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As a long time reader, first time poster, I've been amazed to see things like free traders and fort friendlies spring up as a response to the wild west banditry that's currently making DayZ as deadly as it is. Here's my two cents on the topic:

I'm calling out for people who would like to join a very loose "clan" of lawmen called Regulators who patrol the servers and help out survivors against bandits. Our enemies are strong, well-armed killers, but they lack organization, numbers and fight among themselves as much as they grief innocent people. Our group would spot out troubled locations, alert more Regulators to the server and pacify the place with either killing the bandits or driving them away with superior numbers. All in all, basically fight a lot against organized resistance. There is no other commitments except the real need to protect the weak against the strong.

To become a Regulator, you'd need to just adhere to these simple rules:

1) Let your presence be known and actively help out survivors in the servers by offering protection, healing and food

2) Never kill for personal gain or loot

3) Be ready to help out your Regulator brothers when called upon

Why do this? I know many of you experienced players are getting bored of raiding and turn to banditry just to keep things interesting. What would be more interesting than going against the most ruthless, well-armed players in the game when called upon? We won't care if you used to be a bandit yourself (actually, that would be an asset) or that you used to kill people for sport. Put all that good skill to use and start bringing a countering force to the lawlessness of the game.

How it would work then? I picture, as our numbers get stronger, many of the servers having at least one Regulator on duty at most times. He'd actively put his life at risk by scouting the known bandit locations and once discovering one, call upon more people to gang up and blast them out in good order and letting the entire server know that that location is now protected so people can come in and trade and loot as they see fit. There are already people doing this but they are single separated groups. Wearing the [Regulator] tag would in time signal to survivors that they have at least one ally on the server and make the bandits at least a little bit more careful in their business. We'd have a clan server where to store our extra loot safe from bandits and opportunists so it would be easy to get suited and booted if we are killed in the line of duty.

So, that's about it - in a nutshell: why wander around in small groups figuring out what to do when you can get daily missions in which you're up against the worst of the worst? If any of this rings true to you, PM me or reply to this topic and we'll bring law into this land (hell, Rocket might even give us sweet cowboy hats if we become good enough in what we do!)


EDIT: Thanks to Regulator Brother Brad_B, the Regulator movement now has a forum for anybody interested in helping out:


Go, sign up and start talking - I'll write up guides and ideas for you as fast as RL obligations allow me to :)

Edited by Oldtribe
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Yeah, I wouldn't want to make bandits go away...you guys are what makes the game interesting and I hope we could all improve the immersion and feeling of the game by getting some decent opposition to y'all :D

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Yeah, I wouldn't want to make bandits go away...you guys are what makes the game interesting and I hope we could all improve the immersion and feeling of the game by getting some decent opposition to y'all :D

I approve of this actually good man, get those L85A2s, only way you'll see my guys coming :3

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Ironically, you won't be able to add any law. You'll never be able to tell who's a bandit in key areas where it counts. I look forward to the inevitable end of you guys becoming bandits while trying to help

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Actually me and my friend are currently doing this and his ingame name is 'Regulator' strangely enough.

I am going to be posting videos of our adventures in Day z, but we have come across a couple of people and helped out a new guy hide from bandits, gave him and map and some coke too.

I would be interested in this, also ive not killed a human in game yet, we always call out if someone is there and they usually respond with gunfire.

Ill be watching this topic, I can only really play UK and europe servers, sometimes I can play the american ones with a ping of about 150, but thats too much ping personally for me to join a game

How is it you think we wont be able to identify bandits?

I record all the day z I play.

I see a bandit, upload a quick 5 second video of where he is in the town.

10 guys on our side spawn in the town, knowing where he is sniping etc. (I see more bandits on the regular servers with nametags too)

He is dead

SO if I join, I can prove to you their crimes, on regular I can prove what their name is, on veteran or higher I can show you where they are, simples

Oh one last thing, to any bandits that reply here saying 'omg noobs cant handle getting killed all the time etc'

My answer:

Its a sandbox game

You make your own destiny in the game

Bandits can kill people at will

Regulators choose to defend people at will

We are just doing what you are doing, playing to game how we enjoy it.

