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Mays (DayZ)

Why do people just sit in the back of buildings?

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I fount my first vehicle (apart from a boat) and it was a bus. I was driving to a friend, I stopped the engine outside of the town, CREEPED into the town, went in the supermarket and he was sitting there with an AKM. Why?

I strolled in, and BAM, dead.

Edited by Mays
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Maybe the Player was AFK, buildings are usually safer than just sitting somewhere out in the wilderness. Also if he indeed was AFK he might also be avoiding to cool down and get infected or a cold.

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Maybe the Player was AFK, buildings are usually safer than just sitting somewhere out in the wilderness. Also if he indeed was AFK he might also be avoiding to cool down and get infected or a cold.

Forgot to add, he killed me.

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Lol. He heard that bus coming....

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I strolled in and BAM, dead.

Sounds like you answered your own question :>

Edited by DeadManDan

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He was probably looting the supermarket, heard you coming and was worried that you might kill him.. who can blame him?

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a bus...cmon..

I parked it OUTSIDE the town. OUTSIDE the town is far away from the Supermarket.

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Guy looting store hears something odd, be it a bus engine or the sound of movement outside said store.

He ducks behind the shelves in the back of the store and waits, only to see a guy 'stroll on in'.

Bang, bang, free loot and a potential bus.

EDIT: By the way, vehicles are loud.

Edited by Zeromentor
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Being entirely honest, you don't know how long he was sat there for. Sometimes I'll chill out in the back of buildings because I feel safe while plotting out my next move or objective, he very much could be doing the same.

Although I wouldn't put it past some of the people I've talked to on here to sit in a corner, strapped down by pure, unfiltered "nobody is going to touch my fucking beans" mentality and kill for it.

Idea: Throw in a flare into the room to make the player panic so they give themselves a way. I totally want to try this now. I don't care if it ends poorly.

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you expected him to chill in the front door?

He was at the back. Standing there.

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Small tip - When you are entering towns, check out the surroundings and take a look does the zombies spawn there. If there are no zombies when you are like over 250m away from da town, there are no players yet in the place.

Of course fellow survivors may log in there, stumble in later etc.

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Enter supermarket, grab some food, get an alice pack, right.

Got gun, got map, got food, got bag.


Oh what is this?! A dude coming in, well I'll be ready for him.... BANG BANG BANG.

*Cue butthurt whine about campers".

Cannot believe you made a thread about this - also even if he had been in there for 6 hours so what? It's zombie apocalypse and lurking in a general store is a legitimate strategy (not that I'd do it as I haven't the patience).

On a more helpful note, you can't stop him hearing you but you can learn and use the Q/E buttons bro.

Edited by Bacon Surfboard

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Maybe he just got there, or he's doing that to kill uncatious people

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if i hear sounds from other players, i order my men inside, we take flanking, choke point positions, where the enemy has to enter, facing our guns.

if you came in a car or truck, he heared you before you saw the building. this is basic defence information. an unknown hostile force moves into an area, likely, the size and power of the force is also unknown. take the most defenceable position avalible, and try to put all the odds in your favor for an ambush, my group has survived much larger groups seiges, because proper defence made the assult not worth their effort, a dug in team with a choke point can survive against near any sized team.

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Maybe the guy kept typing friendly but both of you not being on the same channel you never receiving it he thinks you're a hostile and takes you out. Either way it sucks but whatchagonnadoboutit?

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if i hear sounds from other players, i order my men inside, we take flanking, choke point positions, where the enemy has to enter, facing our guns.

if you came in a car or truck, he heared you before you saw the building. this is basic defence information. an unknown hostile force moves into an area, likely, the size and power of the force is also unknown. take the most defenceable position avalible, and try to put all the odds in your favor for an ambush, my group has survived much larger groups seiges, because proper defence made the assult not worth their effort, a dug in team with a choke point can survive against near any sized team.

We are ... 300?

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We are ... 300?

Actually, outside of moving around the defended location, it is extremely hard to defeat a force that is dug in. Look at World War 1, the American Civil War and the last two years of World War 2 as easy documented modern examples. Unless the enemy has the ability to destroy your defenses without taking fire (aircraft, heavy armor, high explosives) it usually isn't worth taking the losses.

In this game, if you know someone is in a building it is best to lock down the exits and toss in a frag. I try to always carry one just for this reason. Note: Do NOT give the frag to a person that hasn't had the experience of using them. YOU WILL SUFFER FRIENDLY FIRE.

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Because people like you just walk into rooms looking to get killed by bandits. This is a survival mod that has zombies and bandits in it. I think you should visit the home page and read up on this awesome mod called DayZ, but if you don't have the brains, balls or beans you may have a hard time and post stupid spam in the forums.

Edited by Nalyid

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If you have a bus, they can hear you for miles, even before the town spawns in front of you. It's best never to stop if you have it as you have attracted the attention of anyone else nearby. They aren't really useful other then to troll with on the main highway on the coast.

If I heard that comming I would have gone in a building waiting to see if you walked into town as well, blast your arse, and steal that shit.

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One time I spawn near Balota, think I'll head there before heading East, got to tower doors and it's closed, hmm I thought to myself, new spawn and not been looted yet? opened door, female avatar with AK crouching behind...dead ofc, now I wondered why they would camp like that?

Some time later I respawn outside Cherno, goes in (which is now dark btw) gets some stuff and a m1911, heads to the near by fire station and glimpes a chap crouching and running besides me opens fire but then suddenly another next to him, which I didn't notice opens up with a AK, I prone and empty the rest of my clip, bam both dead and low and behold it's the female avatar from earlier and Balota, so that's why she was camped covering for her buddy upstairs, makes a little more sense now.

Needless to say I was very happy with my double kill, loots and of course revenge! :D

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yesterday i walk from the school in elektro across the street into the restaurant vis-a-vis from the supermarket. In pitch black... I enter the restaurant but cant move further, stuck. i throw a blue chemlight which rebounds of a bandits back blocking the stairwell. i watched him probably beeing afk and wanted to loot his backpack. suddenly he turns around and fires a shot at me. i fire back an of course i kill him with my winchester against his makaroni. i died too though, seconds later, due to bloodloss and no way to bandage in time. respawn, going back to that place 30 min. later and got all my gear back. moral of the story. always count on bandits (or something that wants to kill you) you never know what lerks around the next corner. this is dayz and keep in mind the saying.

Maybe I am paranoid, but that doesn't mean i'm not beeing followed or watched.

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