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Day Z is soon to be dead

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War Z will be APB in a slightly different setting (replace citizens with Zeds).

Go play APB, then come back and tell us that War Z is going to kill anything other than itself.

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The fuck... how much ignorance in this post. Wait, let me conclude: DayZ - alpha. WarZ - nothing yet. DayZ - a lot to change. WarZ - a lot to copy.

The only ignorance that can be found in this thread is in your post.

DayZ is in alpha

WarZ is in alpha too and approaching to a beta version

Alpha stages are usually tested by developers by the simple reason that the bugs and glitches are EXTREMELY OBVIOUS and you dont need 200k players to test them.

WarZ was in development a year ago

DayZ 3 months ago

WarZ copying DayZ? just because there are zombies in both games? The games are extremely different ( well, the game and the mod :) )

If someone has copyed here, its DayZ from ZDay http://www.zdaygame.com/index.php

Have fun with your ignorance

Edited by HalloweeNGT

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DayZ will die...

...and will come back from death...

...moaning, ugly, slow, buggy...

...and we will still play it because we like it like this.

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War Z will be APB in a slightly different setting (replace citizens with Zeds).

Go play APB, then come back and tell us that War Z is going to kill anything other than itself.

Well in APB you buy better weapons and a better character, and the maps are extremely small, so I dont think there is any relation between APB and WarZ

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The only ignorance that can be found in this thread is in your post.

DayZ is in alpha

WarZ is in alpha too and approaching to a beta version

Alpha stages are usually tested by developers by the simple reason that the bugs and glitches are EXTREMELY OBVIOUS and you dont need 200k players to test them.

WarZ was in development a year ago

DayZ 3 months ago

WarZ copying DayZ? just because there are zombies in both games? The games are extremely different ( well, the game and the mod :) )

If someone has copyed here, its DayZ from ZDay http://www.zdaygame.com/index.php

Have fun with your ignorance

That's not what an alpha is. Look it up. If the current stage of development was bug testing then DayZ would be in beta. Features are still being implemented, removed, experimented with, etc. Bugs are a side effect but "testing" in this stage has very little to do with removing bugs.

The games are extremely different? You just lost all credibility. Only ignorance I'm seeing is yours.

It's amazing how often people make the mistake of thinking that the beta testing phase that they are a part of isn't an indication of what the finished product will be like: those people are quite well misinformed and ridiculous. Beta is a nearly finished product and a phase of polish. DayZ is in alpha. Completely different phase. An alpha compared to release can be an entirely different game.

Edited by marik

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In War Z there will be safe zones where you can buy supplies for real money (also possible with ingame currency (stem cells), just 20x slower).

You're right about the maps being smaller, but surely that doesn't change the fact that it'll be a pay-to-win game. People complain about Russian hackers in DayZ, but I can't wait to see the War Z forums when someone got sniped from a 3km distance at night with a golden silenced AS50 with thermal scope.

Woops, I died. Time to spend $5 and get full gear again.

Edited by Applejuice
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That's not what an alpha is. Look it up. If the current stage of development was bug testing then DayZ would be in beta. Features are still being implemented, removed, experimented with, etc. Bugs are a side effect but "testing" in this stage has very little to do with removing bugs.

The games are extremely different? You just lost all credibility. Only ignorance I'm seeing is yours.

You are gonna explain me whats an alpha? You have said 5 minutes ago that WarZ is not even in alpha and now you are gonna explain me what they are doing while in alpha? :lol:

WarZ: Normal mode, hardcore mode, levels, skills, quests, group/clan systems, zombies

DayZ: zombies, ¿?¿?

You must be really STUPID if you still think they are similar games. DayZ is NOT EVEN A GAME, DayZ its the name that they have choosen for an Arma2 server with zombies instead of civils.

Now im out, I usually dont try to explain something to people under 80 IQ

Edited by HalloweeNGT

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The only ignorance that can be found in this thread is in your post.

DayZ is in alpha

WarZ is in alpha too and approaching to a beta version

Alpha stages are usually tested by developers by the simple reason that the bugs and glitches are EXTREMELY OBVIOUS and you dont need 200k players to test them.

WarZ was in development a year ago

DayZ 3 months ago

WarZ copying DayZ? just because there are zombies in both games? The games are extremely different ( well, the game and the mod :) )

If someone has copyed here, its DayZ from ZDay http://www.zdaygame.com/index.php

Have fun with your ignorance

At least there's something right you say. WarZ will become a kiddie CoD-like variety without any realistics... so, yeah. I think everything is said.

