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New players cant get past learning curve

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Bought arma 2 just for day z since ive seen like 15 dayz vids on youtube, and i gotta say if you are on the edge about buying just for this mod .. dont. Perhaps i will have an amazing time 50+ hours of gameplay down the road, however i gotta say its not worth the trouble unless you want the actual game anyways (wouldnt see why you would) or other mods which i know a few are highly recommended. The time and frustration getting this game installed, setting up the resolution on my PoS monitor, and getting Day Z to work, disconnecting several times or dying while reading the controls, is just silly. Not to mention glitching through walls, going town to town looking for a weapon to start with, while crouching to avoid zombies is it too much to ask to start with a fire axe ? or is there a novice gametype, version, server, or tutorial? Run for 5 mins to find a town, 90% of houses you cannot enter, and im sure the experienced players know what to look for, but my whole argument is based on the brick wall you face as a new player. Im sure veterans out there will disagree, but the time it takes to fire up this game and become proficient just does not seem worth it at this point, and i want my money and time back.

You and people like you are what is wrong with this picture. I have been playing ARMA/OFP for 11 years now and I have seen a FLOOD of little COD kids into my precious SIMULATOR. Here are some tips so noobs like you can avoid lots of tears. Please keep in mind I have been playing DayZ for less than a week, have already found a clan, am fully geared, and have murdered several fully geared people including one guy at 400m with a headshot from my Enfield at the time.

1- Don't play a simulator expecting to not have to learn how to play it. Falcon 4.0 had a manual probably as long as a real F-16 manual. The learning curve isn't steep. Your ability or will to learn is just shallow.

2- Don't buy a game specifically just to play a mod for it. That is just DUMB.

3- If you insist on doing number 2, play the game and learn the game before you just mod the shit out of it. I swear you people are a virus.

4- Don't just buy games because your COD or brony friend told you "amigawd tis game is teh buttsecks it rawks!" There have been demos available for this game for a decade and if demos aren't available I go the illegal route and pirate them as a way of renting them for an hour or three. If I like them I buy them. If I don't like them I uninstall them. Wouldn't have to resort to this if the game and movie industries would stop shoving the same shit down our throats year after year.

5- Let me reiterate a point I made in number 4 with caps just to get my point across. THERE HAS BEEN DEMOS AVAILABLE FOR THIS GAME OR SERIES OF GAMES THAT REALLY HASN'T CHANGED MUCH FOR A DECADE.

I really wish DayZ would point out on its front page just how hardcore or non-mainstream ARMA can be. This is NOT a run and gun game. It is for people who think about what they are doing instead of just sprinting around a tiny map shooting everything that moves. Please, let the door hit your ass on the way out and spread the word that this game (ARMA and DayZ) is not for people like you.

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The only thing I can say about this is, do the tutorials and play through a few missions on ARMA2/OA so u get used to the controls before venturing into the hell known as DayZ. I've owned ARMA2 since 2009 and it took me several hours before I learnt all the controls. Practice and more practice!

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It's not hard, if you want hard get the original OFP and wait till you get to the mission where you are the only survivor of your platoon and have to make it back to the extraction point. Its like playing DayZ, at night with smarter zombies who have guns and helicopters with search lights.

The newer generation of gamers have been spoiled by games catering the idiotic masses, this game breaks from that pattern. Welcome to a challenge.

Oh and starting with an axe. If it was upto me players would start with a watch and a bandage.

Enjoy DayZ

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took me like 2 days to get in the game! and yeah every death is a lesson if you're playing with no clue it's trial an error.

Edited by n69ky

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Im new aswell and the learning curve is steep indeed. The biggest issues i have the first days were firstly as you started without a weapon and not knowing how the zombie mechanics worked the logical thing was to simply run from zombies which isnt the case really unless you know the tricks. The fact that running into a barn with a horde of zombies chasing you is a great tactic isnt the most logical idea.

I bought Arma2 only to play Dayz aswell so never played arma2 to learn controls and such (which i should have). The biggest issue i see when starting new is since you start with no weapon you have a rough time figuring out how the inventory even works.

Another thing which i really think they should do is let you start with a map. I started playing with 2 mates and we had a really rough time finding eachother and a map would help new players getting into the pace of the game alot faster. Everyones gonna alt+tap for a browser map anyway and starting with one would help new players finding eachoter immensly.

Im not saying that you should start with a gun becose its hard just that starting with nothing makes learning the basics a hell of alot harder. Especially when the first towns are warzones.

As a new player i would that actually has gotten down the basics id say starting with a map would help alot for new players to get in the groove and the best sollution for helping the newer players would be to have a learning section with video tutorials on the Dayz site.

