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Temperature isn't the problem... it's starvation.

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Temperature isn't a problem at all. My problem is that my friend and I are about to starve to death because we can't find any wood to burn. We're in the middle of a freakin' forest, we found 2 piles of wood by houses but can't loot it because it's just there to look pretty.

Temperature is tame. We're gonna starve to death tonight.

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dude kill someone for their beans or look around, there is plenty of food in towns if you go looking around.

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dude kill someone for their beans or look around' date=' there is plenty of food in towns if you go looking around.


Hell no... I've got 8 pieces of meat uncooked and my partner has 3 more. We've been to 3 different wood piles now. Nothing. This is outrageous, unrealistic.

What do lootable wood piles even look like?

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>Inb4 trolls call thread 40716700.jpg

In all seriousness, raw meat should be edible, because in an emergency nobody would give a fuck. But for balance sake, make it cause you to get sick.

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The wood probably isn't lying in forests, it's probably in houses.

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WTF is this bs? No wood here. It must all be plastic.

This isn't carebear QQing, this is a serious issue. I bet it's fixed in 5.8.3 or equivalent.

Thank god logging out and logging back in resets your fed status to... well... almost full... sometimes.

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There's no wood in forests... holy shit that makes as much sense as there being no water in oceans.

God dammit, people use simple sticks and twigs for quick fires during survival situations. WHAT THE HELL.

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We need lava pools, STAT!

Matches will be at a premium, and wood has to be insanely difficult to find.

It has been said in these forums where it spawns.... It's up to you to find it... I know ;D

Also, canned food will stay at premium importance for sating typical hunger.


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All the wood i've found has been Inside of barns on the second floor. In fact i've found about 1-2 wood piles in each barn i looted. they are small little piles.

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The wood situation is temporary as I couldn't get the hatchet added in time for the release. It will be likely you can eat raw meat in the next update, with an associated change of infection developing.

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The wood situation is temporary as I couldn't get the hatchet added in time for the release. It will be likely you can eat raw meat in the next update' date=' with an associated change of infection developing.


I think I might get called a carebear for this, but for the sake of realism, I think you shouldn't need a hatchet. Most people when they go hiking (and intend on making a fire) don't bother bringing a hatchet; they just pick up fallen twigs, sticks and branches and that's more than sufficient. Certainly, extremely few would ever chop a tree down or even chop off branches in order to make a fire - dry, dead wood is much better for burning and much easier to start a fire with. I'm all for increasing the difficulty, but only if it's for realism's sake (though the changes are about the unrealistic things aspects like zombies, I don't really care what changes are made - I actually liked the higher zombie counts).

It's your mod, obviously and you can do what you like. I don't want to demand anything; just suggest that a hatchet shouldn't really be needed.

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The wood situation is temporary as I couldn't get the hatchet added in time for the release. It will be likely you can eat raw meat in the next update' date=' with an associated change of infection developing.


I think I might get called a carebear for this, but for the sake of realism, I think you shouldn't need a hatchet. Most people when they go hiking (and intend on making a fire) don't bother bringing a hatchet; they just pick up fallen twigs, sticks and branches and that's more than sufficient. Certainly, extremely few would ever chop a tree down or even chop off branches in order to make a fire - dry, dead wood is much better for burning and much easier to start a fire with. I'm all for increasing the difficulty, but only if it's for realism's sake (though the changes are about the unrealistic things aspects like zombies, I don't really care what changes are made - I actually liked the higher zombie counts).

It's your mod, obviously and you can do what you like. I don't want to demand anything; just suggest that a hatchet shouldn't really be needed.

I carry a hatchet in my survival bag at all times. And when one can't be found, a hunting knife and a large stick will achieve the same thing. But outside of cutting wood, hatches could be useful for other things. For instance, building fortifications or new bolts?

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But outside of cutting wood' date=' hatches could be useful for other things. For instance, building fortifications or new bolts?


For smashing skulls in, more likely.

