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What Quality of people hit the NW airfield these days?

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Sorry if this is you i am discribing now. But.... ill just throw it out there. i was camping with my sniper a the NW airfiled. in my opinion, anyone who goes there is a bandit, because normal survivors wont risk going there, or if they do, they hit the south barracks and run. and i was fully ready to kill some people, and i encountered 4 people total.

Person #1: ran across the runway which was when i first saw him. he was... wait for it... carrying a flare at night, running through the NW airfield. i couldent get myself to kill him right away. it just seemed wrong. like he was bait or just realy that stupid. either way, couldent do it. so he runs into the fire station, i see more zombies going after him than i have ever seen before. it was bad. he whipped out his glorious lee enfield, and i could hear him shooting from my spider hole. i see him run up the tower of the fire station, and get ready to put him out of his misery, and right before i shoot, he goes down. zombie got him. so i complain on teamspeak for a few seconds, and wait for another person.

Person #2: first, i dont blame this one for what happend at all. i had a new toy that i wanted to play with. the MK 48. i see him run into the runway, and start to loot a corps that was there. i start shooting, put 78 rounds his way, he logs. again, dont blame him at all. were i him, i would need to change my undies. (and its possible he didnt log, we just desynced, and i moved to a new spot, and we just never saw eachother again)

Person #3: in my spider hole again, waiting. kinda bored, just bullshiting on teamspeak. i hear what sounds like a 50 cal to me. i get nervous, and start to scan around. i hear it to my right. i look over there, and sure enough. i see lots of zombies. no people though. i hear more shots, and zombies running, but still no person. i then see zombies climbing the ladder of one of those light towers, you know. the ones with absolutley no cover. i think to myself "no..." but sure enough, i see a lee enfield warrior up on the top. i giggle for assuming it was a 50, and start to line the shot up. he then dies, and i see blood pouring down the tower. i sigh, complain again over teamspeak, and wait again.

Person #4: i had to go out of my hole for food. i didnt want to, but i was out. so on my way back, i hear gun shots up in the airfield. i decide to go to my spider hole instead of running up there straight on, even though it would cost me 5-10 more minutes. when i get there, i see a flair 800 meeters or so away, and sigh, knowing that i lost a kill by going to my spider hole. still, probably a good call though. anyway, i see a small Z army running in that direction, and more gunshots. then nothing, but a little "Derrek was Killed." i dont know that was Derrek, but im pretty damn sure. i could see what looked like zombies eating through the fog.

Moral of the story... what happend to the NW airfield? it used to be a point of tention, and gun fights? my guess is people that are in for the fight are either down death-matching electro and cherno, or hitting helo crash sites. any thoughts anyone? (and sorry for spelling :blush: )

PS. these events made me download FRAPS, and i will try to make a montage if it continues to be so bad :rolleyes:

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Steam summer sales, all the 'seasoned players' are coming down south to cherno to kill the high volume of noobs streaming in.

Free kills, Free loot.

The meta has changed from all the tension being up north to being a cherno/eleckro camp down south. So if you want PvP, camp cherno.

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I went to the NW field yesterday with one other, we're not bandits but we got the fuck out after we scavenged the entire runway. No snipers or people weirdly enough.

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Sorry if this is you i am discribing now. But.... ill just throw it out there. i was camping with my sniper a the NW airfiled. in my opinion, anyone who goes there is a bandit, because normal survivors wont risk going there, or if they do, they hit the south barracks and run. and i was fully ready to kill some people, and i encountered 4 people total.

Person #1: ran across the runway which was when i first saw him. he was... wait for it... carrying a flare at night, running through the NW airfield. i couldent get myself to kill him right away. it just seemed wrong. like he was bait or just realy that stupid. either way, couldent do it. so he runs into the fire station, i see more zombies going after him than i have ever seen before. it was bad. he whipped out his glorious lee enfield, and i could hear him shooting from my spider hole. i see him run up the tower of the fire station, and get ready to put him out of his misery, and right before i shoot, he goes down. zombie got him. so i complain on teamspeak for a few seconds, and wait for another person.

Person #2: first, i dont blame this one for what happend at all. i had a new toy that i wanted to play with. the MK 48. i see him run into the runway, and start to loot a corps that was there. i start shooting, put 78 rounds his way, he logs. again, dont blame him at all. were i him, i would need to change my undies. (and its possible he didnt log, we just desynced, and i moved to a new spot, and we just never saw eachother again)

Person #3: in my spider hole again, waiting. kinda bored, just bullshiting on teamspeak. i hear what sounds like a 50 cal to me. i get nervous, and start to scan around. i hear it to my right. i look over there, and sure enough. i see lots of zombies. no people though. i hear more shots, and zombies running, but still no person. i then see zombies climbing the ladder of one of those light towers, you know. the ones with absolutley no cover. i think to myself "no..." but sure enough, i see a lee enfield warrior up on the top. i giggle for assuming it was a 50, and start to line the shot up. he then dies, and i see blood pouring down the tower. i sigh, complain again over teamspeak, and wait again.