Also the the OP, me and my friend have a password system, should we get split up in game, instead of normal private chatroom for just the 2 of us to use microphones (outside of the game).

If we get seperated and see a person, we type in the direct chat for example


and the response could be (written in text, not microphones)


This way we can identify each other, then we change the password

I think the clan should have one for every day, maybe a website on freewebs.com that only we can access and each day change the password.

So in game when we are trying to find other regulators, if you see the first part of the password typed by a regulator name you recognise (a list on the website of our clan members names) you know they have seen you and want to find out who you are. A response with the second half would then reveal who you are and that your on the same side

Edited by thelonewarrior
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what you need to do, is pick out a sever and make it your home. band together, try to make the majority of the server pop your members, take a town and declare it safe area, set up a camp.

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hunting down server-hopping murderers would be pointless. I see this as a way of making some locations available for friendlies when needed and giving survivors a feeling that they are not completely alone against the world (and give bandits a common enemy to hate, becoming a regulator is a high-risk job for sure :))

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True they could server hop, but it wont really matter if you shoot them in the head, they are still dead.

I would be satisfied knowing they lost all their good gear by trying to server hop, only to see the you are dead screen when they re enter the game

Besides I hear soon that server hopping wont be possible, so we will see a decrease in bandits slightly due the fact that they cant fight in a normal fight without quiting and server hopping, they actually have to engage people

Edited by thelonewarrior
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but they lack organization, numbers and fight among themselves as much as they grief innocent people.

Uh... they're far more organized than the vast majority of survivors.

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As an aside, i can't wait for the "infiltrator" bandits. :D

yeah, that'll just make all of this even more fun, won't it? :D Emergent gameplay kicks ass!

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i'd be down for something like this, sounds cool, could probably get my cousin and bro to join too, can't wait to kill me some bandits

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Best of luck to you gents, hope you're able to do a little good in a world full of bad.

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Young Guns definitely inspired the name, although you don't need to use just winchesters and revolvers :D

Fellas, take the pledge and start doing good in the wastes!


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I want to join the regulators. Maybe we can gather a team for EU and US? Any way to organize this?

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As a long time reader, first time poster, I've been amazed to see things like free traders and fort friendlies spring up as a response to the wild west banditry that's currently making DayZ as deadly as it is. Here's my two cents on the topic:

I'm calling out for people who would like to join a very loose "clan" of lawmen called Regulators who patrol the servers and help out survivors against bandits. Our enemies are strong, well-armed killers, but they lack organization, numbers and fight among themselves as much as they grief innocent people. Our group would spot out troubled locations, alert more Regulators to the server and pacify the place with either killing the bandits or driving them away with superior numbers. All in all, basically fight a lot against organized resistance. There is no other commitments except the real need to protect the weak against the strong.

To become a Regulator, you'd need to just adhere to these simple rules:

1) Let your presence be known and actively help out survivors in the servers by offering protection, healing and food

2) Never kill for personal gain or loot

3) Be ready to help out your Regulator brothers when called upon

Why do this? I know many of you experienced players are getting bored of raiding and turn to banditry just to keep things interesting. What would be more interesting than going against the most ruthless, well-armed players in the game when called upon? We won't care if you used to be a bandit yourself (actually, that would be an asset) or that you used to kill people for sport. Put all that good skill to use and start bringing a countering force to the lawlessness of the game.

How it would work then? I picture, as our numbers get stronger, many of the servers having at least one Regulator on duty at most times. He'd actively put his life at risk by scouting the known bandit locations and once discovering one, call upon more people to gang up and blast them out in good order and letting the entire server know that that location is now protected so people can come in and trade and loot as they see fit. There are already people doing this but they are single separated groups. Wearing the [Regulator] tag would in time signal to survivors that they have at least one ally on the server and make the bandits at least a little bit more careful in their business. We'd have a clan server where to store our extra loot safe from bandits and opportunists so it would be easy to get suited and booted if we are killed in the line of duty.

So, that's about it - in a nutshell: why wander around in small groups figuring out what to do when you can get daily missions in which you're up against the worst of the worst? If any of this rings true to you, PM me or reply to this topic and we'll bring law into this land (hell, Rocket might even give us sweet cowboy hats if we become good enough in what we do!)