WarZ: Normal mode, hardcore mode, levels, skills, quests, group/clan systems, zombies

DayZ: zombies, ¿?¿?

C'mon... levels, skills, quests. Are you fucking kidding me?? Please go play this if you come from WoW. Seriously. DayZ is nothing for you. Level up at your WarZ.

Edited by Levias

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You are gonna explain me whats an alpha? You have said 5 minutes ago that WarZ is not even in alpha and now you are gonna explain me what they are doing while in alpha? :lol:

WarZ: Normal mode, hardcore mode, levels, skills, quests, group/clan systems, zombies

DayZ: zombies, ¿?¿?

You must be really STUPID if you still think they are similar games. DayZ is NOT EVEN A GAME, DayZ its the name that they have choosen for an Arma2 server with zombies instead of civils.

Now im out, I usually dont try to explain something to people under 80 IQ

Seriously. Do yourself a favor and don't ever post again. Your ability of reading comprehension is astounding. And your posts have all but proven that you are under the age of 12. And anytime you want to battle "IQ" you're welcome to joust with me little bro. I have a 150 IQ. But I don't need to tell you. Your posts are proof of your lack of intelligence. I couldn't think as slow as you with a bullet lodged in my brain on a bad day.

Edited by marik
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I have been looking forward to getting into DayZ. I've been playing Arma since before it was Arma (OFP), and I know my way around the game and keyboard shortcuts. I've played 7 characters so far, whereof two survived around 4 hours and the others died mostly, because someone was hacking.

1st start of the game a guy in a ghillie-suit teleported next to me and blew me up: hacker.

2nd round was alright, but I stayed far away from the coast.

and so on. Today I lost my stuff at a gas station near Zelenogorsk and when I went back to retrieve it, and I finally got there, the game was hacked and all players were teleported to near Kamenka, where a hacker shot at everyone. So, my experiences are bad. 2x killed by players I obviously surrendered to and could have easily killed myself. 3x killed by Hackers, 2x killed by zombies while repping car and just generally checking out the game.

As long as Arma's scripts can be hacked in that way (and they will always be hacked), there is no way a game like this can properly work. I don't understand who takes joy in destroying other players hours of work, but I'm sorry to say that this mod is not going to work as DLC or anything retail, unless it is absolutely hack-proof. That's where I see WarZ ahead of it, because they will make sure to build something that is impossible to script in the ways Arma is. It was great fun, but it doesn't really work with those hackers around.

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Shit guys, WayZ is so popular right now. DAMN. RIP DayZ

its not even out yet

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The hacks are gonna kill this game, not another game.

I never came across hacks when I started but I'm seeing them more and more.

all the Microsoft Windovs versions are hacked all possible ways - do you want to say no one uses Windows anymore and all ppl using ONLY linux ?

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RIP dayz, WarZ on it's buggy as shit engine made by random company no one has ever heard of (and who don't have a website) is going to dominate it.

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DayZ probably IS going to die, just not by a lack of players. It'll die slowly as the community slowly turns into shit just like most game communities do.

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DayZ is already planned to be standalone and will most likely be worked on if not already worked on for Arma 3 engine.

War Z we know nothing about, we have many ideas from the developers, but they are just "ideas". Rocket have stated that many of the features they want is incredible difficult to do and they are going to do it on a brand new engine. The Arma engine has been worked on for 10 years and its one of a kind.

So for a new game to just simulate that amount of work i really doubt will happen. Also many of the ideas of War Z is to have safe camps and have shops there. In DayZ there is a simulated world where loot can be anywhere and there is nothing like "safe".

So already War Z is going casual, they will also have a Casual and Hardcore modes .... In DayZ there is no option for that, this is the best experience there is period.

Edited by Avean

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Even though they obviously copied DayZ

Please tell me how they've copied DayZ? And don't come with something stupid like ''Hurr durr de naem iz almst teh same''.

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War Z will be APB in a slightly different setting (replace citizens with Zeds).

Go play APB, then come back and tell us that War Z is going to kill anything other than itself.

Really? You've played it already? The intelligence of some people here, amazes me.

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Seriously. Do yourself a favor and don't ever post again. Your ability of reading comprehension is astounding. And your posts have all but proven that you are under the age of 12. And anytime you want to battle "IQ" you're welcome to joust with me little bro. I have a 150 IQ. But I don't need to tell you. Your posts are proof of your lack of intelligence. I couldn't think as slow as you with a bullet lodged in my brain on a bad day.