Person #4: i had to go out of my hole for food. i didnt want to, but i was out. so on my way back, i hear gun shots up in the airfield. i decide to go to my spider hole instead of running up there straight on, even though it would cost me 5-10 more minutes. when i get there, i see a flair 800 meeters or so away, and sigh, knowing that i lost a kill by going to my spider hole. still, probably a good call though. anyway, i see a small Z army running in that direction, and more gunshots. then nothing, but a little "Derrek was Killed." i dont know that was Derrek, but im pretty damn sure. i could see what looked like zombies eating through the fog.

Moral of the story... what happend to the NW airfield? it used to be a point of tention, and gun fights? my guess is people that are in for the fight are either down death-matching electro and cherno, or hitting helo crash sites. any thoughts anyone? (and sorry for spelling :blush: )

PS. these events made me download FRAPS, and i will try to make a montage if it continues to be so bad :rolleyes:

I personally see a lot of PvP in the NW Air field. Just last night I was in a 4v3 firefight across the air field. I got three, and they got my two buds, and I took a bullet, it did 4k and I dipped out the back of the air field west. Probably should've stayed to try and put a round on that 4th guy. But, he had me pegged already. That was broad day-light. M107's, AS50's, and DMR's ringing out. And two assault rifles. It was loud as hell, haha. But a good time. Though, I do see a lot of people firefighting in Cherno and Elektro. It's more of a massacre though.

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Ok, i did finaly manage to take someone out here. two shots, first missed, second to head with my DMR. i feel kinda bad though... i thought he had NVGs wich made him a threat (Its night) but nope. i also only saw him because he was shooting. dont know at what either...

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Any time I go to NW Airfield I go in expecting to get shot at. I usually let others do their thing and watch them from a distance before I go in. If I or any of my friends get shot at then I shoot back and from then on out it is shoot first, ask questions later. This KOS mentality is stupid.

The other day I helped a couple of guys getting swamped with zombies in Cherno. I was on top of an apartment across the street from the hospital. I could have easily killed them but instead killed all the zombies and declared myself as friendly so long as they left me and my other two friends alone that were coming to join me. They found a couple of weapons in the apartments and I let them leave with a warning that two of my buddies were on their way up and they would not shoot them if they didn't cause any trouble. (both my friends were actually unarmed). As they were leaving I watched them and as they came across one of my buddies they shot and killed him for no reason. It was a simple enough task to kill them both after that. That Kobra is pretty nice at a medium range.

I see people all the time and let them go only to get killed by them later. Pretty soon it won't be that way for me and I will simply kill every person I see with a gun in hand. Really can't trust anybody in this game.

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Sorry if this is you i am discribing now. But....(...)

Just wondering for how long do you need to camp there to engage anyone? And what are you doing while waiting? Reading a book or smth? Just cant imagine that one can find this kind of gameplay actually entertaining.

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I was sneaking into the NW Airfield alone the other day and it was eerily quiet, couldn't pickup anyone with my binocs but I kept stealth and crept in. I'm in the second hanger and all of a sudden I hear a mass of zombies. I look up to the control tower, then the firestation, still no-one around. Then I see the army of zombies running through the middle of the airfield after one solitary guy sprinting the entire length of it, I just watch to see if anyone else shows up or takes a shot. He makes it into the Control Tower. After dipping into all the hangers I see he's now on the roof of the control tower cowering from the couple of zombies who followed him up, like 5 minutes go by before he gets down and goes inside for loot.

I head to the fire station - and this is when I fuck up. He hadn't seen me, and clearly there was no-one else around or they would've taken him out long ago. He's still in that control tower and judging by all the loot I found I figure he must be tooling up nicely. I climb the tower of the fire station inside and think what if I send a few zombies his way while I loot this place, don't want to run into him. I then tried to throw a smoke grenade at the control tower, covering me and attracting zombies to him. It never made it out the window and the top of the fire station tower starts spewing red smoke alerting literally everything for a few miles that some fucking retard is at the fire station. FUCK, won't be trying that again. So I'm thinking I got to get the fuck outta there! In the rush down the stairs I fall and my character glitches out of the fire station tower onto the roof and I break my leg and am bleeding out fast. FUCK. I bandage up and take morphine just in time to see him walking up the stairs AK-74 aimed up the tower at the mass of red smoke and I unload my AK into his head, he didn't get a shot off. And that's how I got my first murder.

What Quality of people hit the NW airfield these days?...I think I answered your question.

