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Can you sound whore in Day Z?

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I have been playing Day Z for a few days now using my pc's speakers. Now I'm getting more into the game and taking things more seriously I was wondering if I switch the sound over to my headset will I be able to "sound whore"? For example if I hear a gun shot will I be able to identify the direction from which the shot came from or if I hear footsteps would I know which direction the person was coming from? Like you can in Call of Duty.


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Yeah, :D a headset would help. If you're down for spending money I really like Logitech headsets. I use a G35.

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"sound whore"

pre-emptive text at its very finest ladies and gentlemen

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you make it sound like an exploit...

how can you describe 'not having a terrible sound system' as 'whoring' ? :P

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Very strange terminology.

Sometimes I get better separation on my headset, but I use speakers sometimes, too.

My headset is 7.1, though. I just don't like wearing it for so many hours.

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Get a good headset, maybe with surround. - I for example use a Logitech G930 and its REALLY helpful ;)

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Well, I don't know why you all suggest headsets. I can point out the approximate direction of a gun sound/footsteps/zombie noises with regular speakers. Works better with headphones ofc.

Edited by Atanar

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uhhmm, are you supposed to be able to hear other players walk/crouch walk? because i just got shot from behind while fiddling with my backpack. figured it was safe because i would hear if someone clamped up the metal staircases (they made a shitload of sound when i walked on em) but there i was, happily rearranging my stolen supplies, when i suddenly get half an AKM mag in my neck =( so much for headsets i guess.

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"Sound whoring" is something I always hear from console players.

Really?!? Hmm learn something new everyday. I've never heard this term. Maybe because I don't play COD.

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I'm a sound whore, I have these things attached to my head that let me tell where sound is coming from irl. True story.

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nice 7.1 surround sound headset... can usually tell where the shots are coming from... and i also hear twig snaps which scares the shit out of me thinking its a player

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