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New players cant get past learning curve

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Put in maybe 20 hours over the last 2 days, as I am on summer hjolidays. The biggest problem I have is Veteran/experienced bandits in groups of 2-4 camping the major loot drop points in Recruit Co-op servers. Why? Is the fun coming from killing characters with no gear and little idea what to do, over and over, so exciting that they can't let anyone else even have half a chance to survive because they can't have any weapons? I've had no gear, a broken leg (from closing a door on it :( ), crawling away from the cities and into the countryside and still had bandits snipe and kill me in the middle of a farmer's field, even though I'm fairly certain they had no intention of even stealing my stuff. Hell, it took me over 10 hours of gameplay to find a hatchet. I wish there were a way to have co-op only servers, with PK'ers kicked, so that newer players can learn the ropes. Let the regular/Vet servers have all the PKing they want.

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Put in maybe 20 hours over the last 2 days, as I am on summer hjolidays. The biggest problem I have is Veteran/experienced bandits in groups of 2-4 camping the major loot drop points in Recruit Co-op servers. Why? Is the fun coming from killing characters with no gear and little idea what to do, over and over, so exciting that they can't let anyone else even have half a chance to survive because they can't have any weapons? I've had no gear, a broken leg (from closing a door on it :( ), crawling away from the cities and into the countryside and still had bandits snipe and kill me in the middle of a farmer's field, even though I'm fairly certain they had no intention of even stealing my stuff. Hell, it took me over 10 hours of gameplay to find a hatchet. I wish there were a way to have co-op only servers, with PK'ers kicked, so that newer players can learn the ropes. Let the regular/Vet servers have all the PKing they want.

I took a day, found some servers that were less/not populated. Took my time, got a feel for the area, found some routes/good gear spawns, got back on the big servers and survived a lot better. Half of their ability is knowing the land and the routes people often take. On my first day of play I used the same strategy over and over; Straight line into and through towns picking at every nook and cranny I could find. As you can imagine, this didn't work and I died a LOT. The more you play the better you get at optimizing runs. You'll find out what places to pass and once you get what you need you probably won't have to hit big city areas much. Try to reach places from different angles or try to go to different places all together. Cherno and Elektro are the two biggest places in the spawn region and it's natural for players to gravitate there. Next play, try skipping it all together. Go somewhere else and explore a bit.

I don't think you should avoid PK because if it wasn't in the game there wouldn't really be anything to fear. Zombies are a bit derpy and can easily be avoided if you are patient/smart. People just add a choatic element. You have no idea what someone is going to do and where exactly they are; it's brilliant in my opinion.

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This game definitely has a steep learning curve. However, getting past the intial hurdles has probably been one of the most rewarding game experiences I have ever had.

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I bought arma 2 and CO just for dayz and have no real interest in war games. I just wanted day z and it's bloody hard work and you do feel a bit lonely and you die because you were a metre away from water or worse. But so what! It's still fantastic and the countryside is so beautiful and what the hell, I just love the whole thing.

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Bought the game specifically for the mod. I've had enough with BFs and CoDs and any other acronym you can think of for a war game. I'm here for the zombies.

Didn't touch the tutorial. I like my brain and I'd rather play and learn. Took me three days but I can say with a lot of confidence that I'm a LOT better at the game then the first time I played. It couldn't be more obvious that this game is NOT run and gun. You don't even get a gun to start. The real fun is in finding out what works and what doesn't. Can't stand these goats who think that just because they've played Arma for X amount of time that they are the only ones who are allowed to play.

If you can't offer anyone good advice don't sit there and derp about "in my day" and "virus ridden kids invading mah gaymz." Mainstream gamers act the same way that you do. Show a little class. All these kids with X-Boxes think they are the greatest gift to the earth, I love how half the PC community acts the same way.

Fucking Christ.

Want some real advice? If you don't know how the game works either figure it out or google it. Plain and simple. A sandbox is a sandbox. You don't need a fucking manual or tutorial, if you're having fun you're doing it right. If you're not having fun, try something else.

This is very true. Have my beans.

Edited by aguinn99

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If you can't offer anyone good advice don't sit there and derp about "in my day" and "virus ridden kids invading mah gaymz." Mainstream gamers act the same way that you do. Show a little class. All these kids with X-Boxes think they are the greatest gift to the earth, I love how half the PC community acts the same way.

Fucking Christ.

Amen. God forbid someone should actually try a new game that wasn't playing it since the day it came out. The fact is, any time you get a massive influx of new gamers into your game of choice, it's a good thing. Big communities help games stay alive longer. Today's noob is next week's over watch sniper for your raid group.

I remember when Team Fortress 2 went free to play. So much bitching, but it made the game better in the long run. Yeah, it sucked for a few months while the new players were still terrible and you ended up unable to win because half your team didn't know where the capture point was (things were similarly bad when the Mac crowd came in unable to right click...many a sticky bomb went undetonated that day), but eventually things evened themselves out and a good chunk of the players started to improve.

