. Using drugs in a tight fix might be nice but use them to offten and BAM* addiction! And as far as the crippling stats im thinking each drug has a counter effect like you said.

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And if you use drugs to often you become addicted and you have to keep using them, or else you run slower and your aim is shaky etc...

EDIT: Nvm You ninja'ed me lol.

Edited by CreatureJoe

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And if you use drugs to often you become addicted and you have to keep using them, or else you run slower and your aim is shaky etc...

Most importantly blood is effected... im thinking food blood values get slashed down the middle. And once your addicted? Man your balls up and quit cold turky. After a certian amount of time it wears off but if you take it agian, instant addiction.

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Like this idea, if you do something like Adrenaline, it can help you run faster, keep your water and food from doing down or causing damage and give you a health boost. Side effects might be shakiness afterwards.

Don't forget the after effects. You guys only want the benefits but never any disadvantages.

Sometimes using drugs too often can cause nothing because your body is already at that level and can't get higher.

Edited by Enforcer

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Taking said drugs causes you to be "addicted" to them so when the effect wears off you get the shakes or start getting sick requiring you to find more...

That would then be acceptable.

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I wouldent mind being able to smoke some fags in this game. After all whats a zombie with out some tobacco?

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Yay, i see shaky murderers not hitting their targets anymore because they are are having withdrawal.

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pretty interesting idea.

although there are t referances its not talked about very much... im thinking we dont even really need "Drugs" we need the ingame meds to have realistic effects. Morphine is highly adictive and can cause tons of problems. if they even slightly modifyed this it could real amp things up.

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