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Dayz Current State is Game Over

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If every server applied "Maxping 100", there would not be as much Desync.

People would be forced to play in their own time zones.

My server is set to that, and I hardly have any Desync issues, nor do I have lag ... with the server full of 20ms to 70ms people playing on it.

Edited by P5ykoOHD

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I agree wholeheartedly that the current patch is a bit broken item wise. For the rest i can only assume you have been playing a lot of DayZ lately. Take a break mate, play something else for a while. Every game becomes boring after so many hours of play. I noticed the same for me aswell, as a veteran i have no problems getting good gear. I know where to look and where to go and it becomes a little dull. The initial thrill has passed, everything that can be seen has been seen. So unless you are willing to invest your time in something special the game will become as dull as dust. Take a look at Dr wasteland, he leads a pretty exciting life and he is clearly a veteran player.

Think of doing something special, organise an event or something. Or take a break untill stuff gets fixed and new content added.

I'll give you a start, i've hidding an atv somewhere on a server and its filled with the best weapons and gear that can be gotten ingame.

But its bear trapped from all sides, happy hunting?

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Really? OP confirmed for elitest 1% oligarch New World Order Illuminati. First you mercilessly rape the 99% and leave us with neither our beans nor life and then you complain that you are too rich and have no way to destroy your masses of wealth? Now you know why we took over your cities.

- OccupyCherno signing off

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1. Find a new server

2. Play only at night (ask for NVG to be removed completely, it'll make night servers insane)

3. Try to imagine a different way to play

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Did I miss something or are you just saying you got bored of a game (in alpha) because you were exploiting game mechanics to get a crazy high amount of everything?

Seems that would be why you got bored.

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Let me get this straight. I make a post saying that I have unlimited weapons, unlimited tents, and people don't think that is a problem for the mod? Are people being paid to defend the dev team here? But we are concerned about if ya start with a pistol or hatchet...But I got 5 nvgs from a gear growing tent?

I looked at some of your videos. In some of them it's you with 3-4 guys on a server with 5-6 people on it.

You talk like the game is too easy and all that.. well the game is only as easy or hard as you make it.

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I agree wholeheartedly that the current patch is a bit broken item wise. For the rest i can only assume you have been playing a lot of DayZ lately. Take a break mate, play something else for a while. Every game becomes boring after so many hours of play. I noticed the same for me aswell, as a veteran i have no problems getting good gear. I know where to look and where to go and it becomes a little dull. The initial thrill has passed, everything that can be seen has been seen. So unless you are willing to invest your time in something special the game will become as dull as dust. Take a look at Dr wasteland, he leads a pretty exciting life and he is clearly a veteran player.

Think of doing something special, organise an event or something. Or take a break untill stuff gets fixed and new content added.

I'll give you a start, i've hidding an atv somewhere on a server and its filled with the best weapons and gear that can be gotten ingame.

But its bear trapped from all sides, happy hunting?

I agree man, prob should stop playing....and that means game over AT THE current stage

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post your server and the coordinates of your tents and vehicles here.

then try to protect them.

Edited by ponc

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Someone just posted their feedback about the current state of the alpha.

(i.e. what all alpha testers should be doing?)


Edited by SillySil

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Someone just posted their feedback about the current state of the alpha.

(i.e. what all alpha testers should be doing?)


There's a difference between posting an opinion of your own.. And reposting an opinion that was posted 30 times before.

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Point missed in this thread: @Rocket: Clean up of camps/items is not working as intended. Please to make this a higher priority in fix list.

The gathering of gear and supplies is too easy. Survival in it's current state is trivial. Death does not have enough of an impact.

I do believe he is aware of these issues. Another voice to make sure he hears it, however, is never a bad thing.

Too easy? Either you cheat or you don't play on servers with other people, or you play on servers where other people are your friends, or you play on servers that don't work correctly, or you play on servers where other people are so skilless that you don't get killed


Getting gear in DayZ is not easy, unless you're a hacker/cheater.

Stop whinging about having too much gear, it's ridiculous. It's easy to destroy gear (though why you would want to is beyond me) but maybe you haven't worked that out since you've been hacking this entire time

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they guy is right though, nobody fears death... And yes i know its a video game...

What game are you playing? Nobody fears death in DayZ? I think you're either delusional or not playing the same game. Every single person I know playing it or that I've spoken to, is afraid of dying in DayZ as it usually means starting all over again.