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Sometimes new features are no feature at all but just new annoyances to stop you from doing what you woull simply do in so called "real life". Thanks god the outdoor season just begun and I better do it for real again. Can't remember when I ever had to walk more then 50 m for dry firewood....and you only need a knee to brake it up.

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The wood situation is temporary as I couldn't get the hatchet added in time for the release. It will be likely you can eat raw meat in the next update' date=' with an associated change of infection developing.


I think I might get called a carebear for this, but for the sake of realism, I think you shouldn't need a hatchet. Most people when they go hiking (and intend on making a fire) don't bother bringing a hatchet; they just pick up fallen twigs, sticks and branches and that's more than sufficient. Certainly, extremely few would ever chop a tree down or even chop off branches in order to make a fire - dry, dead wood is much better for burning and much easier to start a fire with. I'm all for increasing the difficulty, but only if it's for realism's sake (though the changes are about the unrealistic things aspects like zombies, I don't really care what changes are made - I actually liked the higher zombie counts).

It's your mod, obviously and you can do what you like. I don't want to demand anything; just suggest that a hatchet shouldn't really be needed.

This. No need for a hatchet, but make it so there's "wood piles" scattered throughout the woods.

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Being sick is one hell of a challenge... this game gets more unforgiving each patch, I love it

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I carry a hatchet in my survival bag at all times. And when one can't be found' date=' a hunting knife and a large stick will achieve the same thing. But outside of cutting wood, hatches could be useful for other things. For instance, building fortifications or new bolts?


Certainly they have many uses and make life easier when camping and hiking, but they aren't necessary for obtaining wood. When I was talking about 'most people', I just mean average, occasional, overnight hikers. Here in Australia, I know few hikers who carry a knife (other than a butter or steak knife), let alone a (relatively) heavy hatchet when hiking. A lot of campers (drive in and camp next to your vehicle) have hatchets, though, but it definitely isn't a necessity.

And yes, the combat knife in the game could certainly be used to baton wood if it's raining and the outside of the wood is wet (maybe make a knife or hatchet required for obtaining wood in the rain?).

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I live in the country, I could scrounge up enough wood for a good fire in a 30m radius... finding wood in houses and supermarkets but not in the forest is just the most stupid f'ing thing... this feature is no good and it fails for many reasons.

Plus my body temp drops when running wtf...

Wood for fires needs to be removed or make a new tool like an 'Axe' and collect it from forest.

Body temp should only drop in rain, yes its Europe but we're not wearing shorts and thongs... characters don't get cold just 'because'... they are wearing appropriate clothing for the climate they are in (its not like its a bunch of Aussies not bring the right clothes on a trip to Europe from an Australian summer) it needs to be from the environment ie rain or swimming where clothes aren't as effective as they would be dry.

Both these features have been very badly implemented.

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I very much agree.

- You should be able to pick up wood in forests.

- No hatchet should be necessary.

If a log is big, you just stick the end on the fire and keep moving it up as it burns... no need to chop it up.

Everywhere you go there are trees or buildings made of wood.

Not being able to pick up wood from the forest floor is frustratingly unrealistic.

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Here's an idea, you should add car tires/jerry cans to the list of fuels you can use to start fires. If you cant find wood use a tire...I think flares should be useable as well to start fires. Stick a flare inside a jerry can, you can make a nice fire with that xD

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Here's an idea' date=' you should add car tires/jerry cans to the list of fuels you can use to start fires. If you cant find wood use a tire...I think flares should be useable as well to start fires. Stick a flare inside a jerry can, you can make a nice fire with that xD


I don't think I want to be with you when you make a campfire... Since not only will you blow up everything in a 100m radius, it will always generate enough sound to attrack all zombies from a 3km radius to eat the leftovers...

And tires won't make great fires, just very thick (and poisonous) smoke ;)

I still have to play the latest patch, but I saw the hotfixes already fixed some minor stuff related to the problems.

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Well the reason I said tires is because there is a tire pile in the balota medic camp which you can light up and use to cook your meat.

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