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Best thing to do when you're a new player; play with someone who isn't new.

Easiest, quickest and quite possibly the most practical way to learn.

The majority of us on the forum are nice people, willing to share our knowledge and experience of the Day Z battlefield.

PM someone who seems like they'd be up to helping out a rookie and see if hey agree - if not, try someone else.


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I don't see why people buy the game and go STRAIGHT to DayZ

There is a Tutorial in the base game, play it.

QFT. I could only shoot like 2 out of 50 skeet though, good fucking god @_@ Pull!

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I got the hang of the game by checking YouTube vids on how to play before purchasing everything I needed. By then, I was reasonably prepared and figured the rest out as I played. If you're completely new to DayZ you'll probably just need to read up on item/loot interaction and inventory/bag management to be able to start playing properly.

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I also bought arma just for the mod. But i informed me, before buying it, so i knew what was waiting for me. At the first evening playing i died lots, finding out the zombie mechanics, how other players behave, mastering the controls(yes i didnt do the arma tutorial). At the end of that playsession i was a little sceptical about the game, but i knew it was me who was the problem.

So the next day i spent getting information about everything in Dayz.

And at my second day i started together with a friend, and the Dayzdb map open on my second monitor. With the help of that and the information i gathered it felt like playing a whole different game! since then i only died once, but i got my gear back. We defended ourselves against hordes of zombies and bandits, and found a ton of great gear. (FN FAL with nightscope is a nice weapon if you know where to find ammo for it), and had lots of fun since.

I know we are still noobs, and have alot to learn, especially how to interact with other players (we still only kill when the other player shows hostility), but thats what so great about that game, that you have so much to explore and find out.

Edit: Oh and i did not have your problems with the installation. it was as easy as it can be

1. Install Arma Joined Operations over steam

2. Start Joined Op at least once

3. get six updater

4. press install

5. play Dayz

Edited by Achti

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This thread...seriously...

So you played good ol' Strike Commander back in the days and now you think you can manage DCS A-10C Warthog from the get go? Yeah, sure... If DayZ actually would be as tough as that, the mod itself is quite easy. Brutal, but easy.

Only thing you might have a point is about installation. At least for me it took 2-3 attempts to get DayZ started. Why? Because most install guides don't mention you actually have to start Arma2 OA at least once in Joined Op mode. Still makes sense to me.

Apart from that, no problems and/or hard times ever (except aiming and going for headshots is still a bit tricky, but that depends not only on my skill not being where I want it to be, but also on some weapons inaccuracy and lag). Why? Because when I first heard about DayZ and that it's fucking brutal ass rape, my common sense told me to go and watch some gameplay footage. So I'd call myself an experienced noob. But friends who started without this starting bonus also managed to get around, find a weapon (hatchet), food, drinks, and so on, without attracting every Z in the vicinity. Sure, they asked me things like "how do I do X?", but those questions just spared them a few minutes max before they would have figured it out on their own - it's not that hard.

And to everyone mocking about controls, double tapping, etc. - why do you think there's an option in the menu called "Controls"? Go fucking change them if you don't like them.

This mod is not (and hopefully never will be) made for the casual gamer, so if you can't cope with it, go play something else.

You live and you ARE going to die and lose all your stuff. You don't have the right to expect things the way you want them to be or getting "the best" gear there is, and you don't have the right to demand this mod being easier just because you may lack the motivation to learn and/or inform yourself (up front).

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Got Arma and DayZ installed easily about 2 weeks ago.

I did feel, well, honestly quite frustrated the first couple times I played the MOD. Frankly I HATE Arma II's base game. I can't play it, it feels clunky and just feels wrong. But DayZ, DayZ feels right with everything. Was it hard to pick up and play right off? Yeah it was. I watched a couple of gameplay vids... then got going, controls still confuse me sometimes, but I've had characters that have survived for 3+ days now. and that's been after only a week of play.

If you're expecting a game that's easy to pick up and is the next COD zombie mode... Day Z is NOT it.

but if you're looking for a tactical shooter, that will make you FEEL like you just murdered someone, or like you're actually surviving a zompoclypse... DayZ's the way to go.

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Err... firstly, you didn't pay any money to play DayZ. You bought Arma. DayZ has never asked for any money or been advertised anywhere.

Secondly. All of the veterans and others enjoying the mod seem to have coped with the steep learning curve. Did you not know that it's supposed to be brutally hard? It's because it's so hard that it's been so popular. People are sick of copycat AAA FPS games and this is the antidote.

Good luck getting a refund from Bohemia.

P.s - Can I get have my time back for reading your post?

