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dillinger (DayZ)

Best way to find Heli Crashes?

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Well the respawning incident last night was enough to make me keep clear of heli crash sites. 7 Zeds, a full clip of ammo and a lot of blood loss later and I was no better off.

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Crash site map is adaquate. I have found over 7-8 in the course of a month of playing.

Well the respawning incident last night was enough to make me keep clear of heli crash sites. 7 Zeds, a full clip of ammo and a lot of blood loss later and I was no better off.

Unlike buildings, items to not respawn in heli crash sites even if you clean them out. A server reset is required.

Edited by whitetigerofmichigan

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Don't use marked maps to find them, all of the ones I've found are never in marked locations. I find if you go looking for choppers you won't find them. I normally find them by accident when I'm not looking for them.

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k, WHERE are you people finding bicycles in this game?!?!

i havent seen one yet

are they outside or in buildings? never even seen something resembling a bike in this game

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Red Heli icons are a collection of known, recorded crash site locations that people hav ebeen working on, and the poorly drawn Blue Dots are the sites i have found (I record all the locations)

its mostly random, but the bigger fields with larger lines of sight have higher cahnces of having them because they make up a larger area giving it more chances of having one, + they are easier to spot. south of starry seems to be good because you cna see fields for miles, and for between Gorka + Polana seems to be a hotspot but thats just my personal experience

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I found one yesterday at the eastern part of the runway at the NWaf. I also found one not 20 mins later right next to the tents in stoary

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Thanks a ton everyone for the responses. I definitely got some good tips and feel like I'm ready to go back to chopper hunting!

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Why aren't you guys listening? :/ Those maps are useless, helis can spawn practically anywhere in the open not along the coastline.

Listen mate the map is very helpful as I can see quite a few spots where Ive found them, Obviosly they not always there but they do eventually spawn in those spots, As others have said it gives new players a rough idea where to look. So yer its very helpful.

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Best to raid an heli crash you find is to have a sniper on overwatch, and a guy with a silencer. That way the sniper gives positioning and can dispatch them if need arises, while the silenced guy just clears the ones in the way.

Or just go at night.

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If I had to guess, get a Huey and duct tape searchlights to the bottom. Then rappel down when you find a heli crash since you probably won't be able to land with upside down searchlights on the bottom of your chopper.

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Everyone is focusing too much on "random" here. There is NO such thing as "random" in the computer world. Granted it can be a hard ass pattern to figure out but nothing is truly random. But with that being said ive only come across 2 and it was at NWAF. One was literally next to the hangers and other one was near the landing strip. Both had been looted to all heck as only lee einfields and some AKMs were left.

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