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Singaporean / SG server players, look no more! Small group of dedicated survivors is open.

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Hiya, SG dude here been lonewolfing dayz for like a month now, lately I've taken it upon myself to hang around elektro hunting those pesky snipers. 1 m107 to date would love to play with a group for once. (not necessarily to hunt bandits, can be quite risky )

Play mostly 8-10pmish GMT +8 tho.

i'll message you my steamid chad.

hope to cya'll in game.

IGN? :)

In serious need of a Morphine and a blood bag.

I have a broken bone and have 6k blood.

I'm currently at Pop Ivan. a so called stone castle above a town call Vyshnoye.

Please send help.

Add me on steam: Heartsz (oracion seis*)

in game name: Aeo

What's your playtime? Anyway, don't ever post your exact location in thread or forum if you don't want to get a bandit camping there. :) We'll meet up at different place after you contacted one of our trusted members.

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IGN? :)

What's your playtime? Anyway, don't ever post your exact location in thread or forum if you don't want to get a bandit camping there. :) We'll meet up at different place after you contacted one of our trusted members.

maybe around 8pm [GMT+8] onwards? :)

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Yea, We had a chat during the server crash. They said they were friendly. I feel bad to shoot at them. :( But, yea. Lesson learned and we'll be more careful next time.

Well maybe if there was no shooting happened, they could give you guys a ride home. :P

Hey bro, added you on steam. Looking for players to play with as well!!

Added. :rolleyes:

Haha I was part of that experience first hand ;-)

See? I told you better fortune ahead, you just literally showed me where to pick up a NVG from the ground.

Hiya, SG dude here been lonewolfing dayz for like a month now, lately I've taken it upon myself to hang around elektro hunting those pesky snipers. 1 m107 to date :D would love to play with a group for once. (not necessarily to hunt bandits, can be quite risky :P)

Play mostly 8-10pmish GMT +8 tho.

i'll message you my steamid chad.

hope to cya'll in game.

Check your inbox.

In serious need of a Morphine and a blood bag.

I have a broken bone and have 6k blood.

I'm currently at Pop Ivan. a so called stone castle above a town call Vyshnoye.

Please send help.

Add me on steam: Heartsz (oracion seis*)

in game name: Aeo

Some days ago I added it already to my Steam, but I think it may be the wrong one. You can just add me; chad_frisco. And then comment some on my profile so I'll know it's you.

Stand by for the time being.

If another one isn't a problem I'm here! cpt. nathan bride on Steam

Been playing DayZ much? I can't find you on Steam, you can add me instead; chad_frisco

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So I was heading from Stary towards Kabanino and i stumble on a heli crash. When i look around at first i dont find any stuff. I thought this is a pretty common route somebody must have cleaned it already. So I still check it out and lo and behold!! NVG! Couldn't believe my luck. I found NVG. Maybe its so rare I couldn't find any other item at the crash site....

So I am very happy and am telling everyone about it. I go take dinner and Chad was coming towards Stary. I ask him to meet up with me. We decided to go rambo on all the z's there to try our luck. There were more than 20 atleast also cause a deer stand was pretty close. We kill some then had to run towards forest getting separated. And Chad tells me he also found another NVG. LOL. What luck!! Chad decided to log off after this and I did the same afterwards. Great night all in all :D

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So I was heading from Stary towards Kabanino and i stumble on a heli crash. When i look around at first i dont find any stuff. I thought this is a pretty common route somebody must have cleaned it already. So I still check it out and lo and behold!! NVG! Couldn't believe my luck. I found NVG. Maybe its so rare I couldn't find any other item at the crash site....

So I am very happy and am telling everyone about it. I go take dinner and Chad was coming towards Stary. I ask him to meet up with me. We decided to go rambo on all the z's there to try our luck. There were more than 20 atleast also cause a deer stand was pretty close. We kill some then had to run towards forest getting separated. And Chad tells me he also found another NVG. LOL. What luck!! Chad decided to log off after this and I did the same afterwards. Great night all in all

o.O Awesome! Imma gonna hunt all heli crash sites now. Damn NVGs never showed themselves to me. Maybe they're shy? :P

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Hi all! I'm pretty new to Day Z and to be frank I can't survive properly in the day. I keep having to go out at night and exploiting gamma and HDR settings to see. In the day I lose patience and crouch when I should crawl and keep getting zombie aggro haha.

Anyone want to hang out, lemme know. I'm actually low on blood right now, 4k, but got a bunch of blood packs with me from Electro. So some help with using the blood with payment in blood packs would be cool.

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Another story in DayZ...