That's a little silly. People paid the money for Arma because they had to - not to play it. They paid for Arma to play DayZ. I'd have had no interest in the game without DayZ and I'm assuming because of sales, most others feel the same.

On that note, I don't see how this game is all that hard. There are a lot of controls, sure. But most are easy to learn. I added crouch and stand-up to my mouse to help out.

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i brought arma2 just to be able to play dayZ

learning curve? all i did b4 playing was find out about the controls

i didnt bother with watching videos or anything else

everything else u learn while playing the game

if ur a gamer who cracks the shits about not being awesome as soon as u start out, play something else

i jumped in the deepend of the pool, and drowned to start with

now im surviving and loving every minute of it

if i live or die, i dont care, coz i learn a new tactic for the game

i've always just thrown myself into games without reading anything more then the controls for it

thats the point of a game, there is a respawn button, learn from ur mistakes, try again

its not like once u die thats it, the game gets deleted

and as for setting up and installing it, i didnt have a problem, i use the six launcher/updater, and it has worked flawlessly for me

i dont see why ppl bitch about "learn curves" in games, if u cant learn how to play a game, how can u learn to do anything at all?

learn sum patience

keep getting killed in a big city, dont go there and look to the smaller towns/deer stands for gear

doesnt take much effort to work it out

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Disable all mods and play ArmA 2: OA vanilla and play the boot camp missions first before playing DayZ! Then go look up some DayZ player guides!

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I don't see why people buy the game and go STRAIGHT to DayZ

because they can handle it? because they want to enjoy learning stuff on the go? some of the best experiences i've had in DayZ were while i was still a noob, and i considered a winchester to be a godsend. the experiences in this game that you live thorugh as a completely unprepared scrub are not possible in any other game i've played

Edited by Ganjastar

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Bought arma 2 just for day z since ive seen like 15 dayz vids on youtube, and i gotta say if you are on the edge about buying just for this mod .. dont. Perhaps i will have an amazing time 50+ hours of gameplay down the road, however i gotta say its not worth the trouble unless you want the actual game anyways (wouldnt see why you would) or other mods which i know a few are highly recommended. The time and frustration getting this game installed, setting up the resolution on my PoS monitor, and getting Day Z to work, disconnecting several times or dying while reading the controls, is just silly. Not to mention glitching through walls, going town to town looking for a weapon to start with, while crouching to avoid zombies is it too much to ask to start with a fire axe ? or is there a novice gametype, version, server, or tutorial? Run for 5 mins to find a town, 90% of houses you cannot enter, and im sure the experienced players know what to look for, but my whole argument is based on the brick wall you face as a new player. Im sure veterans out there will disagree, but the time it takes to fire up this game and become proficient just does not seem worth it at this point, and i want my money and time back.

If you want to look at controls or anything that will render you defenseless any reasonable person would find a safe spot to do so. This is a zombie game so what do you expect? It's not going to be super simple like it used to be in the past when people spawned with a pistol right away. When I first started I did many times as well and slowly started doing better and better. I started off by my lonesome self and explored. I turned into a hatchet killing machine. It's not as simple as other games as you're defenseless first starting out and for that I love it. Give it time and you'll get better.

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arma 2 tutorial is very good, and if you peek at the loot map( http://dayzdb.com/map#5.051.128 ) clicking on the dots it shows you a picture of the building. there aren't more than 10 i think so it's quite easy..

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You and people like you are what is wrong with this picture. I have been playing ARMA/OFP for 11 years now and I have seen a FLOOD of little COD kids into my precious SIMULATOR. Here are some tips so noobs like you can avoid lots of tears. Please keep in mind I have been playing DayZ for less than a week, have already found a clan, am fully geared, and have murdered several fully geared people including one guy at 400m with a headshot from my Enfield at the time.

1- Don't play a simulator expecting to not have to learn how to play it. Falcon 4.0 had a manual probably as long as a real F-16 manual. The learning curve isn't steep. Your ability or will to learn is just shallow.

2- Don't buy a game specifically just to play a mod for it. That is just DUMB.

3- If you insist on doing number 2, play the game and learn the game before you just mod the shit out of it. I swear you people are a virus.

4- Don't just buy games because your COD or brony friend told you "amigawd tis game is teh buttsecks it rawks!" There have been demos available for this game for a decade and if demos aren't available I go the illegal route and pirate them as a way of renting them for an hour or three. If I like them I buy them. If I don't like them I uninstall them. Wouldn't have to resort to this if the game and movie industries would stop shoving the same shit down our throats year after year.

5- Let me reiterate a point I made in number 4 with caps just to get my point across. THERE HAS BEEN DEMOS AVAILABLE FOR THIS GAME OR SERIES OF GAMES THAT REALLY HASN'T CHANGED MUCH FOR A DECADE.

