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Pending Update: Build

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Of course you do, because you dont want to have to walk to the nearest city like everyone else. Give it a rest all of you. You are so obvious with you pathetic examples and reasons for these game breaking mechanics to remain. Respawn till you find a "good spawn"? If that isnt explotation than I dont know what is. This game is not catered to you. It is a time consuming, frustrating, sometimes annoying experience. This is what I want, but thats not what makes it right. What makes it right is that THIS IS WHAT ROCKET WANTS. Its HIS game. NOT YOURS. Im just glad what he wants is also what I want. If it wasent, Id find another game instead of trying to derail a project thats goals (or lack thereof) where layed out from the get go. You guys need to think logically about entitlment.

IN addition, a story for you all about the negatives of DC. And before you give me all your BS reasons why the "innocent people" will be effected, go back to page 37-40 and read my logical reasons why you ARE a DCer, http://dayzmod.com/f...720#entry413998 and please never post again.



-You're sitting their in a house in Novy Sabor contimplating your next location. You move out and turn a corner and your heart stops. Here comes another survivor. Hes equipped with nicer gear than you have. A machine gun, you only a pistol but a large cayote. He only has a chech. He hasent seen you but you think its only a matter of time. You hold out on taking a shot. Zombies ARE EVERYWHERE. You've never seen so many spawn in one place. Its 1.7.2 and you know the zombies vision and hearing are much more realistic than before. You let your guard down for just a second and you are being shot at. The survivor walking down the street was not a survivor, he was a bandit. You die in a pool of your own blood and regrets at not taking HIM OUT first. Hes made a KoS out of you now.

But what about the bandit?? Surely he would have considered the seriousness of opening fire in that shitstorm of zombies. No. Didnt even cross his mind because he knew all he had to do was kill you. DC. And spawn back in right where your dead body lies. He is chilling. Zombies spawn back not aggroed a few seconds later. MO GEAR, NO PROBLEMS.

I rest my case......

You know Rocket has stated that reading peoples opinions on what they think is wrong with the game is a valuable part of his creative process. You call it "trying to derail the project". When in fact by effectively shouting down a person for dis-agreeing with Rocket you are the one who is potentially derailing the project because without the testers input about what they feel is right or wrong with the mod, Rocket would simply build a game with what HE wants...and he has stated explicitly that is NOT what he wants.
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You are so obvious with you pathetic examples and reasons for these game breaking mechanics to remain. Respawn till you find a "good spawn"? If that isnt explotation than I dont know what is.

well said

people get so used to this stuff, they think it's actually part of the game

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I really appreciate the attempt to stop Alt + F4, but one thing bothers me a little bit. Sometimes i need to switch servers to find one with good ping/settings. Is there going to be a punishment for going to different servers, or is it just going to be applied to reconnecting to the same server?

There.....is.....no.....hope for these people......

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There.....is.....no.....hope for these people......

I'm all for stopping f4'ers, I just don't want it to interfere with my server-hopping :)

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Since when can the infected not hear? When i shoot my 1911 whole town comes running still

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Hey trollface, this has nothing to do with my gear, if I go to Cherno/Elecktro YOU will be wiped out and I will enjoy your delicious beans. I have tons of good gear, on multiple servers so this would be a 'loss' for me, yet I want people to start from scratch to help avoid the ridiculous duping that is rampant. Item inflation is off the charts, and the only way to combat it is to reset everything to zero. Everyone starting over will create some very interesting scenarios that will be fun to play through.

I suppose we should wait until duping has been fixed before doing anything drastic, but it needs to happen soon.

Did I said anything about your gear? Or did I said something about MY gear? Wipe all and in 1-2 days everybody will have the same gear before wiping so there is no point in that. And my beans actually very tasty.

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I understand the need to stop the ALt+F4ing... etc, I just don't see how making my character remain in the game for 20 seconds is going to help this without punishing legitimate players....

let's say you do find a spot that you feel is safe to logout, is your character model just going to stand there? will zombies still aggro? if a player comes by per chance, can they just kill you/loot your backpack?

what about unstable connections, or ping spike kicks, or if you get kicked by abusive admins? it could lead to a whole new sort of griefing if it's not implemented properly (which I am sure is under consideration).

I think the logging of personal habits of frequent logging in and out is a suitable solution on it's own. Remaining in the game for 10-20 seconds after logging out isn't.

and trust me, I get just as frustrated at the DCers as anyone else (bandit and proud).

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How will the hive server deal with DC/kicks? For example I usually play on US servers because all the aus/nz ones are full however some of these servers kick for high ping and I might go through 4 servers a night trying to find the server that doesn't kick me for ping

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How will the hive server deal with DC/kicks? For example I usually play on US servers because all the aus/nz ones are full however some of these servers kick for high ping and I might go through 4 servers a night trying to find the server that doesn't kick me for ping

if you get kicked for high ping, you'll never be able to play the game again

(all I have left is sarcasm)

Edited by daze23
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I understand the need to stop the ALt+F4ing... etc, I just don't see how making my character remain in the game for 20 seconds is going to help this without punishing legitimate players....

let's say you do find a spot that you feel is safe to logout, is your character model just going to stand there? will zombies still aggro? if a player comes by per chance, can they just kill you/loot your backpack?

what about unstable connections, or ping spike kicks, or if you get kicked by abusive admins? it could lead to a whole new sort of griefing if it's not implemented properly (which I am sure is under consideration).

