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Backpack bug/Issue?

I dropped my backpack' date=' to take the czech backpack lying there, but i could´nt take and I couldnt take my dropped backpack :(. Whats wrong?


I second this... I've lost my backpack and all its gear twice trying to pick up a new pack. Seems like the problem is when you drop your pack first before trying to pick up another one. I have confirmed this bug, twice. :P

Make sure the backpack you are trying to pickup is EMPTY. Only then you have TAKE BACKPACK option. Maybe that's the case.

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anyone else thinking that because of all the 'Carebears' QQing about the zombie numbers he just put it in there to break their spirit?

i for one ran around for the last 3hrs with a mate...we didnt kill any zombies kept it all stealth...finally i accidentally walked in a town after walking off some steps...and i died at 15zombie kills after unluckily getting knocked out...and my friend died at 55kills...(

all i know now is that...if im guna shoot a zombie...it better be worth it :P i dont feel like the game is broken...sure it would be 'nice' if they didnt spawn so rapidly...but its still Alpha...so let them test...

I've noticed tht the servers are running way better now...anyone else? so maybe its the first step towards a smoother and deadlier zombie experience :P

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LOL welcome to the new weather' date=' cold a flu and hiding in a barn shaking from the cold simulator. Seriously the rain just goes on and on, move around for 10 minutes get the shakes, cant shoot straight logs are like rocking horse shit. Rain stops for 5 minutes and then starts again. Cant wait to see if we get snow then I can play Hypothermia online.


This is alpha mate, its just being tested and all. I'm sure he will update it so it works like intended.

It's an Alpha, really? It's hard to express sarcasm in writing.


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The new use menu fucking sucks, all the way from OFP the select function on the mouse wheel was fine, it wasn't broke why try and fix it?.

yeah yeah it's a alpha

and as for - (Today 03:28 PM)BroadswordUK1 Wrote: LOL welcome to the new weather, cold a flu and hiding in a barn shaking from the cold simulator.

fucking right on & and Q the 9gag famboi meme spouting newfriends

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The new use menu fucking sucks' date=' all the way from OFP the select function on the mouse wheel was fine, it wasn't broke why try and fix it?.

yeah yeah it's a alpha

and as for - (Today 03:28 PM)BroadswordUK1 Wrote: LOL welcome to the new weather, cold a flu and hiding in a barn shaking from the cold simulator.

fucking right on & and Q the 9gag famboi meme spouting newfriends


I like it just fine, and rocket has said that it makes a HUGE performance difference. That's reason enough. I think you may need to get used to it.

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I like the new temperature system. My only suggestion is that if the characters are getting an infection, which I assume is viral like a Common Cold, then taking antibiotics would not help recover from it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold#Antibiotics_and_antivirals). You need antivirals for that or simply take drugs that alleviate the symptoms. Antibiotics are for Bacterial infections.

I guess this is not important, since what matters is the mechanism not if you are infected by a bacteria or a virus.

For the rest, I love the mod Rocket!

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Get used to what? spending 90% of your time sitting by a fire or in a barn and 10% dodging camping COD fanboys? I'm pretty sure Rocket didn't have the intention of creating a "Sitting on your arse looking at a fire" simulator.

As for you Shimmer, I'm not a little Whiner or a kid I'm forty two years old and I have been playing these games since the very first, I didn't just jump on the ArmA bandwagon because I got bored nade spamming noobs in BLOPS you tit, I have been supporting the development of mods for ArmA and OpFp since day one. I'm not as shallow as you and I have the balls to say it here rather than in a rep post. I'm entitled to an opinion just like your are, trouble is opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one and you think everyone else's stinks.


"Negative (-1): This is alpha you little whiner."

@ Shimmer: negative rep me you wet fanny.

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... but having to open your gear every time to bandage yourself is just an unnecessary step.

No, it is realistic. You would need to open your pack to get to your bandages. All it takes in game is "G" key, right click on bandage and apply... all of maybe 2 seconds.

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Well, maybe I'm just having a bad dayZ but I've been killed about 8 times today by err, little pistols.

I find the new back-pack system works well.

Still haven't found any antibiotics.

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Rocket should add cans of chicken noodle soup to help alleviate the systems of a cold. And, make them spawn more frequently than antibiotics. But, not as powerful to balance it out.

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have has with a friend of mine fps drops down to 10-15. normally 50-60fps.

was at the fuelstation right side of gorka. didn´t do anything special, it just dropped

when we where close to each other after meeting there.

anyone also got these fps drops ?

otherwise its great so far, but the respawn of zombies if you cleared it is to fast, i think.

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Maybe he could create a "Knitting module" so we could have something to do while we sit in our Barns, It would also give us something warm to wear seeing as every survivor must be 80 years old and gets the cold after 10 minutes of being in the rain, or maybe the wandering medic could give us all Flu Jabs at one of the Hospitals allowing us to actually go outside and not drop dead from a runny nose.

