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What the hell, just got teleported to a sandbag fort and fired at.

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I was just running through Berizino when BAM all of a sudden I'd been teleported to a place that had been sandbagged to enclose people and it seemed like everyone on the map had also been spawned there simultaneously.

I got shot and Alt-F4'd which I don't see a problem with seem as this was obviously a hack.

This happened on NZ 3 at 7:37 AEST.

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Uhm, cool story bro. What are we supposed to do?

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Uhm, cool story bro. What are we supposed to do?

If you're going to post shit like this then why post at all? Go troll the World of Warcraft forums or something.

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>_> Lame hacker noobs strike again

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Your server got hacked.

The only counter to this (apart from hoping the hackers get perma-banned from Arma II, which does happen) is to play on a server that's got the latest battleye/beta patch.

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Uhm, cool story bro. What are we supposed to do?

People like you disgust me.Please take a .45 and shoot yourself.

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If you're going to post shit like this then why post at all? Go troll the World of Warcraft forums or something.

If you're going to post shit like this then why post at all? Go troll the World of Warcraft forums or something.

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This happened to me also starting getting teleported so immediatly logged out and logged back into a diff server was back where I was and no problems after that.

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