My issue with this is simple - Bandits are basically a gang in dayz. You mess with one, more come. And now you're trying to start a new gang. At some point you're going to wind up recruiting "ex" bandits who just join to abuse the power, gain newb's trust and rape them for their lewtz. So gg, trying to invent a new form of banditry. The idea itself I like, but there's no real practicallity to it as of now. Maybe in future patches it would be feasible.

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This is how this scenario plays out:



*AS50,DMR,M107 fire*

Regulators have been killed.

regulator respawns


regulator enters forests and begins sweep.

*Sniper spotter unloads SAW/Assault rifle into regulators*

Regulators have been killed.

Bandits are far more organized than any group of survivors that is not set on PvP, and those survivors that are generally KOS the first survivor they see with a gun.

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See it as roleplaying. This is not for eradicating the bandits, it's to add some safety for new people in the game. Bandits nor Regulators will win. It is not possible to win more than a battle. But it will add some diversity to the game itself.

It is hard to find a player you can trust, but this will make it possible for one person to trust another. Players can always say that they are regulators, but you can also cheat and betray players in other ways. No one can prevent a bandit to add a [REGULATOR] tag to their name. They same way no one can prevent you from adding a clan tag to your name... It is a matter of good manners.

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This is how this scenario plays out:



*AS50,DMR,M107 fire*

Regulators have been killed.

regulator respawns


regulator enters forests and begins sweep.

*Sniper spotter unloads SAW/Assault rifle into regulators*

Regulators have been killed.

Bandits are far more organized than any group of survivors that is not set on PvP, and those survivors that are generally KOS the first survivor they see with a gun.

Yeah, that's probably what can happen in many cases, but it'll still be fun :D

I'm not looking to eradicated banditry, just to try to put more moving pieces into the game and offer options - I think some people who play bandits might be interested in joining a Regulator "posse" just for the simple reason that shooting hatchet-carrying noobs gets boring and you're looking for real fights (and awesome loot). There will be traitors and all kinds of backstabbing for sure, but won't that just make everything more interesting?

The biggest problem I see with trying to set something like this up is the communications - I hope people try playing in this way and manage to recruit more Regulators slowly, after which we'll try to set up a few communication channels for alerts - I just need you guys to take the protecting as your creed and 'roleplay' with that "old west lawman" style. If it doesn't suit you, feel free to stop doing that - all I ask is that you wear the "badge" until that time to make people recognize the Regulators as (semi)trustworthy.

Here's an example of what I did a few hours ago: I spotted a helo near Polana that had been looted and a bandit lurking in the woods. Instead of killing the bandit (and possibly his squadmates), I hid near the town and when I saw zombies getting spawned, warned the survivors by saying "the helo is a trap" without telling my location. Out of the three people I warned, two avoided the chopper and one went there and died. I felt like I saved two guys, if only until the next ambush and that was awesome :P


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See it as roleplaying. This is not for eradicating the bandits, it's to add some safety for new people in the game. Bandits nor Regulators will win. It is not possible to win more than a battle. But it will add some diversity to the game itself.

It is hard to find a player you can trust, but this will make it possible for one person to trust another. Players can always say that they are regulators, but you can also cheat and betray players in other ways. No one can prevent a bandit to add a [REGULATOR] tag to their name. They same way no one can prevent you from adding a clan tag to your name... It is a matter of good manners.

To keep impostors at bay, I envision the Regulators working in smaller cells (of friends who are already playing together) and recruiting help from people they have already played with - usually we'll be against 2-5 bandits anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard to get at least the same number summoned if this thing takes off like I hope it would.

If any other vigilante groups are reading this, PM me your details - I'd love to hear your experiences and work with you!


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Glad to be a part of the Regulators, hope this idea catches on. Give it a try guys, no obligations, just be friendly and help when able. It's a nice way to feel a part of something without all of the obligations.

Basically, you can join this, and play whatever way you want. Or, you can join another group/clan, and be forced to act like a military commando while you play a game. If the first sounds your style, join up!

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