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55 Day Run Finally Came To An End... Sorrow & Relief!!!

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I'm so sorry to hear that. As soon as I saw 'sniper' I knew it was north. There are big groups up there and they store all the vehicles, helicopters and other vehicles way back off the map. They don't have a sniper they have many snipers over a number of servers. Especially watch out for US servers. Those exmarines are way to well trained. ;)

Good luck with your next life. :)

Edited by Sula
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55 days is a great run, I hope you'll get to enjoy the freedom a new character provides.

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I'm so sorry to hear that. As soon as I saw 'sniper' I knew it was north.

Yeah, try hanging around Elektro instead, it's completely sniper free. Especially that hill overlooking the firestation.

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Damn dude... Im on my like 5th life and im at day 13... I thought that was much...

13 is an unlucky number O_O...

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13 is an unlucky number O_O...

It's true. I had been alive for 13 days once, and two days later I died.

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55 days is a great run, I hope you'll get to enjoy the freedom a new character provides.

Lol, I hadn't played my new survivor more than an hour before I saw another survivor cross a field and then shoot and butcher a cow. He had a nice Alice pack and an AK47 on his shoulder... I had him in my clearly in my sights about 200m away and could've easily ruined someone's day, but I held my fire and watched as he finished crossing the field and disappear into the bordering woods.

Seen six more survivors since then and it's always the same. Old habits die hard!! I guess I'm just an old softy.

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Currently on a 37 day old character, had more close calls than I would have liked.

During engagements I worry more about my characters life than the gear I have on me. I have hopes to one day reach 55 days or higher. :P

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Was driving our ATV with friend on the back. Hit invisible wall and the ATV exploded killing both of us...

But it happens its still beta.

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a few good men died last night then! I lost a 47 day character, shot as I was putting food and water into a neab eaters back pack who we had picked up and were sorting out with a gun and some essentials.. only iinconvenienced me for about 5mins & got all my stuff back and was inaction again in the blink of a tear filled eye..


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Congratulations sounds like one hell of a run! Did you find any water chips? LOL... I'm still waiting for the standalone version to come out. But the first thing I plan on doing is spending days running jumping bang into things to see how much abuse my character can take before he dies. That way I'll have a good idea (all glitches aside) of what to do or not do. With luck I may survive a a day or 2...

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Wow this topic has just revived it's self. My longest character was about 25 days. I started messing around with one of my friends (a real friend irl). He took it the wrong way and shot my with MY M14 that I gave him then left. We were talking over Skype and I called him a *************************

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Longest is 17 days i didn't lose the gear since my friend thought it would be "funny" do dive bomb a chopper full of people into the ground.... After we all respawned it turned into a firefight at the downed chopper haha

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