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I met the most kind guy in DayZ so far. In cherno.

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Guys, chill down...

I don't think that what he has done was right. It was a douche move, and he surely is a jackass here. But still, it's just a game, so stop insulting his real life. I am sure if I'd meet this guy ingame, I'd sure as hell put a whole magazine in his head. Yet insulting him and/or his family will only get you banned here.

As to the Eastern European - I am Polish (that's pretty much Center Europe, but still ^^), and i don't think you should describe everyone from that region on one persons deeds. Many people from there are good and are helping new players. Yeah, it is true that also many people from there are trolls, but that's not the point.

PS. Yes, my Engrish are bad.

Edited by macbuk

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I was unaware that DayZ was intended to be a PvE based game... how the hell did this PvP get in here!?

-quote early kuyler-


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That's low.

But the guy did lower his guard. If it had been me I woulda searched his pack 1st. Always do, never know if there's good shit to steal or your saving yourself like here.

Not that that means the Op was justified, as a matter of fact if anyone tries this with me and I see a revolver in your pack you're getting shot in the face.

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Remember, always shoot people in cherno. They're all cunts.

When not in cherno, shoot them too, they're honorable bandits or disconnecters.

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Remember, always shoot people in cherno. They're all cunts.

When not in cherno, shoot them too, they're honorable bandits or disconnecters.

And what about the people who want to have fun and play the game as a helpful person? Not everyone is out to get you.

I try and help people whenever I can, and only kill when my own life is threatened.

Edited by MoistNinja999

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Mommah said life was like a box of Dildos,

Most are floppy and pink,

But all are tools for fucking....

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Most likely it's the fact that you have a shitty job or can bench press about 120lbs. Something is making you feel powerless in real life so you get great joy from being powerful in the game (similar to the emotions that drive serial killers).

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Abnormally small gentalia could also be the cause. Pretty much anything that makes you feel powerless, that's what the psychiatrists would say anyway.

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Abnormally small gentalia could also be the cause. Pretty much anything that makes you feel powerless, that's what the psychiatrists would say anyway.

Sounds like the root cause.

Edited by Mega_Death

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Today in cherno, I found a revolver with 2 clips.

Then I heard from direct chat who claims to be friendly.

I immediately hid revolver in coyote patrol pack, then approached him.

I had about 10 zeds following me.

He was so glad to find friendly, and gave me bloodtrans. Then he even helped me to clear out zeds.

While he was fighting off hoards, I reloaded my revolver to be help.

Then waited.

When I heard him saying in cheery voice "Are you okay bud? Do you mind giving me blood? Its in my pack"

I unloaded all my clip to his face.

Then I laughed. Sayin "Do you need blood? You still seems having it a lot in your body"

Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?


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God: So, it looks all clear, lad. Looks like you're going to heaven. Welcome. Step inside the pearly gates.

You: Oh. Why thank you. *begin walking towards gates*

God: Oh wait second....I'm reviewing your record again here and...um...do you remember a game called DayZ you used to play in your youth?

You: I think so...why?

God: Well...it appears as though you were a total cocksucking asshole fuckface in that game...

You: Ummm...well what does that mean?

God: Well according to Commandment #11, "Though shalt not be a total cocksucking asshole fuckface.", it seems that the only rational solution here would be to send you to rot in the seventh circle of hell...the circle specifically reserved for total cocksucking asshole fuckfaces. Sorry bro. Rules are rules. And you broke a big one.

You: But...But...Surely you can't be serious!

God: Ah, but I am...and don't call me Shirley!

Edited by scoopolard
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Being a bandit or shooting on sight is gameplay, but this is just antisocial shit.

Where's the kill user button on this forum?

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your a cock..Moving onto next I betrayed someone who helped look how cool i am thread...

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Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

Because you are unintelligent, your sentence shows that. Stupid un-evolved people get their kicks from acting like savages.

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Today in cherno, I found a revolver with 2 clips.

Then I heard from direct chat who claims to be friendly.

I immediately hid revolver in coyote patrol pack, then approached him.

I had about 10 zeds following me.

He was so glad to find friendly, and gave me bloodtrans. Then he even helped me to clear out zeds.

While he was fighting off hoards, I reloaded my revolver to be help.

Then waited.

When I heard him saying in cheery voice "Are you okay bud? Do you mind giving me blood? Its in my pack"

I unloaded all my clip to his face.

Then I laughed. Sayin "Do you need blood? You still seems having it a lot in your body"

Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

I bet u are one of the kiddies beeing mobbed in shool, never had sex without paying for, and even ur familiy dont likes u!!!

But hey..., dont worry! Now u got the internet to take ur revenge on mankind!

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had a similiar experience a few days ago, just as i respawned i met a guy who immediately went to direct chat saying hes friendly and unarmed, please dont shoot, and i tell him im unarmed too so it would be difficult if i wanted to do that, he asks if i want to team up and i say sure so we sneak around the town, pick up a bunch of junk and i managed to find a hatchet, i propose a change in tactics, i position myself facing the entrance of a house while he goes out and aggro zombies(i know i could have done that myself and let him just cower in fear in a corner or something but im lazy), so we do that for about half an hour until we both have a decent ammount of food and drink then we leave the town for a farm some distance away, 30min later we arrive, rush into a farmhouse and i kill the zombies that followed us, look around and found a double barrel wich i didnt want(it sucks for pve compared to hatchet in my opinion) so i tell my good friend that ive spent over an hour playing with that i found a shotgun for him and he asks where, i tell him, he says thanks mate, i say np he goes to get it, comes back and shoot me in the back of the head.

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While you've done something incredibly horrible and something most other people on this forum will most likely hate you for I can tell you, there's worse, a lot worse, difference is, you're telling. I don't mind, people get killed up and down in DayZ like there's no tommorow, doesn't matter if it's as cruel as you did it or not. Only shame here is that your action might lead that player to not trust people anymore and turn him into what many other people have become, mindless killing machines hellbent on killing every other Survivor out there.

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Dear OP,

I am on US #500 and have a broken leg at the deerstand NE of Kamenka, can you come give me morphine and a transfusion? Also pls be wearing NVG and Coyote elite pack.

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