Yesterday I was newly spawned near Cherno, so as the city is a "hotspot" without backup so I skipped the town and went to Prigorodky. After about one hour or so I managed to scrap some supply for my journey to the north. Then suddenly whole server was teleported by hacker to an unknown place for a death match, so I panicked and disconnected instantly. Then I went to another server and suddenly...

...I was spawned at the middle of NWAF, with no weapon and my bag pack. Luckily the server's time was about sunset so the visibility was pretty low. I managed to loot an AK47 and some bandages before I crawled my way to the observation tower. I moved slowly and climbed the second tower. Suddenly I spotted a guy facing the wall, unaware about my presence. So I started shooting him and he managed to shoot me back. Luckily, I managed to kill him first and bandaged myself before my blood drops below 4k. I looted the guy and vuala, M4A1 CCO with 3 full mags, plus some good stuff. I quickly ran to the forest and suddenly spotted 2 goats. I killed it and restored my blood to 11k.

I felt sorry for the guy I killed(my first murder) but something's gotta give, LoL :P . Amazing things does happen in DayZ...

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So I was heading from Stary towards Kabanino and i stumble on a heli crash. When i look around at first i dont find any stuff. I thought this is a pretty common route somebody must have cleaned it already. So I still check it out and lo and behold!! NVG! Couldn't believe my luck. I found NVG. Maybe its so rare I couldn't find any other item at the crash site....

So I am very happy and am telling everyone about it. I go take dinner and Chad was coming towards Stary. I ask him to meet up with me. We decided to go rambo on all the z's there to try our luck. There were more than 20 atleast also cause a deer stand was pretty close. We kill some then had to run towards forest getting separated. And Chad tells me he also found another NVG. LOL. What luck!! Chad decided to log off after this and I did the same afterwards. Great night all in all :D

There you go, you have my beans, for showing me the helo crash site. :beans:

o.O Awesome! Imma gonna hunt all heli crash sites now. Damn NVGs never showed themselves to me. Maybe they're shy? :P

Feel sorry about your death, it's just too crazy to happen unless you're playing a game in alpha state.

Hi all! I'm pretty new to Day Z and to be frank I can't survive properly in the day. I keep having to go out at night and exploiting gamma and HDR settings to see. In the day I lose patience and crouch when I should crawl and keep getting zombie aggro haha.

Anyone want to hang out, lemme know. I'm actually low on blood right now, 4k, but got a bunch of blood packs with me from Electro. So some help with using the blood with payment in blood packs would be cool.

You got a bike right?

Another story in DayZ...

Yesterday I was newly spawned near Cherno, so as the city is a "hotspot" without backup so I skipped the town and went to Prigorodky. After about one hour or so I managed to scrap some supply for my journey to the north. Then suddenly whole server was teleported by hacker to an unknown place for a death match, so I panicked and disconnected instantly. Then I went to another server and suddenly...

...I was spawned at the middle of NWAF, with no weapon and my bag pack. Luckily the server's time was about sunset so the visibility was pretty low. I managed to loot an AK47 and some bandages before I crawled my way to the observation tower. I moved slowly and climbed the second tower. Suddenly I spotted a guy facing the wall, unaware about my presence. So I started shooting him and he managed to shoot me back. Luckily, I managed to kill him first and bandaged myself before my blood drops below 4k. I looted the guy and vuala, M4A1 CCO with 3 full mags, plus some good stuff. I quickly ran to the forest and suddenly spotted 2 goats. I killed it and restored my blood to 11k.

I felt sorry for the guy I killed(my first murder) but something's gotta give, LoL :P . Amazing things does happen in DayZ...

No mercy, no regrets. That's how we roll.

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Alright i managed to heal myself to full! Took the bicycle and made loops in a clearing. One pig spawned, cook and ate the entire pig. Another two pigs spawned together much later, cooked and ate them both. Went from less than 4k blood to almost 12k. I didn't know my bicycle was green! Thought it was grey!

Protip: To hide bicycles eject from them at low speed when inside a large pine tree near the ground. You end up with the bicycle toppled flat inside the leafy area, much better concealment.

Edited by LieDownAndDie

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Alright i managed to heal myself to full! Took the bicycle and made loops in a clearing. One pig spawned, cook and ate the entire pig. Another two pigs spawned together much later, cooked and ate them both. Went from less than 4k blood to almost 12k. I didn't know my bicycle was green! Thought it was grey!

Protip: To hide bicycles eject from them at low speed when inside a large pine tree near the ground. You end up with the bicycle toppled flat inside the leafy area, much better concealment.

Good one Lie.

another +8 GMT lonewolf looking to try some Team Play.

Added Chad and Jean in steam this morning.

TmG, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I can't afford any place for new face in the group now.

Due to recent base robbery, we can't risk accepting any new person at the moment, thank you for your interests. Hang around in the thread for further updates.