I think the logging of personal habits of frequent logging in and out is a suitable solution on it's own. Remaining in the game for 10-20 seconds after logging out isn't.

and trust me, I get just as frustrated at the DCers as anyone else (bandit and proud).

Does no one read?!!?!!?!!! All of your reasons are bullshit! There is NO REASON for us to care about YOUR shitty internet, pink spikes, abusive admin issues, freak thunderstorms, barking dogs, family issues and any other outlandish and ridiculous excuses you people who are nothing but exploiters use for the sympathy vote. HIDE! Go PRONE! USE BUSHES! FIND SHADE! USE SOME FRIGGIN STEALTH SKILLS! GO READ THE US ARMY SURVIVAL/EVASION MANUAL! SO the hell what if you have to wait 20 seconds and you are soo unlucky that in the HUGE map that is chern you get killed. Start the hell over. Your scenarios are soo outlandish and uncommon. From now on every time I see a stupid ass post I will post my argument from a few pages back that has a legitimate counter for all your bitching. I wont even waste my time typing again.

Edited by VictorM
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How will the hive server deal with DC/kicks? For example I usually play on US servers because all the aus/nz ones are full however some of these servers kick for high ping and I might go through 4 servers a night trying to find the server that doesn't kick me for ping

Don't join high ping servers? maybe, let's see..... yea that looks like the right answer ;)

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read my answer, i never said thats a new feature in the game instustry lol...

? i did read it. you clearly did not. nobody said anything about being a new feature in the game industry. not sure where that came from...

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ETA still tomorrow? Can't wait for this patch, because of helis :)

In my opinion it's ok for people to respawn if they spawn to a place they wouldn't have wanted to spawn at. Big groups who want to play together already have it so hard to find each other, not mentioning getting forced spawns.. "First world problems", no more misclick suicides for me, that's great.

What's about helis ? are they going back to our DayZ ?

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PLEASE bring the Helicopter back in the Game!!! Thats my personal target: Find a Heli, repair it and fly over the top of Chernogorsk :D


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Logging in Unconscious for 5 minutes glitch going to be fixed?

Thank you for noticing! A friend of mine got really mad, because he felt like the only one. It happend every time. Regardless of his condition (it happened on a fully healthy character).

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Does no one read?!!?!!?!!! All of your reasons are bullshit! There is NO REASON for us to care about YOUR shitty internet, pink spikes, abusive admin issues, freak thunderstorms, barking dogs, family issues and any other outlandish and ridiculous excuses you people who are nothing but exploiters use for the sympathy vote. HIDE! Go PRONE! USE BUSHES! FIND SHADE! USE SOME FRIGGIN STEALTH SKILLS! GO READ THE US ARMY SURVIVAL/EVASION MANUAL! SO the hell what if you have to wait 20 seconds and you are soo unlucky that in the HUGE map that is chern you get killed. Start the hell over. Your scenarios are soo outlandish and uncommon. From now on every time I see a stupid ass post I will post my argument from a few pages back that has a legitimate counter for all your bitching. I wont even waste my time typing again.

LOL... chill out... maybe you should step away from the computer for a bit before you break your caps lock key.

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LOL... chill out... maybe you should step away from the computer for a bit before you break your caps lock key.

meh, I feel his frustration. it's just post after post of people basically saying "my dog ate my homework"

this, like most online games, requires that you have a consistent internet connection. and just like other online games, if some 'emergency' comes up 'in real life' there is no pause button

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Oh yikes.. did I miss another important announcement?

Oooh nope, just more complaining.. shocks abound! <3

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You just need to spam the enter button till you join an Aussie server. You have little chance of survival in a gun battle if you lagging anyway

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I accept it is going to be a, well, bitch.

But we need to see what affect this kind of forced spawn will have on players. It will make dying more significant. We need to see what response this will actually have with the data, not just the QQ from people on the forums. It is like previous updates where we had to try controversial things. This update will, unfortunately, come in before we have had a chance to look at group spawn mechanics.

THIS. Groups would be amazing. No need to be a fancy thing, maybe a channel specific to that group and some way to spawn everyone in the group together (that would be amazing due to the removal of the respawn button).

I'm looking forward for this feature, if there are plans to implement it one day.

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Well shoot, I'll have to relocate the tent full of high grade military loot I placed smack dab in the middle of Kamenka. Won't be a safe spot with the respawn button gone.

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Well shoot, I'll have to relocate the tent full of high grade military loot I placed smack dab in the middle of Kamenka. Won't be a safe spot with the respawn button gone.

I dont get it. Why would it be safe there in the first place?

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