People fear death more than in any other game I have ever played. You're clearly not in touch with the community on this one.

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This Game IS Over!!! Over 864,000 Unique Players since April for an Alpha with no advertiesing. 198,724 players in the past 24 hours... man I guess all of us will have to find something else to do since we only have 198,724 other players to play with on a non-weekend day.....I mean at this rate it might take another week or two to reach 1,000,000 Unique Players.. man this game must suck!

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aking you could stop hogging all the vehicals and let others have some fun then :P

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just as whiny on the forums as in your devildog bashing vids.

Eh? Who bashes DevilDog with their vids? Not me, I like DevilDog, and also I only uploaded my very first youtube vids last night? It is probably a different Irenicus, and I wasn't whinging.

Or maybe you were referring to someone else? Hard to tell as you didn't quote anyone.

Edited by Irenicus

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And that's why people started PvPing

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The game is over because you can't destroy or lose the amazing amount of loot you hoarded? Alpha should explain the glitchy tents. Let me give you some advice though, if this is the only thing that is keeping you from playing. Leave those servers, forget about your loot. Start over from scratch on different servers. What's stopping you?

Still bored? I don't blame you. But this is alpha, and more content will be added eventually, giving us something to strive for in the endgame as groups and clans. Base building, etc. Whining about the glitchyness of tents and your inability to lose loot you hoarded with your friends is just pathetic. Noone cares or is impressed by this.

There are much more urgent problems need sorting.

Edited by jovial

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The game is at it's worst stage perhaps as it is now. Pretty much a 45 day old character with 6 vehicles 25 tents and more gear than I will ever use. Tents duplicating items without any glitches, the inability to lose a tent if you die, too many dayz servers up, and then today dysnc so much that I can't even get an item from my tent to my inventory. There is nothing to do in the game and we tried to dertroy all of our equipment and coulnd't even do that because it spawns back. I'm stuck in this pitiful excuse for what is Dayz at this point. It has became a joke. To die means absolutley nothing to a veteran player at current stage and the entire feel of the game has been lost due to these problems not being fixed. We loaded all our gear into cars and blew them all up, then we ran over all the tents and gear with a tractor, the remaining vehicle, and boom, restart server and everything is back.... Please fix the mod, screw the zombies, screw the alt f4 crap, screw the worrying about how you spawn, camps off map, and blah blah blah...Wipe the whole damn system, clear the game of gear and duping, fix the damn tents and make the most basic elements of the game work before you do anything else. I miss the good ol dayz of death by climbing a ladder because at least back then the game had purpose, and that was to survive, now I can't even get rid of the shit we got...WTF happened?

You know how you really get rid of your tents? Post it on the forums and watch the mayhem that ensues.

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The game is at it's worst stage perhaps as it is now. Pretty much a 45 day old character with 6 vehicles 25 tents and more gear than I will ever use. Tents duplicating items without any glitches, the inability to lose a tent if you die, too many dayz servers up, and then today dysnc so much that I can't even get an item from my tent to my inventory. There is nothing to do in the game and we tried to dertroy all of our equipment and coulnd't even do that because it spawns back. I'm stuck in this pitiful excuse for what is Dayz at this point. It has became a joke. To die means absolutley nothing to a veteran player at current stage and the entire feel of the game has been lost due to these problems not being fixed. We loaded all our gear into cars and blew them all up, then we ran over all the tents and gear with a tractor, the remaining vehicle, and boom, restart server and everything is back.... Please fix the mod, screw the zombies, screw the alt f4 crap, screw the worrying about how you spawn, camps off map, and blah blah blah...Wipe the whole damn system, clear the game of gear and duping, fix the damn tents and make the most basic elements of the game work before you do anything else. I miss the good ol dayz of death by climbing a ladder because at least back then the game had purpose, and that was to survive, now I can't even get rid of the shit we got...WTF happened?

I see where you are coming from! You need to remind yourself (as I keep reminding myself) that this is an alpha!! Like minecraft, rocket is listening to people and gradually fixing and implementing things that will constantly shift the game around. In my mind, if you are bored, take a break, post a tonne of suggestions to improve and add to the game and see how it evolves over time.

Ultimately the way to properly play this is going to be to wipe the hive and reset servers at point if Release Candidate, or possibly Beta. At that point hopefully most bugs will be gone and it may well play differently than it does now. Possibly more challenging with more to do and less hackers, with incentives to not kill every player on site.

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