The point being you should welcome new players into your community rather than shunning them. Face facts. A lot of people bought Arma for this game. Many of us, myself included, have no interest in Arma at all outside of this mod, and we only reluctantly paid the eighteen bucks that we were forced to pay to give DayZ a shot. If you love Arma, great, but don't expect everyone to enjoy that type of game. There's a reason a lot of people had no interest in it until DayZ came along, as the game's sales illustrate.

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Bought arma 2 just for day z since ive seen like 15 dayz vids on youtube, and i gotta say if you are on the edge about buying just for this mod .. dont. Perhaps i will have an amazing time 50+ hours of gameplay down the road, however i gotta say its not worth the trouble unless you want the actual game anyways (wouldnt see why you would) or other mods which i know a few are highly recommended. The time and frustration getting this game installed, setting up the resolution on my PoS monitor, and getting Day Z to work, disconnecting several times or dying while reading the controls, is just silly. Not to mention glitching through walls, going town to town looking for a weapon to start with, while crouching to avoid zombies is it too much to ask to start with a fire axe ? or is there a novice gametype, version, server, or tutorial? Run for 5 mins to find a town, 90% of houses you cannot enter, and im sure the experienced players know what to look for, but my whole argument is based on the brick wall you face as a new player. Im sure veterans out there will disagree, but the time it takes to fire up this game and become proficient just does not seem worth it at this point, and i want my money and time back.

Yea you shouldnt have played dayz right away if u havent played arma 2. and it is a alpha...QQ and go play cod

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There is no learning curve. I have never touched an ArmA game in my life until DayZ (Except ArmA 1 but that game sucked IMO never played 2 + hours of it). You only need to know the basics of the ArmA 2 controls to play DayZ. It is not hard. It sounds like you barely know how to work a computer if you find that Installing the game and mods are hard. And setting the resolution? Are you trolling? You should already know what resolution your monitor runs at. There is a guy currently in my TeamSpeak right now who is in the same boat as you and he picked the game right up and played it no problem. If you need an easier version? How about you quit PC gaming and head on back to the Xbox.

Edited by Grimlok

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If you want to just learn the controls and guns play ARMA 2. It's a safe way to noob around and not get shot. If you want to just explore around and learn the map play ARMA 2. If you want a challenge, something hard, play DayZ. This game is hard, if you don't like to push yourself then don't play. Just don't go around saying it's a bad game just because it was not what you wanted it to be. It does what it set out to do exceptionally well.

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I got past the learning curve fine. I also played the first tutorial on Arma 2 first. But I do know that they should have the retarded 3D resolution match by default.

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I played this game and I learned it in one day, it not hard to figure out you should try to sneak around and search for loot. Maybe you should try looking at the dayZ map. It has all the towns and what buildings you can and cant enter, don't complain, you obviously watched videos of people playing before so you knew what to expect.

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Bought arma 2 just for day z since ive seen like 15 dayz vids on youtube, and i gotta say if you are on the edge about buying just for this mod .. dont. Perhaps i will have an amazing time 50+ hours of gameplay down the road, however i gotta say its not worth the trouble unless you want the actual game anyways (wouldnt see why you would) or other mods which i know a few are highly recommended. The time and frustration getting this game installed, setting up the resolution on my PoS monitor, and getting Day Z to work, disconnecting several times or dying while reading the controls, is just silly. Not to mention glitching through walls, going town to town looking for a weapon to start with, while crouching to avoid zombies is it too much to ask to start with a fire axe ? or is there a novice gametype, version, server, or tutorial? Run for 5 mins to find a town, 90% of houses you cannot enter, and im sure the experienced players know what to look for, but my whole argument is based on the brick wall you face as a new player. Im sure veterans out there will disagree, but the time it takes to fire up this game and become proficient just does not seem worth it at this point, and i want my money and time back.

Usually one finds the more effort you invest in something the greater the rewards, Armas slightly troublesome accessibility issues act as a filter, they discourage those not blessed with patience and the ability to solve simple problems, maintaining what is generally considered to be a high quality player base, If you find that for you the rewards of playing Dayz do not seem to repay the effort spent then you can do no better than to get yourself a Nintendo Wii and forget about it.

Edited by Rastamaus

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I can't play Dayz on my current rig. Today I downloaded Arma II Free, so I could try to learn the basics. Single player would not work, so I went for multiplayer. It was confusing but I got it, mostly, pretty quick. Long story short-

Stole 1 truck, 1 heli for about 30 seconds, and 8 team kills.

Mission accomplished!

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The whiny tone of the first sentence almost put me off reading the entire post, but I persevered out of courtesy; I want my 94 seconds back.

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You seem to be forgetting that this is a free mod and not an actual game.

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Back, back I say! Damn Necro thread! back to the pit from whence you came!



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