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Get used to what? spending 90% of your time sitting by a fire or in a barn and 10% dodging camping COD fanboys....

Someone has a chip...

Anyway, no. DON'T get used to the current state of the game.

See, it's in flux constantly.

You can wave your Arma-peen around all you want. I certainly don't care how long you've been playing.

The point is this. The mod is in development. They guy in charge of it has said multiple times that things are experiments, or that he is trying them out. Oh, and currently being sick doesn't kill you. Just drops your health moderately... and it's already been adjusted once...

Your posts still seem like they are from someone who expects something finished. The cough/temp stuff may drop out later. Wood might work differently. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.

Get used to THAT.

Maybe you should go back to the 'base game'?


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have has with a friend of mine fps drops down to 10-15. normally 50-60fps.

was at the fuelstation right side of gorka. didn´t do anything special' date=' it just dropped

when we where close to each other after meeting there.

anyone also got these fps drops ?

otherwise its great so far, but the respawn of zombies if you cleared it is to fast, i think.


just die a disconnect after the fps drops, and didnt close the game. than i went back on server, and suddenly i did have an fps of 7-9.

so there is somthing going on, but i dont know what.

can anybody confirm such fps-drops ?

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have has with a friend of mine fps drops down to 10-15. normally 50-60fps.

was at the fuelstation right side of gorka. didn´t do anything special' date=' it just dropped

when we where close to each other after meeting there.

anyone also got these fps drops ?

otherwise its great so far, but the respawn of zombies if you cleared it is to fast, i think.


just die a disconnect after the fps drops, and didnt close the game. than i went back on server, and suddenly i did have an fps of 7-9.

so there is somthing going on, but i dont know what.

can anybody confirm such fps-drops ?

I have the same problem and tired of players complaining about it))

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anyone also got these fps drops ?

can anybody confirm such fps-drops ?

Something going on, others in the server noticed when the server reset.

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Got those kind of fps drop also in 1.5.7, but really rarely, maybe too much tents or persistent items on a server would make performance drop ?

I hope it's something rocket will eventually fix.

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@Disgraced, I was going to write a long winded and witty retort to you, but the wife called me for dinner, so all I'm going to say is, yawn.

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I am also getting lower FPS, tested it and seems to be CPU based. Normal FPS is 45-55 getting 22-30 now. Lower graphic change nothing. My guess would be that there is a script performing way to many checks client side.

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I've had the fps drop too, but for me it was perfectly fine until I respawned, then dropped from 50+ down to about 5. Closing Arma and restarting brought it back to normal, until the next respawn.

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I am not sure what these fixes actually did, because I can't play for an hour without my temperature bottoming out. I have also been able to find a ton of wood stacks but no matches. The temperature thing is a neat idea, but I feel it needs alot of refinement, for instance their needs to be some kinds of triggers that initiate temperature drops in the body. Our bodies don't sit and drop temperature all day long.

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Big FPS drop too, going from 30-40 to 5-10 every 20 seconds for several seconds.

I didn't have these before this build.

Also, will there be anything regarding the vehicles ? I'm talking about vehicle respawning, bug fixing (the impossible-to-refuel Huey).

EDIT: Just to be sure: i'm not asking for the devs to do something about vehicles. I have no right to do so.

I'm just asking what will concern the future builds, and if, by chance, it will be about vehicles.

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hmmm did I get it right? I do not die' date=' when I´m OFFLINE a week during vacation?


No you won't I believe (still alpha heh!), but be 100% sure to have food/drink available for use the second you log back in.

And what if right after you eat/drink your last food and water you have a REAL WORLD issue to take care of forcing you to log off, then you come back the next day or maybe 2-3 days later and you log on and you either starve to death, bleed heavily or otherwise suffer health consequences while you are trying to get food/water that you need immediately since it has depleted while you were offline?

This is something that really should change; some of us have lives outside of video games.

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Backpack bug/Issue?

I dropped my backpack' date=' to take the czech backpack lying there, but i could´nt take and I couldnt take my dropped backpack :(. Whats wrong?


I second this... I've lost my backpack and all its gear twice trying to pick up a new pack. Seems like the problem is when you drop your pack first before trying to pick up another one. I have confirmed this bug, twice. :P

Make sure the backpack you are trying to pickup is EMPTY. Only then you have TAKE BACKPACK option. Maybe that's the case.

Hmm... I don't think so. After you drop the pack you can't even see it in the gear window. You no longer have the option to open pack or pick up the pack... You can see it on the ground but you no longer have any options. It acts as if there was no pack there in the first place.

I haven't had trouble with packs previously. Can anyone else confirm there's an issue here :huh:

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