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Performance Drop; Hotfix

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Confirmed here as well, steady 45 - 60 fps -> 20 - 35

Please fix asap :)

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Just adding my voice to it' date=' hope the fix will come out soon. Can't play like this.

Wasting an evening on Diablo 3.


You can't waste an evening with Diablo 3 man!

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Just adding my voice to it' date=' hope the fix will come out soon. Can't play like this.

Wasting an evening on Diablo 3.


You can't waste an evening with Diablo 3 man!


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I think I'm probably the only person here that might actually have better performance. I played for an hour or two tonight and the game felt better than it did before. I'll definitely report back if I notice any drops.


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Yeah I noticed a huge performance hit on one of the servers I was playing on. Weather seemed normal. It rejoined later and it was raining and lagging even harder if that helps. Another server was fine, framerate was the same as before the patch or maybe even better.

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JP' pid='50905' dateline='1337724444']

I think I'm probably the only person here that might actually have better performance. I played for an hour or two tonight and the game felt better than it did before. I'll definitely report back if I notice any drops.


What kind of video card do you have? My buddy noticed no performance hit what-so-ever and mine is completely unplayable.

I have a Nvidia 670 and he has a 9600. I wonder if it has something to do with the newer Nvidia drivers?

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JP' pid='50905' dateline='1337724444']

I think I'm probably the only person here that might actually have better performance. I played for an hour or two tonight and the game felt better than it did before. I'll definitely report back if I notice any drops.


What kind of video card do you have? My buddy noticed no performance hit what-so-ever and mine is completely unplayable.

I have a Nvidia 670 and he has a 9600. I wonder if it has something to do with the newer Nvidia drivers?

I have a 6950, so it's not Nvidia

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I've also had an fps hit, it's only certain servers for me though and some are fine.

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Took a fps hit with the update. DayZ runs at 15fps on most servers for me down from 35fps average.

Strangely, while joining a ~50 ping server with connection issues earlier with (yellow and red links almost constantly appearing for all players according to global chat) I experienced 40+fps though zombies and other players would warp all over the place. I eventually left the server as I was unable to pick up any gear (from dead players, or loot lying on the ground) and joined a low ping server to be greeted once again by low 10-15fps performance.

Changing in game graphics options appear to have no effect on fps aside from further drops from increases to very high settings.


AMD quad-core A8 3500m processor OC'd to 2.4 ghz,

1GB 6750m OC'd to 780 core/880 mem


5400rpm hard drive

Windows 7

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Okay I did a couple things and my problems went away 100%, hell I'd say my fps even improved.

I would encourage everyone to rollback their drivers and then reinstall them. I have a triple monitor setup so I thought maybe disabling that would make my problems go away, so I set back to a single monitor (1920x1080) and the problems disappeared 100%. So I decided to change back and bam, even though 5760x1080 is my res, my fps are much higher than ever. This makes no sense whatsoever.

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Yep yep, confirming this as well. Hopefully we can see a new hotfix sometime soon. Awesome work nonetheless!

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Confirming the same. Average 30 fps pre-patch to 8-12 fps post-patch. I didn't log on until after was pushed, so unsure if it was related to the 1.5.8 patch or the hot fixes.


Windows 7 Home


AMD Phenom II X6 1045T

GTX 465

Edit: Would just like to add, I was playing with a buddy yesterday and we both kept experiencing severe artifacts. It was only while in Cherno looking NW/West. We could temporarily remove the artifacts by changing HDR (or any setting that refreshed your video settings). A few minutes later, the artifacts would re-appear (and only when looking W/NW)...in which case you would have to change a video setting again.

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45-60 FPS pre, 20-25 FPS last night even after the hotfix, 8 fps today when I got home from work

Windows 7 64

4 gb ram

Intel e8500 3.5ghz

GTX 560ti

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I have the same problem as well...glad to hear its getting fixed...(Hopefully)

Windows 7 64bit

4gb ram

AMD athlon ll X4 620 Processor 3 GHz

Radeon HD 6950 1gb

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I've run this game on two machines that are identical except for the following features.

-Power supply (not an issue)

-Case (not an issue)

-Video Card (One has a Radeon 5830, the other has a 550Ti)

-One machine installed with Steam, the other installed with the Amazon download

Otherwise our machines are identical.

Windows 7 64bit

8 gigs of corsair Dominator 1600

i5 Ivy Bridge 3.1ghz

ASRock Extreme 4-m

OCZ Agility 3 240GB

Both machines played on the same servers during my testing.

So here's the question. What feature does everybody have who is experiencing this problem?

-ATI Radeon card

-Steam Installed Arma 2 OpArrowhead

Could those Steam or the ATI be causing a problem for some, and not others?

EDIT: More information. The server that I regularly play on just ground to a halt. (Seattle Anti-Sardine Alliance) After the restart, it ran slick as a whistle. 90FPS. I'll update later if the FPS slowly chugs down.

PS: A tent duplicated randomly when we logged in, even though we hadn't been doing anything with tents but storage.

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Couldn't be the Ati cards. the Nvidia cards are also experiencing the problems. The hotfix itself must have a bug that is affecting the gameplay. Oddly enough.. i wasn't affected as horribly yesterday (when the update came, as i am affected today.) Which makes me believe is more of a server problem.

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Does anyone on the hot fix yet? I havn't seen rocket posted all day he must be super busy. Thanks in advance rocket for helping the community become one!

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I had severe FPS lag before, but I tried a server briefly just now and FPS was fine. Some people in this thread also reported that they could play at times with OK fps and then it dropped again. Weird.

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I had a lot of FPS lag, but after restarting my computer it was fine for about an hour or two, then it dropped pretty low again. So yeah, try restarting your computer, sort of worked for me.

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Also getting poor performance with this update. In some areas I get 30-40 FPS on decent settings but other areas it groups down around ~10 FPS. Makes it nearly impossible to stream.

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