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Just wondering for how long do you need to camp there to engage anyone? And what are you doing while waiting? Reading a book or smth? Just cant imagine that one can find this kind of gameplay actually entertaining.

ehh, it varies. usualy i am there watching and waiting, but today i have been studying and on the forums. Im patient, and the fact that it isnt all scripted "get here 10 seconds later your target comes" is actualy vary entertaining for me. in AMRA2 online i sat for hours in a spider hole waiting for a convoy, to not even shoot. just to tell the rest of the team it is there. im just strange like that though, i know :blush: . i actualy case out an area, figure out distances to targets, and have it all written in a little notebook i have.

and puppet, good story :lol: i loled a bit, and not at you. i have thrown a grenade thinking it was a smoke grenade B) ... its just a good story :lol:

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Only newbs are those with a death wish go looting at nwa really. So your description of what you saw makes complete sense.

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Just wondering for how long do you need to camp there to engage anyone? And what are you doing while waiting? Reading a book or smth? Just cant imagine that one can find this kind of gameplay actually entertaining.

I'mthinking this.... quality of player? eh?

people have this superioty thing going on cos they can sit for hours on end with a better gun than others and snipe them?

in many games I've played before, this kind of camping is laughed at. It isn't skills it is just the will to have a 99% boring game experience in order to stroke your e-peen.

I have no issue with snipers, I have no issue with campers, I have no issue with milsims and real life tactics, but I have issues with people who assume they are somehow great players for sitting in a hole for hours on end. just do it don't boast about it!

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I helped a guy with a pistol get a real mans rifle out at the airfield yesterday, we dispatch a bunch of zombies, then run like hell to the south east barracks, we loot the place and kill off another mass of zombies. When we are about to part ways I tell him "good luck" then I turn and run my own way....just to get shot in the back by non other then the guy i just spent a good hour helping out

If that tells you anything about the type of people at the Airfield now days

Edited by Butcher71793

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spent about an hour at the airfield the other night. was dark, was with two buddies, one logged out though in the airfield...hes a goner.

so me and my other friend are in there, i like to play very stealthy, a big part of the game for me is getting in and out of high traffic areas with no z alerts or player alerts. i have been within meters of playuers before, could have killed them. i just watch them go by, i dont need to kill them, the fact they dont know im there, i already won.

so we were there for an hour, around 30 diffrent players server hopped in and out around us, prone, we crawled down field cover to cover, scanning the trees, the buildings finally finding a DMR in the firestation, and then a mp5sd above it, a worthwhile trip.

its just amazing to me, how many players log at the sight of night, or how easy it is to make them log, when they server hop into the airfield, and you taunt them on direct chat. once they realize their not alone they bolt.

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Server hopper who make the loot despawn, that's the folk there.

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Im at the NW Airfield since last Friday or so. I dont have much time for DayZ atm so i log in for 1 hour of looting and very, very rare shootouts and then be gone. I think ill make my way to Stari Sobor and to the coast again. Help Noobs or kill Makarov-Bandits. I dont know ...

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I helped a guy with a pistol get a real mans rifle out at the airfield yesterday, we dispatch a bunch of zombies, then run like hell to the south east barracks, we loot the place and kill off another mass of zombies. When we are about to part ways I tell him "good luck" then I turn and run my own way....just to get shot in the back by non other then the guy i just spent a good hour helping out

If that tells you anything about the type of people at the Airfield now days

welcome to dayz.... trust no one, as an eve player for a few years i have learnt one thing. Paranoia is your friend :)

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2 Buds and I went to the NW airfield yesterday, we were arguing about whether the plan was just stupid or if it would work. (We were going as a column across the field)

Sure enough, as soon as we hit the hangers, gunfire breaks out. Then a lot of swearing and cursing over our Skype chat. We all got out alive in the end.

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How do you guys suggest 2 guys with good guns make their entry to the NWAF? OR should we loot Berezino / Balota / Krasnostav instead? Still new to this game so we don't know the danger.

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The hot spots seem to differ from server to server. If you joing a server and see "x has been killed", "y has been killed", "z has been killed", you pretty much know most players are hanging around elektro offing each other. Hey, cool with me, I don't hang around elektro so I know in theory I'll be safer up north. The scary part for me is when I join a server and don't see alot of obituaries, seems like that is when most of the players are moving around up north.

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theres still pvp? where?

most people DC when they hear a gun shot...

Dc after being knocked unconcious

Fire shots miss DC

DC when they step on a twig nowadays :S

Pretty much this, almost always if I don't kill my target in one hit, they will DC.

Such an immersive game, people warping space time and such.

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Just wondering for how long do you need to camp there to engage anyone? And what are you doing while waiting? Reading a book or smth? Just cant imagine that one can find this kind of gameplay actually entertaining.

I normally wouldn't find it entertaining either, but watching idiots at work might be a bit fun to watch.

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first i plan to get something good from the SWAF, then head to the NWAF. so far i have an ak-74, lots of food, ammo, and in three weeks of survival, have only alterted two zombies.

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