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Performance Drop; Hotfix

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I have aswell HUGE FPS drop :( Have been lying at 60 fps on high, now im at 15 fps

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I notice if I die or abort/disconnect to Hit the Head, when I load back in the frame-rate is really low. I have to restart the client and it starts out ok but starts to degrade over time a little bit. As soon as I disconnect and come back in the low frames are there.

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This has nothing to do with your PC specs.

I have had the same issuse since I started playing a week ago (v1.5.7).

It is server related.

When I connect early in morning (6am) the it's very fast, but afternoons and evenings are, 9 times out of 10 very, slow with exactly the issues you describe (the slow text bottom right, fps drop).

It's just huge stress on servers causing these problems so it does not require a fix.

All your recent problems are due to so many players wanting to try out the new patch and swamping the servers.

I connected this morning on a server running and it was fine, good and fast, and I have a mid spec PC too.


E5800 Dual-Core 3.2GHz


8800GT 512MB

(Most Arma 2 settings at Normal/Low)

When the buzz of the new patch dies down in a few days, all will be back to normal.

ROCKET: I hope you read this thread and confirm the problem as server side.

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is there a way to downgrade so we can play in an older server till rocket comes out with a fix?

If you have the old files, is it possible to download the older builds from the webpage? If not, can they be put up? I see a few servers still running .7.

Also, just confirming I am haveing the same issue. I went from 45-55 highest with no AF to 10-15 on medium and low.

I'll post specs if needed, but I don't know them off the top of my head.

Amd x4 955 @ 3.3

8gb ram

ATI 6950

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Skint, I think it could be client side. I was playing fine on one server and then it started raining. The rain instantly lowers my FPS drastically (no idea why). After the rain, my FPS remained very low and many others said the same thing. I quit out of Arma, started it again and rejoined the same server. My FPS increased quite a lot. It still wasn't as good as I used to get (pre 1.5.8), but it was at least playable, unlike the FPS I had before restarting.

I told the others on the server and they tried it and confirmed that it boosted their FPS. Some still had an unplayable, but higher-than-before FPS and left, but most were able to stay and play.

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Yup, same here. Not entirely sure what my FPS was prior to this update, but it was certainly more than playable.

I haven't clocked my FPS since the update, but I'm in the same boat as everybody else - it's become unplayable.

Q8400 Core 2 Quad 2.66Ghz

4gb 1066Ghz DDR2 Kingston Hyper-X

ATI 5850

Windows 7 x64

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Me and my friend have experienced quite noticeable FPS drops since the patch.

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Same here...up to last night super fast with all settings maxed and res. 1920.

Now basically unplayable. Walking upright is roughly the speed I had when crouching, bringing up zoom/aim takes over a full second and generally all looks like in slow motion :)

i7 2600k 3.4

8gb ram

AMD Radeon HD 6900

Pitty, just now that our little one is finally in bed :P

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This is happening to me too. i have 6 fps (highest) after the update.

I used to have around 20-25FPS normally but every once in a while it would drop to 10-15 FPS for a few seconds.



AMD Athlon II X4 605e 2.3 GHz




Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti

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Seriously where is this hotfix?

This game is unplayable as it stands right now. My fps is so awful that running is not running. By that I mean I run, but i lock up so hard that I stutter across the map.

Trying to stop and aim my weapon takes between 5-10 sec from the time I hit tap the right mouse button.

So yea, with my whopping 10fps(max), I can barely loot, and I can't win a fire fight.

Imo this bug could kill this mod.

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Oddly enough' date=' my game runs way better now than it did before. I can turn on shadows and stuff where before it would lag me to heck. Looks like they'll be fixing your guys' performance issues all fairly soon though.


I correct my previous statement. I'm actually much slower during the daytime now. Of course, I did just re-patch everything again to make sure I had all of the latest stuff. Hmmm...

It seemed much faster last night. I'm playing on the same server.

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I've also noticed since FPS seems to be down.

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Strange thing is my after installing the patch earlier today and playing a few games I thought my FPS improved slightly, but after joining a few games tonight, with friends, we all had like 8 FPS which is just unplayable.

i5 2500

GTX 560


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Fixed this problem by restarting the game completely. Comes back whenever I'm in close proximity to a flare though. Generally only when indoors or when the lighting engine gets all wonky.

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Strange thing is my after installing the patch earlier today and playing a few games I thought my FPS improved slightly' date=' but after joining a few games tonight, with friends, we all had like 8 FPS which is just unplayable.


Confirmed. It was really fast last night and today it is slow as all hell. I hope they get a hotfix out soon.

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Another confirmation here. Was at least 30fps on medium settings about 14 hours ago, and now getting 9fps which is totally unplayable.

Also confirmed that reducing all video settings (including resolution, and disabling v-sync) to the lowest possible, does not change my 9fps.

Also confirmed that relaunching the game and re-downloading the latest files has no effect for me.

AMD Phenom II X4 940

Radeon 6850

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Another report, might be duplicate:

Had a character alive for about week now, played yesterday and today just fine, perfect FPS as usual.

I died, respawned: down to 10-15FPS no matter the graphic settings.

Logged out completely, exit the game. Log back in, new server, it's fine again, perfect FPS.

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yup, I'm having the same issue now. Previously 40ish fps using, then fps dropped around 75% on FL1 server. Ping was fine, around 30ms. Switched server, same deal.

I used PlayClaw3 to monitor fps, and it reported constant 99% GPU use- way above my normal for ARMA 2, which is usually fluctuates between 40 -90%.

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Confirmed here also. Worked flawless earlier, but after disconnection and entering another server the lag started with fps around 10 which was unplayable. Tried reducing graphics, no change. Haven't yet tried relaunching but will do it asap.


AMD Phenom II X4 965 3,4 ghz

Radeon 6950


win7 64 bit

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I tried several servers now. It seems the darker it is the higher my FPS. The brighter it is, the lower the FPS is. Could this be linked to sunlight/temperature somehow?

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I tried several servers now. It seems the darker it is the higher my FPS. The brighter it is' date=' the lower the FPS is. Could this be linked to sunlight/temperature somehow?


That was my guess as well. Got to be something to do with the new temperature system. Maybe it's polling too often or something? IDK just shooting in the dark here

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massive fps drop here too (from 60-80 to max 20). The weird thing is that the fps was normal earlier today on i booted my machine and installed six updater patch. Night time was even worse, like 1-5fps.

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Oddly enough' date=' my game runs way better now than it did before. I can turn on shadows and stuff where before it would lag me to heck. Looks like they'll be fixing your guys' performance issues all fairly soon though.


I correct my previous statement. I'm actually much slower during the daytime now. Of course, I did just re-patch everything again to make sure I had all of the latest stuff. Hmmm...

It seemed much faster last night. I'm playing on the same server.

Yet another update. I just joined a server with overcast skies but daylight that gave me 40FPS consistently, and then found another server with pitch black darkness that gave me only 17FPS. Both of those are lower than normal since my settings are at minimum right now and normally I can get a nice 60fps (vsync on) at 1920x1200 and decently high settings and shadows.

It's just funny that different servers behave completely differently when it comes to the FPS on my client system. This is a really weird performance bug.

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