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ivan keska

Loss of sanity

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This is the suggestion i saw on a youtube video about what can happen to people who kills a lot. Anways the idea is as you kill people your character starts lossing there mind. Which makes sense because look at soldiers who suffer from ptsd or just in general have killed or watched someone die, it effect almost every soldier and other people that have witnessed similar things. So as you kill people your character gets effected a bit like maybe you hear thing like foot steps near you or see things that aren't there, nothing that allows people you see or hear you better just something that's local only to your character.

And this does make sense because most people wouldn't be able to kill another human being without some kind of effect on them afterwards. Now of course the effect can be different then what I said above but, I think a random sound like someone is near by such as a foot step or gun shot would be good and a quick glimmer of something on screen that makes you panic thinking was that someone. Also some characters would have to not be effected by since this some people can kill, rape, and whatever without a single thought of "well that was messed up or I feel bad"

Anyways give me your thoughts on it and how you think it could be done, also this isn't a penality it's a consquence of actions that is a very real thing. Also of course the dcing issue needs to be fixed first

Edited by TheCenturion

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*Crouches down* Did I ever tell you the definition.. of insanity?

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what if i dont want to feel bad for killing someone....punished for my actions..not something i like in a sandbox game. thanks for the input.

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*Crouches down* Did I ever tell you the definition.. of insanity?

pointless thing to say, because regardless you still understand what was said. next time say something related to the post.

Edited by TheCenturion

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*Crouches down* Did I ever tell you the definition.. of insanity?

It's funny because it's relevant to this silly idea.

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pointless thing to say, because regardless you still understand what was said. next time say something related to the post.

Someone clearly didn't understand the reference.

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I think this idea has some merit, but I don't want to go so far as to punish bandits like this.

PvP is part of the game, and if it's nerfed, the atmosphere will die.

But I do like the idea very much, I just don't know how it could be implemented without taking away from PvP play.

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As of late I've seen a pretty steady stream of "punish the bandits" threads.

It's part of the game, get used to it. It's not like L4D2 or any other zombie/post-apoc game where a few survivors team up and fight, it's pretty realistic to think that anyone and everyone would want to shoot you for your beans. Just because the world is in tatters doesn't mean there isn't conflict amongst one another.

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I think that implementing some sort of "insanity system" would be great and as far as I know Rocket thinks the same. Actually it is kinda weird that this is not present in DayZ. Survivors have to face: complete collapse of society, mence of crazed, murderous cannibals, lack of food and water and in fact there is no hope for situation to change - thats more than enough to start losing your senses.

Unfortunately most players see this only as a form of punishment for PKers or a tool to limit PvP, which in my opinion is very unrealistic. I don't see why a ruthless person would become insane faster than the one with a strong moral compass - I think it would be otherwise, because "a good guy" would be ridden with guilt while he eventually has to do immoral things to survive.

I wish a sanity system would be a kind of new challenge for a players. More connected with excessive stress and a zombie mence than just PK. I imagine it as a something similar to a temperature already used ingame, so not like "your sanity drops to 0 - game over", but rather "your sanity is low - you suffer from bad side-effects". As for side effects I think they should be generally connected with being louder (player will start muttering to himself or can't help making involuntary noises) so it will be harder to sneak or with a auditory hallucinations (visual ones are to hard to implement, while I'm almost sure sounds can be played client-side only - so no one except you will hear them).

Just imagine such in-game situation: In the middle of the night, you come across a muttering fellow with an axe in his hands. Other example - you hear a zombie snarling loudly behind you while nervously checking some empty house but when you turn around in panic, no one is there. I think it would be cool and add more immersion into the mod.

I propose as follows - you lose sanity (or rise your stress level, whatever..) when you are:

1. -> ...around zombies. If player is closer than lest say 20 meter to zombie he start (very) slowly losing sanity.

2. -> ...being attack by a zombie. Probably easiest way to implement would be binding it with every single zombie "punch", so every single attack takes away a small portion of insanity

3. -> ...witnessing a survivor death from the hands (and jaws) of zombies - his scream will hunt you in your dreams. Player has to be closer then certain distance when death happens. This could be pretty high stab to a sanity.

I wish the amount of sanity loss would depend on how long player survived. So the older character is the less he is shocked be 1,2 and 3. He simply get used to this (to some extent at least).

4. -> ...killing other player (doesnt matter in which circumstances).

5. -> ...inspecting the body of survivor (not sure about that really)

Here is a tricky part. The the amount of sanity loss from 4th, should depend on how many survivors player killed so far - first murder might be hard for a bandit, but after a few he souldn't feel any guilt (hance no sanity loss). It could make a good guy life harder cause he will have to defend himself sooner or later and killing will cost him sanity, but there is a trade-off connected with regaining sanity.

So you could regain sanity by...:

1st. -> ...hanging around with other survivors - just stay close to them and you will slowly regain sanity.

2nd. -> ...eating and drinking while the icons are flashing - ever eat a meal while you were very hungry? It really lighten up life a bit.

3rd. -> ...smoking cigarettes - it will be consumable and you will need a matchbox. Smoking near zombies not advised - they have a sence of smell, you know.

4th. -> ...drinking whiskey - should give temporary side effect that makes you slightly louder for a period of time. Drink too much and vision gets blurry and/or you will pass out.

5th -> ...taking tranquiliser pills. Consumable, found mostly in hospital or military spawns. Should gives the best effect.

6th -> staying inside a church for some time. I'm not very religious person but I think its an interesting idea.

As for the 1st. it would give results only for player with low PK (the less you've killed the better). The ruthless murderer won't relax around people because he expect the same from them - bandits dont have friends but rather partners in crime. As a result there will be a trade-off - you can minimise losses of sanity from PK just by killing players, but in the same time you will lose that one way to regain sanity (luckly there are plenty others).

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