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Performance Drop; Hotfix

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As being a veteran arma player, I can tell you that this is not caused by your graphics card, pc configuration etc., but by an overloaded (cpu) server. You can always try it, just press singleplayer in the menu, editor, place yourself by double clicking wherever you want, and press preview... and viola it will run smooth.

I also had this fps drop on two servers, but on the third it was fine.

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I don't know if we need anymore confirmations on this, or not, but I have also fallen victim to the FPS drop. I didn't Fraps the numbers, but there's no doubt my FPS was about half of normal. I could feel it.

My config:

ATI 5870


Phenom 2 quad at 3.8ghz

I hope we can get a fix soon, and as always, thanks for all the hard work Rocket!

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Intel i7 2600k

GainWard 580 GTX Phantom3


Full High, 3000 ViewD, 45-60 fps.

I can confirm that the problem isn't the PC configuration, but the server.

I entered in one server and i had this problem, but when i changed it, everything became the same as before (45-60)

Hope it will help,

good luck rocket.

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As being a veteran arma player' date=' I can tell you that this is not caused by your graphics card, pc configuration etc., but by an overloaded (cpu) server. You can always try it, just press singleplayer in the menu, editor, place yourself by double clicking wherever you want, and press preview... and viola it will run smooth.

I also had this fps drop on two servers, but on the third it was fine.


Are you saying this will simply show us that our performace should be better w/ the Arma2 engine? Or are you saying this can provide some kind of temporary fix and after doing this it will increase FPS specifically in the Day Z mod?

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As being a veteran arma player' date=' I can tell you that this is not caused by your graphics card, pc configuration etc., but by an overloaded (cpu) server. You can always try it, just press singleplayer in the menu, editor, place yourself by double clicking wherever you want, and press preview... and viola it will run smooth.

I also had this fps drop on two servers, but on the third it was fine.


Are you saying this will simply show us that our performace should be better w/ the Arma2 engine? Or are you saying this can provide some kind of temporary fix and after doing this it will increase FPS specifically in the Day Z mod?

I'm saying that this fps drop has no connection to your pc specs.. the problem does not occur at your side.

It can be some scripting glitch that causes the server cpu to overload, and that drops the fps for the clients. So although it seems as a graphical problem, it is not. This happened all the time in Arma 2 missions, like Warefare BE etc.

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No performance drop for me' date=' but my friend had bad FPS troubles but after a CCleanup and a few cleaning programs and BAM worked fine again.


I can confirm that this works :) Fixed it for me...

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As being a veteran arma player' date=' I can tell you that this is not caused by your graphics card, pc configuration etc., but by an overloaded (cpu) server. You can always try it, just press singleplayer in the menu, editor, place yourself by double clicking wherever you want, and press preview... and viola it will run smooth.

I also had this fps drop on two servers, but on the third it was fine.


Are you saying this will simply show us that our performace should be better w/ the Arma2 engine? Or are you saying this can provide some kind of temporary fix and after doing this it will increase FPS specifically in the Day Z mod?

I'm saying that this fps drop has no connection to your pc specs.. the problem does not occur at your side.

It can be some scripting glitch that causes the server cpu to overload, and that drops the fps for the clients. So although it seems as a graphical problem, it is not. This happened all the time in Arma 2 missions, like Warefare BE etc.

K, I got it now. Thanks!

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No performance drop for me' date=' but my friend had bad FPS troubles but after a CCleanup and a few cleaning programs and BAM worked fine again.


I can confirm that this works :) Fixed it for me...

NVM started to lag again on another server..

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Same for me. GTX 560Ti.

Was on NY2, 5:30am game time, then relogin and time was 4:30am and low fps.

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No performance drop for me' date=' but my friend had bad FPS troubles but after a CCleanup and a few cleaning programs and BAM worked fine again.


I can confirm that this works :) Fixed it for me...

NVM started to lag again on another server..

To echo a few other people, the problem isnt on your side, its server side. Its a problem Dayz has had since the beginning, I can run ARMA2 on highest settings, regardless of the amount of action, but when i play Dayz my performance takes a massive hit. Even more so after the hotfix.

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Oddly enough, my game runs way better now than it did before. I can turn on shadows and stuff where before it would lag me to heck. Looks like they'll be fixing your guys' performance issues all fairly soon though.

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I went from 60-12 fps. Also if I shot, I lose fps doing stuff from gear menu, I've gone to 5 fps using matches, bandage, and all that stuff. It is unplayable.

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At 1st i had 10fps (40-50 before) then i restarted the Arma2:CO and it was better, now currently i'm running at 35 in towns and 60 in wildness. But i do have some of the graphics turned up above default, i guess thats why i get a bit of a drop in towns, but for me it's still playable without making the game look like a turd.

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Why waiting til tomrrow for hotfix? D: Same problem here but cpu specs don't matter apparently so meh. Thanks for replying rocket

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AMD Thuban 960T. O.C. to 4.2 GHz, 8 Gigs of ram. Gtx 460 Hawk running at 1Ghz core clock.

I get 12 FPS.


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yea the game is running AWFUL for me. it is unplayable and i need to wait for a fix before i am able to play again. :(

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unplayable for me.. 60-80 fps to 9-22

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is there a way to downgrade so we can play in an older server till rocket comes out with a fix?

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