--- --- ---

Due to recent base robbery, we've lost too many assets to risk with accepting new people. Activity sweep of current members will be held and further instructions will be given personally by myself. This is not a big problem, but we've been in this situation too many times and I'm pretty sick of this. Stay safe and happy hunting.

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Good one Lie.

TmG, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I can't afford any place for new face in the group now.

Due to recent base robbery, we can't risk accepting any new person at the moment, thank you for your interests. Hang around in the thread for further updates.

--- --- ---

Due to recent base robbery, we've lost too many assets to risk with accepting new people. Activity sweep of current members will be held and further instructions will be given personally by myself. This is not a big problem, but we've been in this situation too many times and I'm pretty sick of this. Stay safe and happy hunting.

Hacker is bad, but betrayer is the worst >:(

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Hi guys, I've been pretty active on the Medical Assistance thread and am on the way to becoming a full-fledged TMW medic. While i try to help everyone, I thought that I would give some sort of priority to the people on the SG servers due to lag and stuff like that.

Hit me up on Steam: EvilSWAT if you need any help, I'm usually on the southern area but I don't mind trekking a bit north to help. If anybody would like to donate a NVG to me, that would really help me in my night ops :)

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Hacker is bad, but betrayer is the worst >:(

You can kill them after I kill them first.

Hi guys, I've been pretty active on the Medical Assistance thread and am on the way to becoming a full-fledged TMW medic. While i try to help everyone, I thought that I would give some sort of priority to the people on the SG servers due to lag and stuff like that.

Hit me up on Steam: EvilSWAT if you need any help, I'm usually on the southern area but I don't mind trekking a bit north to help. If anybody would like to donate a NVG to me, that would really help me in my night ops :)

Good going, keep it up man. I'll make sure to let my boys know about you.

--- --- ---

And remember, apartments are dangerous.

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Just remember, the variables aren't only betrayer. There are also glitches, bugs, hackers, dedicated treasure hunters, server hoppers, and lucky guys.

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Had a crazy run today. Me and my buddies went for some wheels and engine parts hunt after we accidentally broke down one of the tire. We traveled way from Goba >Krasnostav >Berezino >Solnichniy only to find out there was not a single tire at all until we reached Solnichniy. Anyway, after the latest patch, the zombies become more aggressive, more persistent, better eyesight and better hearing. Me and my other two buddies were trapped inside an apartment after we aggroed almost every zombies in Berezino. Wasted 5 STANAGs and 4 M9 ammos. Luckily we managed to shake them off and ran to the nearest hill.

We managed to repair the car and happily made a raid at the NWAF and military camp at Stary. After an hour, we decided to log off and try to hide the car somewhere safe. Then a heavy rain fell so the visibility was too low. My buddy was driving the car when suddenly...

...he accidentally crashed a burned car in the middle of the road and blew the car. We somehow managed to survive but the car... didn't make it and so our loot inside the trunk...

Happy story with bad ending. That's how we roll in DayZ :|

P/S: To Xfresh, Jacques, Ubi, Chad and Izz, me and my buddy(Painronamic) cannot express how sorry we are about the incident. Please forgive us m(_ _)m

Edited by ChongX3

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Malaysian player interested. Steam name Bogardan. Can contribute gun and ammo as acceptance fee.

Edited by Targeter83

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Had a crazy run today. Me and my buddies went for some wheels and engine parts hunt after we accidentally broke down one of the tire. We traveled way from Goba >Krasnostav >Berezino >Solnichniy only to find out there was not a single tire at all until we reached Solnichniy. Anyway, after the latest patch, the zombies become more aggressive, more persistent, better eyesight and better hearing. Me and my other two buddies were trapped inside an apartment after we aggroed almost every zombies in Berezino. Wasted 5 STANAGs and 4 M9 ammos. Luckily we managed to shake them off and ran to the nearest hill.

We managed to repair the car and happily made a raid at the NWAF and military camp at Stary. After an hour, we decided to log off and try to hide the car somewhere safe. Then a heavy rain fell so the visibility was too low. My buddy was driving the car when suddenly...

...he accidentally crashed a burned car in the middle of the road and blew the car. We somehow managed to survive but the car... didn't make it and so our loot inside the trunk...

Happy story with bad ending. That's how we roll in DayZ :|

P/S: To Xfresh, Jacques, Ubi, Chad and Izz, me and my buddy(Painronamic) cannot express how sorry we are about the incident. Please forgive us m(_ _)m

Wow that sucked :(

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Ubi here....