This guy is DayZ's #1 fanboi, holy shit quit posting you look like a fucking idiot.

DayZ is already planned to be standalone and will most likely be worked on if not already worked on for Arma 3 engine.

War Z we know nothing about, we have many ideas from the developers, but they are just "ideas". Rocket have stated that many of the features they want is incredible difficult to do and they are going to do it on a brand new engine. The Arma engine has been worked on for 10 years and its one of a kind.

So for a new game to just simulate that amount of work i really doubt will happen. Also many of the ideas of War Z is to have safe camps and have shops there. In DayZ there is a simulated world where loot can be anywhere and there is nothing like "safe".

So already War Z is going casual, they will also have a Casual and Hardcore modes .... In DayZ there is no option for that, this is the best experience there is period.

Arma 2 engine is a one of a kind pile of shit for an engine. Sadly Rocket had to develop the game on it to get sales for Bohemia and also to get their attention, so he can make DayZ on Arma 3, or with the engine.

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At least there's something right you say. WarZ will become a kiddie CoD-like variety without any realistics... so, yeah. I think everything is said.

C'mon... levels, skills, quests. Are you fucking kidding me?? Please go play this if you come from WoW. Seriously. DayZ is nothing for you. Level up at your WarZ.

While i understand the hate against skills and levels and stuff, it adds a bit of realism. I mean, common how the hell can you be a medic-sniper-mechanic-hunter-pilot-scout just because you are in an apocalypse all of a sudden you don't learn everything there is. So a feature that favors "training" is a good thing.

Levels are a bit akward though.

The quests come in form of notes found and you decide wether you follow the note or not that also could originate from a player wanting to trap you.

I am not saying WarZ will be better... because hell it's nothing but screenshots and some text right now. But trashtalking it is as stupid as saying it is the best game ever (at this point)

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Yes. The unrealistic quantity of psychopaths engaging in kill on sight behavior in this game will drive players in droves to War Z. There are consequences to killing people, in war, murder, or disaster. War Z will address them nicely. So far it seems like nobody cares in Day Z.

Omg that will get fix in dayz you fucking idiot! People need to stop thinking that the MOD your currently playing is still on ALPHA. Is not the Finished product. Damn so ignorant

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While i understand the hate against skills and levels and stuff, it adds a bit of realism. I mean, common how the hell can you be a medic-sniper-mechanic-hunter-pilot-scout just because you are in an apocalypse all of a sudden you don't learn everything there is. So a feature that favors "training" is a good thing.

Levels are a bit akward though.

The quests come in form of notes found and you decide wether you follow the note or not that also could originate from a player wanting to trap you.

I am not saying WarZ will be better... because hell it's nothing but screenshots and some text right now. But trashtalking it is as stupid as saying it is the best game ever (at this point)

There are 2 entirely different games and ppl think just because they sound the same they will be the same and arguments like 'hurr durr I lost all my gear WarZ will be better QQ' are fucking stupid and yes, there are hackers atm and hell this shouldn't downrate the game itself. DayZ won't die, that's a fact and WarZ will be completely different. So everyone who is in MMO's can join the level, quest, skill system but I'll stay at the realistic hardcore open world sandbox game that has made a wonderful developement so far.

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Anyone saying this game is dead or is gonna die! Excuse me this APLHA MOD SOON TO BE GAME! Is dead. Then simply get the fuck out, and dont play it no more. If your not gonna post something useful then do post nothing at all. Some one that has the power to this tread please deleted it. is making me physically sick... /rant

Edited by Zul

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Omg that will get fix in dayz you fucking idiot! People need to stop thinking that the MOD your currently playing is still on ALPHA. Is not the Finished product. Damn so ignorant

How will KoS get fixed if rocket doesn't want to punish KoS?

Well, we will see if it will but still saying it will get fixed is just a guess not a fact.

(I personally have nothing agains KoS)

BTW, i am actually in favor of DayZ, even if it doesn't look that way, but people talk to much without any information at hand

Edited by Slitter

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Really? You've played it already? The intelligence of some people here, amazes me.

Power of observation, son.

I have yet to see an online F2P-P2W game that isn't completely destroyed by the amount of people that just buy everything they need and then go on to rape the content or other players. There is no doubt in my mind that War Z will be different.

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