I really wish DayZ would point out on its front page just how hardcore or non-mainstream ARMA can be. This is NOT a run and gun game. It is for people who think about what they are doing instead of just sprinting around a tiny map shooting everything that moves. Please, let the door hit your ass on the way out and spread the word that this game (ARMA and DayZ) is not for people like you.

Bought the game specifically for the mod. I've had enough with BFs and CoDs and any other acronym you can think of for a war game. I'm here for the zombies.

Didn't touch the tutorial. I like my brain and I'd rather play and learn. Took me three days but I can say with a lot of confidence that I'm a LOT better at the game then the first time I played. It couldn't be more obvious that this game is NOT run and gun. You don't even get a gun to start. The real fun is in finding out what works and what doesn't. Can't stand these goats who think that just because they've played Arma for X amount of time that they are the only ones who are allowed to play.

If you can't offer anyone good advice don't sit there and derp about "in my day" and "virus ridden kids invading mah gaymz." Mainstream gamers act the same way that you do. Show a little class. All these kids with X-Boxes think they are the greatest gift to the earth, I love how half the PC community acts the same way.

Fucking Christ.

Want some real advice? If you don't know how the game works either figure it out or google it. Plain and simple. A sandbox is a sandbox. You don't need a fucking manual or tutorial, if you're having fun you're doing it right. If you're not having fun, try something else.

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When i first bought the game i hated it. The game is hard, unforgiving and the controls are different from the most games.

After playing for a few days i had learned the basic, i had learned that you dont just walse into a town thinking everything is gonna be all fun and games. Your learn that zombies are dangerous as hell, you learned that you should find food, something to drink and maybe a makarov the first thing you do when you spawn. After a while doing this and dying from bandits, zombies, glitches, hackers, being stupid and rolling of roofs and yeah, most things you can do i teamed up with a few friends and some random dudes. This made the game so much more fun. Give it some time and try to learn that this isnt your normal FPS-run-in-gunsblazing-zombieslasher-unlimited-ammo-game, this is a zombiesuvival mod and it's really fun if you just give it some time. Had a friend that started playing this week, told him that it's better for him to just go around die some before he joins with us so that he learns the basics, thats what everyone should do. If you dont like it, you don't have to play and certainly dont have to whine.

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ArmA 2 offers so much more then just dayz. The game in itself is awesome, plus some of the other mods like Zagabad Life are fantastic.

And if you don't like any of them you can experiment with the mission editor.

But everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Who am I to flame you for it like everyone else. :)

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Can't stand these goats who think that just because they've played Arma for X amount of time that they are the only ones who are allowed to play.

If you can't offer anyone good advice don't sit there and derp about "in my day" and "virus ridden kids invading mah gaymz." Mainstream gamers act the same way that you do. Show a little class. All these kids with X-Boxes think they are the greatest gift to the earth, I love how half the PC community acts the same way.

Thank you for saying this. I don't understand why people think a games popularity is a bad thing.

I played a game awhile back called zombie panic source. The learning curve was steep. Nothing like day z, but compared to L4D, it was pretty difficult to survive. It was a mod and not relatively well known. Then, valve decided to feature it on steam (instead of some convoluted way of getting it installed). All of the sudden, there was a huge influx of players and the bitching started like nothing I've ever seen before. "All these new Steam kiddies...." "OMFG so many noobs" "Why are these new people ruining the game?"

Now look at it - hardly anyone plays anymore. Now the 'hard core old timers' are the ones that started when it was featured on steam, trying to keep the community alive.

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So many posts. Some immature trolling.

OP, the point is this: This game is not for everyone. I'm sorry you don't like it or Arma2. When I bought it, I wasn't sure how much I would like it either.

Luckily it was all right up my alley and I rolled with the normally-unforgiveable bugs in Arma.

It could have gone the other way, but I am glad it didn't.

You took the trouble to register here and post, so perhaps you still have hope or desire to make it work. If you change your mind, look me up.


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i dont need a war sim or a fps that is subpar to other games i own.

Opinions are funny things.

I've been playing games for over 25 years and I think the OFP/ArmA series is by far the best game I've ever played.

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This game has very small learning curve(all u need to know is how to avoid zombies and u can look at an online map where to find things such a steap learning curve right?) play smart this isnt l4d where u run around an just kill zombies the learning curv is not steap at all never did a tutorial watched a few vids and i was good to go if ur having problems with the way things are mapped/binded to ur keyboard change it honestly we are pc gamers we can choose what keys do what(example: instead of numlock enter for 3rd person i use Q because Q was used for nothing important in dayz...) Steep learning curve my ass.

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