That sux....but nvm man..we could try to loot again later awkwkwkwkwk

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Had a crazy run today. Me and my buddies went for some wheels and engine parts hunt after we accidentally broke down one of the tire. We traveled way from Goba >Krasnostav >Berezino >Solnichniy only to find out there was not a single tire at all until we reached Solnichniy. Anyway, after the latest patch, the zombies become more aggressive, more persistent, better eyesight and better hearing. Me and my other two buddies were trapped inside an apartment after we aggroed almost every zombies in Berezino. Wasted 5 STANAGs and 4 M9 ammos. Luckily we managed to shake them off and ran to the nearest hill.

We managed to repair the car and happily made a raid at the NWAF and military camp at Stary. After an hour, we decided to log off and try to hide the car somewhere safe. Then a heavy rain fell so the visibility was too low. My buddy was driving the car when suddenly...

...he accidentally crashed a burned car in the middle of the road and blew the car. We somehow managed to survive but the car... didn't make it and so our loot inside the trunk...

Happy story with bad ending. That's how we roll in DayZ

P/S: To Xfresh, Jacques, Ubi, Chad and Izz, me and my buddy(Painronamic) cannot express how sorry we are about the incident. Please forgive us m(_ _)m

Erm. Another lesson learned: Never drive the car if you can't see the road clearly.

We've lost many vehicles due to many things, so I'm ok. I've never had a settlement before, so moving throughout the map on foot is just like coming back to my old playstyle. :P Don't worry 'bout the cars, we have a long list of dreams to achieve in Chernarus. :) The most important thing is... "Hey, at least we have the fun, right?" :D

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please add me. Steam username : liquidribs (it will show as nick after you search)

skype name : nickwonk

I can play only in the night (gmt+8) though as i'm a working adult. I have sufficient gear to contribute to the team so do hit me up!

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please add me. Steam username : liquidribs (it will show as nick after you search)

skype name : nickwonk

I can play only in the night (gmt+8) though as i'm a working adult. I have sufficient gear to contribute to the team so do hit me up!

You can add Chad and ask him to join, but I think we're currently scanning our current group now to see that we can trust the whole current members.

Anyway, you don't need to offer anything to us. We're not silly players who ask people to offer in game items to join the group. The only things we ask are your loyalty and mature attitude. We hate betrayers more than hackers. We need someone who can be fully trusted to watch each other's backs while having fun. No fighting over good loots, no drama, no betrayal. We only want trusted fun team mates in the group. You'll be tested by our trusted members and you won't know when the tests begin and when it will end. :P

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Group going apesh*t yesterday, yeah~!!! :D :D :D


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Had a crazy run today. Me and my buddies went for some wheels and engine parts hunt after we accidentally broke down one of the tire. We traveled way from Goba >Krasnostav >Berezino >Solnichniy only to find out there was not a single tire at all until we reached Solnichniy. Anyway, after the latest patch, the zombies become more aggressive, more persistent, better eyesight and better hearing. Me and my other two buddies were trapped inside an apartment after we aggroed almost every zombies in Berezino. Wasted 5 STANAGs and 4 M9 ammos. Luckily we managed to shake them off and ran to the nearest hill.

We managed to repair the car and happily made a raid at the NWAF and military camp at Stary. After an hour, we decided to log off and try to hide the car somewhere safe. Then a heavy rain fell so the visibility was too low. My buddy was driving the car when suddenly...

...he accidentally crashed a burned car in the middle of the road and blew the car. We somehow managed to survive but the car... didn't make it and so our loot inside the trunk...

Happy story with bad ending. That's how we roll in DayZ :|

P/S: To Xfresh, Jacques, Ubi, Chad and Izz, me and my buddy(Painronamic) cannot express how sorry we are about the incident. Please forgive us m(_ _)m

No worries, this what makes us good at starting over.

Malaysian player interested. Steam name Bogardan. Can contribute gun and ammo as acceptance fee.

No need for the offerings, but I'm afraid I can't let you in. For now.

Ubi here....

That sux....but nvm man..we could try to loot again later awkwkwkwkwk

No problem, keep up the hope high. B)

please add me. Steam username : liquidribs (it will show as nick after you search)

skype name : nickwonk

I can play only in the night (gmt+8) though as i'm a working adult. I have sufficient gear to contribute to the team so do hit me up!

I'd be glad to welcome you in, but sorry I'm afraid I can't do that at the moment.

Group going apesh*t yesterday, yeah~!!! :D :D :D


Apartments and fuel stations are dangerous.

Imagine that girl's thought. "I think I'll hunt in night so it will be safer. Oh look, a fuel station! Wait a second, I can hear a car from the distance. Oh damn oh damn oh damn it's passing by. What the? Did they see me? Why the hell are they reversing their car? Holy sweet my God, they are coming out from the car, I can hear the doors being slammed. Maybe I can hide over he---"

That's it. THAT is why you should not go there.

Edited by chad57

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