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DayZ Screenshots!

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That first image holds particular significance seeing I was shot and killed by two bandits about 30 seconds after - while I was trying to get a better screenshot :-(

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I take it thats Prud? I hunted manflesh there for hours yesterday, thought I was bound to catch someone either filling a water bottle, killing the cow, goat, or few rabbits knocking about.. I fell asleep and woke up with a session timed out message.. haha.. & there you are sitting relaxing by the pond, had that been a different server, it might of all ended in tears for you ;)..

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WmD guys after the shit hits the fan in some town.

Inside perspective of the slaughter:

On the road again:

Are new member has just made the mistake of firing his primary at a crash chopper...

btw trying to copy the images directly now but for some reason it says I cannot use that image extension any ideas?!?

Edited by HelpingHans

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i rly like a Moscow sigh :)

why bb-codes doesnt work???

in editor i can see preview,but in message raw links...

Edited by AgainstAllAutority
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Here is a screenshot of a friend and I discovering a shadow on the hill.


I feel this one captures the mood just a tad better than yours to be honest:



Edited by Snort
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Full moon. And since I am a werewolf......zombie....sleepwalker I felt the need to roam around.


Shopping tour in Pustoshka (Or however you write it)


Sneaking out of town


"EEEEKS! An....Anyone there? Anyone?"


Warm beans - Best beans.


Yep, a cozy place to be!


On my way to the camping place through the woods. I had to pull out my flashlight soon after.


Finally found a road leading to.......


......a creepy estate on a hill. Made me want to call Buffy AND the Ghostbusters.

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My friend "Lord Humungus" having a "humungus" headache.


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